>make 450k a year as a pipeline welder >house already paid off >own 2 trucks and a jetski >29 years old, married to amazing wife >stable family life. >discovered Veeky Forums in trump election from Alex Jones broadcast >recently heard about this board from Pol >come here and see this huge fucking ponzi scam of everyone lying about investments and scams.
Holy fucking Christmas it was true. I stumbled upon you idiots from Pol I guess some of your cancer found its way over to our pure board. Holy shit this board is full of fucking scams and ponzi schemes.
Why the fuck don't you idiots learn that the only way to get ahead in life is by getting a successful career? Take me for example I dripped out of highschool to pursue the trades. Working up in northern Canada working on the oil rigs they pay us a fucking killing.
Seriously at least at the end of the day I can actually hold my hard earned cash in my hands. All you guys have is these imaginary useless coins. Do yourselfs all a favour. Pull up your boot straps and get a job because that's the only way you'll make it.
Invest in something legitimate like a blue chip stock. I've started dedicating 30% of my salary to google, Amazon and apple stocks each split up equally. I'll easily make way more than you guys because I'm investing in legitimate companies with actual employees. Not like this scammy bitcoins. You cant even touch them.
Joshua Jones
cool story bro
Julian Wood
>put 100k into crypto now >cash out 1M$ 1 year from now Why are you not doing this you larping piece of shit?
Owen Mitchell
not subtle Enough 5/10
Blake Long
Fuck off normie
Luis Harris
ROFL yeah it's just that easy put $100,000 into a scamming pile of shit that will just disappear overnight and you'll be a millionaire. Nice try nigger you won't get my money.
Samuel Martinez
>buying equities at the high
Gavin Rogers
I turned $10k into $100k last year sitting on my ass. That’s USD, not your shitty Canadian dollar. You mad?
Henry Smith
Tell me more about dripping out
Levi Morales
same here
Thomas Perry
Is being a welder who makes 500k a year a new meme? Fucking hell the absolute state of biz
Isaac Watson
No, it's reality you phucking phaggot.
Pic related, my new truck.
Jacob Cook
you had until blue chip stocks. 4/10
Christian Bell
>this same loser has posted this same shitty joke 5x in the last hour and still no one cares
Noah Cox
Why does a welder get 450k a year? Can any1 explain pls?
Jose Parker
I hope that fat bitch is not your wife, otherwise you loose at life
David Wright
>450k a year
More like 150k a year
Jack Ward
Yeah this is some trailer park boys garbage
Jordan Wood
jesus @ 450k a year and that truck i think you could do 10 times better with that pig hanging out the front of it
Sebastian Brooks
because it's for an oil company off in some shithole no man's land where you work 80hrs a week for a few months at a time in some isolated oil town. it's not all just bags of money and fun.
Aiden Martin
>Not enough people replied to my plumbing thread, I'll just LARP as a welder this time!
William Russell
>Dropped out of high school >Working on an oil rig as a welder >450k a year as a pathetic welder. and dropped your larp story harder than Skrillex dropped his sick bass. You fucking retard I'll let you realize by yourself why your larp is so bad and unrealistic.
Ethan Harris
While you're welding that pipe I'm laying the pipe down on your wife while day trading
Brayden Martinez
>goes on /pol/ >supports google, apple, and amazon surveillance state what the fuck are you thinking man? do you stand for anything?
Isaac Taylor
Nice one OP
Im in the same boat. Bought house at 22. Paid off at 30. Travelled the world from 25-now (currently traveling) while working the rigs as a mechy fitter on the rigs in Australia.
I hear Canada pay close to Aus. Worked with a couple cunts from Vancouver.
I laugh when I see blockfolio threads because it takes less than 1 month doing what we do to make that but fat fucks think it's easy money.
Total net worth about 20M USD Inc cryptos.
Get me a job in Canada cunt
Jackson Adams
piss off ya bugger. i cannot hear you over my 4000% gains in 18 months.
sick of you fucken labourers who hit the rigs thinking you are hot shit.
ill find the oil, you just hit the pipes ok? that's a good boy. run along now
William Baker
Joseph Davis
I'm in the same boat too, had my wife at 21 and travelled the world 4 years later.
Bought my second vacation house last year and my third car few months ago. I don't have children but I have a gorgious wife.
