comfiest hodl ever!
get on the train before SXSW, don't say we didn't warn you
Unibright IO just confirmed in their telegram they are working w/ chainlink. Unibright makes private blockchains for big businesses
If u dig deep you'll find atleast 3 VC backed chainlink
$1000 EoY
it's seriously gonna happen.
>chainlink becomes useful
>chainlink becomes 1000$+, essentially becoming too expensive to pay for
>some random dude forks it and sells it for 1$
>chainlink's price plummets into the abyss
Tell me 1 reason why this won't happen
world's worst FUD. kys
Doesn't this apply to every crypto on the planet?
Screenshot or you are a homosexual
I don't know why fudders even bother. LINK holders have heard it all before already.
All male German core team. Underlying company SAP consulting to Siemens, Luftansa, Samsung since 1989. Project goal Ethereum + SAP. yes this is good.
the Germans know good tech when they see it.
>private blockchains
That's an oxymoron, the point of a blockchain is to solve the Byzantine General's problem, i.e. how consensus is reached in a decentralized system. It would be like implementing a p2p torrent system into DVB-T television (utterly pointless).
shut up, moron.
Shit dude, how do I buy bitcoin when it's 11k
Taking the bait:
Link is divisible, it doesn't matter how much a full token costs; Cost of oracle services can be in terms of amount Link per agreed upon amount of purchasing power (represented in fiat or btc most likely).
As far as your pointless fork, the reputation and competitive strength of the established network will make your nonsense $1 link fork seem like a chinese knockoff. Nobody's going to ditch their 'legacy' node if Link is adopted to the point that each token is a thousand bucks, because that price means that real businesses are paying a lot of money for a lot of chainlink oracle services.
Please, fud better next time.
Its good for chainlink and the right approach but like any it admin I do so hate sap and crystal reports
consensus is reached with a set of actors that might behave erratically. This doesn't cross-out private blockchains you mong.
I can't say much, but I've got insider information that Sergey is in talks with the Department of Defense, where they've expressed interest in using ChainLink and smart contracts to control nuclear launch information. Despite hints otherwise, the current launch system has very little automation and relies on a human to eventually push the button. The problem is that although they can access the information such as missing nodes (launch sites) or early warning triggers that could prompt a launch, it still has to go through a single source to verify the data and eventually make a decision. The solution they're hoping for from is a transitional process towards full automation, starting with a temporary solution where a majority of the data sources into the oracles would still be human operators choosing to press a button. That is to say, if there were theoretically five data sources feeding into the oracles, three of them would be humans choosing to launch the missiles. The beneficial side-effect is that launches are given an extra layer of confirmation through the smart contract where there's less likely to be the situation where one node acts on faulty data and triggers a run-on effect. I can't say where I got this information, but you won't hear about this publicly until it's already been operational for at least a few years. Russia's building their own next-gen nukes as well, so strap in for an exciting decade.
shoo shoo pajeet