Am i going to make it /biz?
Am i going to make it /biz?
Other urls found in this thread:
are you in debt?
Im a poor student
Oh my, no.
Too safe to make. Find low cap coins.
In all honesty you probably have a smarter portfolio than I do but I'm still gonna chase after my memecoin 100x moonshots
9 Beach houses so far. Congrats.
You portfolio is great. Just continue to be smart and tuck away more cash from whatever you do.
Having your portfolio in €, you won’t make it
probably not but I wish you the best friend
why hold LTC though it's so useless at this point
No link ?
no you wont
Not sure if you hit million till end of 2018
But it will be enough to buy a new computer, upgrade car, buy some shit in your home (like new table or whatever), take care of your health, fund few vacations , upgrade wardrobe and cover some debts like 6 months in advance. After this you will still have money remaining in crypto + few bags of cocaine if you wish.
Also, how long you want to hold it? EOY or later? It could x3 till summer, jeez
I dont need the money i put aside, so a few years probably.
Then I would just recommend to get a bit more of ETH (say to have .25 - 0.6), and after this just forget about folio and spend 1-2 hours a week to keep up date. Also it would be good to add a bit of Monero, like 0.2 - 1.0. There lots of websites with free movies who are mining it. Free movies industry is big will not disappear overnight, and it means Monero will continue to grow since there's nothing else you can put in average persons browser.
Definitely interested in getting monero, i currently have most of my portfolio in neo because i want to partake the NEX ico. I used to have more eth but i swapped it for VEN/VET. Thanks for the tips, appreciated.
>diversified into 6 separate projects, all of which have mcaps in the billions
>2 of which are chink scamcoins
No, you'll never make it, you fucking idiot.
>Definitely interested in getting monero
Of course you are. Because you're a fucking idiot, as your folio shows.
Monero is the best fucking project in the cryptosphere which delivers a working product, but it's a horrible long-term investment.
Why? As I'm sure you've noticed, governments around the world are starting to discuss regulation, money laundering and wanting to impose AML/KYC procedures on exchanges that serve customers of their respective countries.
What does this entail? It entails that every large exchange that is forced to impose AML/KYC could essentially be forced to de-list privacy coins like Monero. Now that wouldn't make Monero any less useful to the ones who uses it, and the project would still remain the best, but when you remove the easy access from the vast majority of the crypto community, what do you think happens? The price drops.
So use Monero for its intended purpose, but as of now, it's one of the most risky cryptos to invest in.
nice portfolio. just dont fucking overtrade and dont buy too many more coins if any. quality over quantity. big money is had by hodling winning positions for months maybe years. good luck bra.
I have about the same amount as OP but would appreciate perspectives
nice pasta
nice fud before fork
>imply people will not use privacy coins after delisted from 2 exchanges
>imply delist from 2 exchanges will stop miners and black market which works no matter of what since Christ born
Okay, if you time to time rearrange then you probably wouldn't get rekt. Also, I would recommend to hold NEO since it going to be big year for it, as you know.
I wrote it in another Monero thread 10 minutes ago, so why the fuck would I re-write the entire thing?
Read it again, you fucking idiot. Being de-listed from exchanges won't impact its usecase, but when you remove access to every legitimate buyer, the price is going to take a hit whether you like it or not. And I'm not in crypto to lose money.
I take it you recommend i go all in on chainlink? No but serieusly. Tell me what you think a good project is.
I just want people like you to get the fuck out of crypto.
I'm not even in LINK, but the fact that you seem to believe that it's just a useless meme proves that you've been in crypto for less than 2 months and still know fuckall.
Get. the. fuck. out.
No idea if it will moon, competitive market will make it harder for 1 project to get all the fame. Try to diversify between CPC HPB and BBN (
Also you could read about Interoperability Alliance (Korean thing, AION + ICX + WAN). This year it will be shilled to normies as fuck. Such a great selling point for trash media like buzzfeed and their auditory.
Shhh, accumulate and don't tell anyone.
In general you have a good choice. Sophisticated projects which are needed to the world. But that LTC / BTC ratio is crazy, lol. Really 650$ LTC and 0.015 BTC? You know LTC is priced in satoshis?
My shame I didn't yet researched OMG, no idea what to say. Heard they're like Western Union + somehow related to improving ETH blockchain (like big contribution), but it takes way too much time to filter info when it comes to over-hyped projects.
I understand your concerns, but believe me as a person who was dealing in black market for 6 years, it will not use it value like 350$ to 15$ because of exchanges KYC/AML.
There always will be plenty of sketchy and shady services to convert any form of value to privacy coins. XMR right now is sort of industry standard, so it's okay. Exchanges themselves right now don't want KYC procedures, so they will inform if they are about to come. Wait for news, then Monero community will find out what to do.
>it will not use it value
will not lose*
>But that LTC / BTC ratio is crazy, lol. Really 650$ LTC and 0.015 BTC? You know LTC is priced in satoshis?
Thanks for the advice. I appreciate it. But I don't understand what you meant by this.
FWIW I bought the LTC and BTC years ago and forgot about them. I'm trying to be careful with how I diversify them. You say I should sell more of them or?
Thank you for your insight, you definitely dont come over as a fat ugly neckbeard with no friends. Being angry at people on the internet all day. If you get rich you'll probably end up overdosing or killing yourself.
Man, you're not listening. 4 months ago the price of Monero was $90. It is where it currently is because of normie speculation on normie exchanges. Not because Mexican cartels decided to suddenly launder some of their proceedings through Monero at the exact same time as the entire cryptomarket boomed.
