Cardano is a worthless shitcoin. If you own it you're a faggot piece of shit.
Cardano is a worthless shitcoin. If you own it you're a faggot piece of shit
This isn't your average everyday faggotry. This is... advanced faggotry.
>it's another shitcoin fags create an "us vs them" narrative episode.
9gag / funnyjunk tier memes desu
Buy chainlink or kys retard
Oh my God just shut the fuck up. These aren’t sports team, Jesus Christ, they’re competing blockchain solutions. Who gives a shit!? Are you 12? Put money in the thing and when it goes up you can keep it there or take it out and put it in another thing. Why are you emotionally invested in this crap!?
Charles Hoskinson is a horrible idiot and it is my mission to destroy him and cardano
what the fuck is your problem
crypto is not fucking investing, it's way closer to justified betting on your favourite sports team
>check Charles Hoskinson's twitter
>most of the posts are about yummy junk food and expensive shit he bought japan, liberally interspersed with soyboy selfies
>he literally posted a screenshot of Veeky Forums cardano FUD and whines about how shitposters are bullying him
is this fucking real life? I missed the initial ADA pump and made a note to maybe buy in when there was more substantial news on the horizon, but I never checked the CEO's twitter.
This guy is a pathetic shitstain. His twitter is barely any better than Justin Sun's. And at least Justin focuses on the product and business, as opposed to Charles' i'm-richer-than-you bragging, japanophilia, foodposting and crybaby freakouts.
thanks, just sold 100k.
Being that new.
3rd gen advanced blockchain, reviewed and approved by scientific community.
2.1 at best
Seriously, what's with the sudden hate against this coin and Charles Hoskinson? Is this board just randomly FUDing a random coin every week.
Does this have any influence on the price of a coin or is it just kids venting their frustration on the internet?
>Does this have any influence on the price of a coin
>just kids venting their frustration on the internet
Bro pepole spending times on good fud and memes is bullish.
Wait a week or two for the price to drop more and buy
Are you autistic by any chance?
>FUD on 0.025
>I bought
>People cheer it on as it breaches a dollar
>I sell
>FUD now
>I agree its overpriced lol fuck this shit. Idgaf
Dan did you stay up all night making these kek
Your eyes are too close together
I love the slow bleed of Cardanoobs who got suckered into the peer reviewed EOS clone with 30x longer block times. You deserve it for disrespecting Dan.