Binance ceo just announced that he is quitting binance.
Binance CEO is leaving!!!
Funny stuff.
what does this mean? surely he’s got some inside info and big crash is coming?
He literally changed his name to
>CZ (not giving crypto away)
and there are still people sending the scammers money. Some people are too stupid to live
What is the point of this thread
Yep, sell it all things are about to get ugly
can you not fucking read holy fuck
the state of Veeky Forums
FUDding the shit out of BNB to buy it at a lower price.
guys... when Binance exit scams crypto loses 90% of its coin. What does this mean? We're all in this together, r-right?
Seeing the tweet has nothing to do with him quitting Binance: FUD.
even if you hated the job if there was guaranteed money your wouldn’t quit so since he is quitting then i think something bad is going to happen.
I can tell you're fucking indian. Go back to laughing colours you pajeet
This faggot blocked me on twitter, what does the tweet say?
Reported as attempted market manipulation
Oh its more lies and fud - never change Veeky Forums
Not often I get trolled by OP. Well done you cunt
Mt Gox all over again
the fuck kind of fud is this lmao
How'd you get blocked by CZ he seems like a pretty down to earth dude lmao
fuck. why do i not think of scamming people like the guy in the comments? fuck. he already made like 15k in 10min lol
If you d watch the file name of the screenshot you would have guess that i am not indian you dumbfuck.
christ i love this board so much.
please never change Veeky Forums.
>Filename in English
>English being the primary language of literally all software ever
>English also being widely spoken in India and by its migrants
Nice try pajeet
So what you're saying is circulating supply will go down 90%?
>Internet police, someone in a foreign country is lying about my unregulated memecoins REEEE
Good luck with that faggot, kek.
>quit job to focus all your energy on an emerging market that's unstable as fuck
>start an exchange in the middle of a crypto rush, having to face fierce competition
>it becomes one of the most popular exchanges within a year
>instantly rich as fuck
greatest success story of the 21st century.
nice try pajeet.
I sold everything the second you posted this and only then opened the status why did you do this??
jk, I hope you people actually sold. will teach you not to rush into doing shit
unironically now, what if this is related to the binance outage a few weeks ago
what are some chanses that they were hacked and everyone has been trading air instead of imaginary numbers
what are some chanses there was an internally orchestrated hack and ching chong ceo is exit scamming with gorillions
Are you trying to summon Lucifer or something?
yesterday i withdrew like 5 BTC from binance, are you saying that's counterfeit? do i get in trouble if i keep using it?
>that thread
He doesnt understand risk at all. Reminded me that 13 is hot though. God damn I need to rewatch House now.