When you remove the speculative element out of any crypto, you're left with its raw value. I doubt it'd plummet down to the $90 levels again, but I'm sure there are a lot of criminal enterprises who had their eyes opened to its potential in the last few months, but it's going to drop.
And the KYC/AML directives are coming later this year. That's a 100% certainty, and it's what every Monero holder has feared since its inception.
I've also had my fair share of experience with both black markets and the XMR development since 2014, if that's supposed to count.
I collect shitcoins
>y-y-y-you have no friends
And for every Monero holder, you better keep a close fucking eye on G20 later this year. The European Commission is pushing through the AML/KYC directives, and will most likely force every exchange to choose between A) de-list privacy coins, or B) block access to the exchange for EU citizens.
At the G20 later this year, the France, Germany and the EU will lobby for every member of the G20 to impose similar regulation to combat money laundering. And they'll possibly pull out their bullshit cards about crypto financing NK/Iran nuclear developments, and terrorism funding.
what price did you buy into neo at?, currently buying the dip but not sure when to sell at, lot of fud around atm.
>just dont fucking overtrade
what does this mean?
Dollar has cents as part of it's own, BTC has Satoshi. Since LTC is a BTC fork it has value in sats. Check coinmarket or any exchange, there are very little LTC trading pairs but like 80% of market is BTC / ETH pairs. BTC / OMG or BTC / ICX or BTC / NEO or ETH / XMR or ETH / XRP. You can also watch how price of some coins increases in USD but decreases in sats. This is moment where a lot of people has burned.
I mean Litecoin price is defined in sats.
I'm not telling you to sell everything but to keep it in mind.
Okay, I can understand what you're talking about. I admit your point, but I personally don't see so dark future of it. Price could crush like -30% in short-mid term(2-4months) (if)when delist happen, but when community will find alternatives to "regular" exchanges it could go up again since lack of supply and increase in demand. However it's only my opinion, nobody knows the truth.
Later this year we will have decentralized exchanges. There's plenty of time till G20.
Very questionable in my opinion
But anyway when corporate money will hit the market even this could explode because of BTC over 50k$
I'm in WTC, it's much more quiet here. Even including recent fuckup with twitter. zero fucks about it, remember how much fuckups Apple had and still they're fucking everyone's ass in terms of $$$.
But since it's more mainstream and marketing / shilling hard you can make it.
Yee boy (project is worth to carry, memes by virgins made it bad reputation)
Keep accumulating and don't tell anyone.
Not got there yet, research is too time consuming
Why not
>Price could crush like -30% in short-mid term
Yeah, we can agree on that. But I believe that when you remove the normie speculators, XMR will have less growth than other crypto in the long-term as well. DEXs could be a small solution to this, but it remains to be seen whether normies will abandon centralized exchanges for DEXs.
Either way, my initial judgement stands. XMR is hands down the best crypto in the cryptosphere, but it's currently one of the most risky investments.
I don't know about AMB, but I'll give you a tl;dr on CND.
It's a glorified polling/betting platform under the guise of pushing hivemind as "hybrid intelligence" to predict future events. The only reason anyone gives a shit about it is because that pajeet from Florida shilled it. But anyone who has actually taken the time to look at it knows that it's a real piece of shit.
Black market will soon abandon BTC because of Bitfury Crystal shit which allows them to track BTC transactions from fiat gateways to sketchy wallets and put people in trouble. This means XMR volume in these operations will increase.
When it comes to illegal activities, these guys are very creative, so I still believe in long term future of XMR, keeping in mind how widespread and powerful their mining nets are, and since project is well-known and sort of industry standard already.
Thanks for CND, will look it up when there will be enough time.
Thanks for discussion, but my sleep schedule is fucked up and I need to wake up in 5 hours, so I would go off.
Best wishes
Yeah, XMR will never die, but I will continue to believe that we'll see a [at least short-term] decline as governments finally cracks down on privacy coins.
Sorry for calling you an idiot earlier. I'm just too used to idiots like OP pretending to know what the fuck they're talking about ever since Veeky Forums went to shit, so I start every discussion off with the assumption that the other person is like that.
Im a small 13 yo soyboy
Put my savings for neo
Probably will take out around in 5-7 years when im 21 if the crypto market isn't dead yet.
that's actually a good plan for your future. a millionaire at 21. not bad.
Sell eth, ltc, btc. Keep Neo stack. Great bluechip coin with highest chance of 10x this year. Low risk, decent reward. If you want trade some of it for gas at current ratio. Gas is expected to return to 50:50 ratio and possibly higher.
Keep around 10% of your stack for trading. E.g. the current ripple pump. Consider buying OMG. Find a low Mcap coin your comfortable holding, avoid link.
Why does everyone hate CND so much? Why would they hire a team of math phds and pro TA if they were just making a "glorified polling hivemind?"
T. Bought CND at 2 cents before Teeka and seem to be the only one that actually read how it works and researched the team
>Gas is expected to return to 50:50 ratio and possibly higher.
brainket here: does this mean parity of price or tokan number?
Thanks for the useful comments guys
Referring to price. Expecting it to return to 50%, should catch up when neo pumps for an ico. There's also speculation it could equal neo's price or surpass it sometime in the future.
if under 5k total worth you need to not spread out amongst more than 4-5 coins.
>government bans trading of Monero because it's too private
>literally a fucking endorsement from the government
How long have you been in crypto? Seriously your thinking sounds like a guy who has been in for three months. Monero is a fucking fantastic long term investment.