it's become a crutch to me. I feel i need to get rid of this addiction but can't imagine a life without it. I put off important things and focus on things that make me "feel" good without it, i don't have energy to get through the day without getting depressed..
i don't know what to do anymore.
sorry for the negative thread.
Liam Lewis
Change takes time, user. Be a wreck until you aren't.
Camden Turner
try taking more adderall
Oliver Miller
just take more adderall bro
Nathaniel Ramirez
this is really all you can do. cope until your chemistry returns to semi normal
Noah Anderson
Don't worry m8 your heart won't last too long.
Caleb Bell
The positives: - I can learn anything within a few days. - I can keep taking it for energy. - I can stare at crypto graphs for hours and hours
but something just doesn't feel right when you have important things that you need to focus on.. i am horrible at setting priorities and sticking to my word.
ive tried to quit a few times (been taking it since 2011) .. but can't seem to feel the same energy without it.
Joseph Gutierrez
I used to be in good health (160 lbs) now I'm at around 180 lbs.. i dont have the energy or motivation for life like i used to.. lust for life..
is there life after adderall? fuck this is depressing.
Nathaniel Hill
People fall into the same exact trap with weed Drop bad habits, the heaviest irl bags besides regrets
Josiah Hughes
Slowly taper off. Take less less frequently, until you get to the point where you can just stop. Gonna suck ass for a bit but realise it's just the way your brain has gotten used to it, you can reset that. Also weed helps for when you feel like shit.
Nolan Sanchez
How about snorting it?
David Martin
I have been on anti psych meds and now am off for 1.5 years. Only now do i feel alive-ish again. Adderal aint shit compared to zombying out on risperidone. Be glad. I went through hell. Rather take a bullet than go throuh that again
Nicholas Turner
Give it to me
Charles Phillips
You have to taper off friend. Its gonna be rough but in a couple months you'll be back to normal. You made this post because you have a problem, its not easy to come to terms with but you've made the first step. You can do it buddy, the grass is greener on the other side. Good luck user.
Daniel Hall
Working out, going for a daily run or jog can change you completely over time. Mentally and physically.
I'm starting to gain weight again, at the same time i'm starting to feel like shit.
My bad habits are fucking me over, hard. The hardest part is taking the first step.
Adam Perry
Been there OP gradually lower your dose/ try to go days without. life will be shitty you'll be depressed you'll have no interest in anything suicidal thoughts but eventually it'll subisde you're brain chemistry will rebound you'll be back to basically your former self
If you can't will yourself off it try this. Get some DMAA, and trade your addy addiction for a gym addiction. Helped me a lot.
Alexander Robinson
thank you man.. the side effects are hell. i have been slowly weening myself off .. the days i dont take it .. feel really good. the next step is to handle stressful situations in life without it (i find myself dosing before a big task or difficult situation to numb myself into doing it) ... but thank you for your post.. it connected with me
Joshua Carter
I've been there. Was taking 60 pills a week for a year. I been off going in 2 years. Been in the gym a year. Life is finally rebounding for me. Takes alot of time. But yes.. There is life after adderal.
Jose Lewis
wtf I'm on 40mg XR per day and sometimes I forget to take it and feel only slightly weird
you guys are ridiculous
Jace Brooks
These pills are basically pain killers but they don't treat the condition, just the symptoms.
Find why you feel this way. Therapy is needed.
Nathan Wood
If it doesn't get to you it means your brain is fucked up and u actually need it
Good job
Jace Sullivan
way happier after adderall m8. i was on that or some other gubment amphetamine from age 3 to age 19. Just dump that shit senpai, its worth the quality of life boon.
Dylan Ward
You americucks have a whole nation addicted on government subsidized opiates and stimulants kek sad as fuck
Jack Jones
Been off it about a year and a half. Still crave it at times.
The turning point for me was the realization it was negatively impacting my relationships. And it made my dick smaller.
Not to mention, I don’t think I was ever actually more productive on it. I just thought I was bc I had a ton of energy.
Adam Martinez
Yo man, started taking vyvanse heavily after getting out the marines in 2013. Didn't try quitting until this year. Shits hard as fuck but I did it cold turkey. I slept for almost an entire week unable to do anything else except eat and watch TV until I would pass out for 20 hours at a time. After the first week it got better and I've continued to improve. It's been almost 6 months now, I'm still not 100% myself but I can finally start to see the light again.
Dominic Richardson
shut up faggot its just gamer fuel
Ayden Martin
John Sanders
While tapering off, take copious amounts of Vitamin C an hour and a half after you’ve taken your diminished dose. And instead of taking any at night, force yourself to take a good sleeping aid. You’ll be off it in no time and back to normal.
