Anyone else feels like this board went completely to shit after December?
Anyone else feels like this board went completely to shit after December?
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Well when everything is falling apart it's hard to be optimistic. This may have been the only place on Veeky Forums where people were rooting for success. Everyone got kicked in the nuts and we turned into crabs in a bucket. It happens
I remember GVT being 3$, XRP being completely shitted on, HST shill, LTC below 100$, XRB less than 1$, EMC2, IOTA moon,..
And then after IOTA mooning, everything went to shit..
I can't even find a single good project anymore.
It's definitely been depressing times user. Hopefully it turns around.
What happened in December?
board is shit now. im just here for my LINK bros.
777777 revival
the hope of crypto
chainlink will bridge crypto and trad finance
you will be able to pay with crypto
reliable automated derivatives markets can be created and much much more.
I don't know man, I don't know. All I remember was TRON being shilled, XVG being shilled.. then XVG mooned, BTC dipped to 11k$, XVG went up to 2000sat. Also ADA shilling later, etc..
Bunch of youtube attention, people losing money on leverage trading.
Then all of a sudden there was no more real discussions, only pajeet shilling on this board, people crying over losing money and projects being shit, people thinking it's over.
I don't feel any real optimism anymore like I did in November, just a bunch of people hoping it will go up again.
The beginning of the rollercoaster ride to the abyss. I went from $40k to about $11,500 right now.
Oh shut the fuck up, while LINK was shilled here already in November as the new prophecy, a lot of people still made fun of it, including me. For a brainlet LINK perhaps was something incredible, but most people stayed away from it, since it was shilled so hard.
You Linkies will be forever just a laughing stock on this board.
There's not even any real discussions about projects on this board anymore. Everything is a fucking pump and dump and false hope.
Just sad. I enjoyed coming here and learning new stuff, now it's just about quick money.
>mfw black people are smart enough to buy into NintendoCoin and actually make money out of it.
Is it NintendoCoin on Etherdelta legit?
It got shilled in several telegram groups I'm in, so I'm thinking to put a couple ETH in it. What Veeky Forums thinks?
this fucking spamming moron
its because we've been invaded by normies and idiots. if you think about it Veeky Forums is the perfect bait for the absolute bottom of the barrel of human beings. up until summer 2017 crypto was still pretty under the radar, at least compared to the attention it has now, so most people who were in it got in because they looked into it themselves and saw the potential. now with it being on the news and shit everyone and their mother knows about it, but very few have tried to understand any of it beyond "easy money 100x gains". now those people are here and they want answers but have nothing to offer, so they follow tripfags or get roped into discords where they become unthinking shilling bagholders spamming the board with opinions they don't understand.
crypto is here to stay and the smart ones will make it, but Veeky Forums is fuckin dead and will never come back
>I don't feel any real optimism anymore like I did in November, just a bunch of people hoping it will go up again.
even the optimistic people cowardly cloak their feelings in meta-ironic cynicism
>XRP being completely shitted on
I still shit on ripple
I puke on ripple
two anons one cup
>browsed /b/ in its golden era
>browsed /v/ in its golden era
>browsed Veeky Forums in its golden era
>browsed various Veeky Forums generals before they went completly to shit
feels good to be late to the party so i cant be nostalgic just this one time
Anyone else remember the antshares days when that one user would post that pink haired chick every fucking time and we all thought he was crazy when he said it would hit 100$ EOY lol.
God I miss those days. Last summer it was a lot simpler.
Feels good having turned5k into 170k since June tho I'm not gonna lie.
I went from 15k to 350k to 150k. And I did it without riding Verge or Tron, the biggest goddamn scams that ruined it for everyone. Not on their own, really, but they were just perfect examples of why the whole mess was a total sham and now we’re paying the price with this bear market.
It will not come back to business anytime soon if there will be no separate crypto board.
>I don't feel any real optimism anymore like I did in November,
Think about it like of iPhone cycle.
Jan, Feb, March, April, May, June, July, Aug - rumors, only rumors and nothing more. Because (average)people have other shit to do, all money is already spent on holidays, now there will be very cold and dark winter, then retarded spring with lots of rainy days, then summer when everyone will hang around and go to festivals
November - momentum keeps catching, media keeps talking only about it
Now convert this cycle to crypto in terms of how people spend the year. Jan Feb Mar - fuck I need to survive this fucking winter. Apr May June July Aug - best time to live a life. When party is over and autumn comes in, people work their asses off to get bonuses in order to work hard in Q4. Q4 is always craziest because everyone expects high gains right before Christmas and NY
This is why we're now in "bear market" and soon (apr-may) will be bull run.
I admit everything is "a bit" more sophisticated + add here some corporate shit and etc, but don't forget most part of crypto money isn't corporate money so it's still quite wild here. When corporate money will pour in, then this space will explode. And It's already about to pour in.
you mean september
I guess quads are right.
Yeah I miss coming here to find cool projects. It's a shell of it's former self now.
/B/'s golden era was 2008/2007. If you weren't here then you're a newfag.
I went from 3k to about 310k down to about 200k left now, also never held any Verge or Tron. For me it was ETH, ELIX, ICX, KNC, and BTC that did most of the work. There were other gains made along the way, sure, but that's where most of it came from.
Now I've just got a few scraps left in ICX, ETH, and ELIX that I'll probably sell in a year or two and a ton of BTC that I'm waiting to appreciate but that's about it.
ayye before that chanology shit. That was the beginning of the end.
>/b/ golden era was 2007/2008.
atleast 3 years before that
>March April and May weren't the alt coins time to shine
This. I've left biz then came back hoping to see an adjustment, rinse and repeat. Depressing.
This. I need a new home.
It's slowly recovering. Retarded normies, redditors and kids shitting very thread with their $100 EOY predictions are leaving now that there is no easy money to be made anymore.
Meh, see you in a month.