I live in New Zealand and I've heard stories about rig work. I can't believe children on this board believe they can get anywhere with their virtual coins. Its laughable.
My networth is 200M and I make 1.2M a year from catching kiwi's.
Nathan Ward
He's a fucking retard. In reality plumbing, welding, mechanic, pays minimum wage. You only get paid decently like at max 45-70k a year if you have your upclass first world college finished and if you work for a respectable international company as the main lead who designs the projects and directs everyone.
Welding is the worst low-tier job out of them all because you kill your health in the process by inhaling all those toxic metal fumes.
Dirty jobs like these paying well is a joke made by butthurt rednecks to drive other crabs in the bucket to ruin their life.
Kayden Ross
Welder here, probably better then you with your bird shit pipe welds, I do not make $500k a year and not fucking welder does you larping piece of shit, under water welders make $300k a year if they are lucky, no fucking brainlet pipewelder is getting $500k, maybe $150k tops you faggots and that working out on the mines 4weeks on 1weeks off,shit life. Keep pulling your dick buddy
Josiah Walker
>google, Amazon and apple stocks Sorry lad my degenerate cyberpunk aspirations don't allow me supporting this filth
Brandon Cook
I cant decide what looks worse, that car or the sow next to it lmao
Austin Gray
Why do you care what we do faggot? If you look anything like that fat pig whale of a woman in front of your truck all the muhhhhhh career bucks in the world are not going to fix the heart disease and cancer you’ll get at 45 from being a giant fat fuck.
Liam Scott
Joke's on you OP, everyone on Veeky Forums is a pipline welder making 450k a year with an amazing wife. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you're nothing special around here.
Jordan Nguyen
Yeah I have a wholesome family and a lot of money too, shit is SO cash.
Henry Gomez
What's with biz and pipeline welder posting?
Christian Ross
because you can easily die and you work 90 hours a week
Charles Perry
they're the new canadian plumbers I guess.
Wyatt Fisher
>450k a year >pipeline welder
Choose one.
Source: sat diver welding pipeline 1 month rotations 270k a year.
Get your larp correct fgt
Leo Williams
Here we were thinking we were the only ones here on biz. Everyone else are dreaming normies
Aiden Walker
If your servicing residential corporate cucks I agree. When you work for worldwide maintenance/construction companies we have good conditions thanks to our unions.
Proud member of AMWU here and left the industry 12 months ago
Carter Reyes
Nobody cares that you work 24/7 like a slave with a 100% certainty that you'll die in 30-45 years. We have miners working the shaft and you don't seem them being paid like kings for wasting their lives. Same for police enforcers. Same for attempting to sell your organs for anymore than 5-50k. Soldiers get paid 10k a month if anything at all. Mercenaries get paid more decently. Your life isn't worth jackshit. Especially if you're a shmuck without college or who didn't pause his education at a prestigious college to work on a project or join a multi-trillion dollar company.
At most welding would be paid slightly more than an electrician because you have 100% certainty that you'll die unlike electricians and people working in toxic gas. But if they catch you without any talent, education, contracts they'll use you as cannon fodder.
Asher Martinez
Invested 1k into ETH Q2 2016, you do the math.
Zachary Hughes
>America >Overweight Name one more iconic duo
Jason Brooks
$450,000 maple leaves is not real money. That would buy me a 24-pack of toilet paper at Costco, which would wipe the shit off my ass way better than the Queen's portrait.
Adrian Rogers
Lmao, dude you really have no idea about trade work. Even funnier you think that a white collar degree is somehow better than a trade certification. You are delusional.
Michael Wilson
Mason Morgan
>Lmao, dude you have no idea Why is there an underage redditor telling others about shit he doesn't know?
Jeremiah Reyes
>gr8 b8 m8 8/8
Sebastian Torres
Charles Morales
They don't. They make like 100 - 150k normally. Which is still better than minimum wage of course, as well as most white collar jobs. So despite the absolute faggotry of OP, getting a trade is still > college debt and office wagecucking for 50k per year.
Nolan Diaz
waste of quads, wow what are you doing here wasting your time on a Chinese water torture board?
Jackson Jackson
Even if you were office cucking for 100k I’d rather weld for 80k. Office cucking is intolerable and I’m legit clinically depressed from it.