Chase Campbell
1.5 years clean and I still dream about it sometimes man. But I can tell you that I would never go back. Used it abusively for 5 years. You can get off the stuff but you have to be willing to realize that those 6 months that suck are just an investment in yourself.
You will come back to your hobbies and passions in time.
Hudson Garcia
It's time you tell family members, so they can help you with this addiction
Mason Roberts
These guys are right! TAPER is the name of the game. Easing the suffering with anything remotely addictive is a slippery slope and not recommended.
If you decide to remain on the stimulants, consider a med with less L-AMP to lessen its impact on your heart/cardiovascular system. Vyvanse is easier (to a degree) to get typically, but Dexedrine is always the house favorite. Best of luck
Nathaniel Wilson
It does get better user started taking it my freshman year of college to try and get ahead. Worked great at first, then it became a cycle. I would take it for menial tasks that I wouldve never though i would take adderall for. Give it time. Your brain will reset. You'll be okay. There is life after Adderall and it's a better one. Stay strong.
Jacob Torres
The hardest part is not filling that script. You have to be strong and fight the urge. When you no longer have easy access to it the process of becoming clean becomes much easier.
Brody Bailey
Bro listen to my advise carefully I have been taking concerta for 3 years and recently decided to quit You will have insane withdrawal symptoms But, there is a cheat code If I get up in the morning and get an intense (1 hour)cardio/ weight training session with a little black coffee, I feel 0 withdrawal symptoms It works like magic
Austin Turner
enjoy having a shorter lifespan.
Jace Richardson
I came off a benzo and an ssri after being on them for about 6 years each. It was absolute hell so I know how you feel. I also took Adderall when I was younger and it literally made me feel like a studying god. I could sit and study anything for 16 hours straight. What you have to do to get off this shit is start to making positive changes in other aspects of your life. Start getting in a normal sleep routine where you’re getting 8-9 hours a night. Start eating really well, lots of veggies, grass fed meats and eggs, no sugar or soy. Start lifting if that’s your thing. And then at the same time start tapering off the adds slowly. You’re going to have to just grin and bare some of the shitty feelings you will feel as you come off but just know they are temporary and that you’re doing the right thing. I also suggest getting in touch with god, thru meditation and/or prayer. Know that he loves you and he can help you come off this poison if you ask him sincerely how to do it.
Jordan Cruz
move on to heroin and blow
maybe meth
and preferably start utilizing the needle to inject your drugs
Elijah Bailey
>Does that even matter when more than 70% of (You) Veeky Forumsraeilis use Adderall? :^)
Jacob Mitchell
go to rehab
Jace King
Lucas Gutierrez
i was on it for 3 years, started at 5mg and then i was at 60mg a day and finishing in 2 weeks at times.
i couldnt get a proper sleep schedule i was a total mess my mood was very temperamental and it was horrible, but i couldnt take the come down after going off it sleeping 16 hours a day or more so i would inevitably refill it. i kept failing and kept taking it and being a mess but i just decided one day that its not a way to live and i've been off it for atleast a month so far, longest time ever and i feel way more in control of my life, goodluck.
Kayden Nguyen
Honestly OP, you're just going through a phase. Every young person experiments with addictions at some point in their life. Just dont worry about it, keep living your life and you'll eventually grow out of it
Hunter Rodriguez
LSD cures addictions
Ethan Cook
strangely, I've found that more drugs do not cure drug addiction.
Luis Martinez
Yes my friend, quit, spend 2 weeks in bed, get your shit together, get ritalin, use it sparingly to get the difficult shit done.
Ritalin isn't as good and it definately isn't euphoric but it helped me way more than my aderall addiction did
Xavier Rivera
Do what I do. Take more Adderall. Or...graduate to meth.
Isaac Turner
Can confirm, LSD followed by MDMA caused me to have an appifany and muster up the willpower to quit cocaine for good
Jacob Hernandez
>Risperidone, sold under the trade name Risperdal among others, is an antipsychotic medication. It is mainly used to treat schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and irritability in people with autism. >autism
you truly belong here user
Jordan Murphy
You don't have a drug problem if you never run out of drugs.
Lucas Edwards
Just start blazing pro. Also microdose LSD. Be a true patrician
Benjamin Wood
Nigga did you just compare amphetamines to weed
Zachary Phillips
everyone making a big deal out of not taking Adderall is a nu-male. Nut up and just stop taking the fucking pills. It's not even a real drug it just 'helps' you binge study.
Oh also you were never good at anything, the Adderall just gave you a false sense of well being and slight euphoria - enjoy that.