I am new, should I buy ripple? What are your thoughts on the current price of 1 obeezy? Thank you
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Probably good 10-20% gains left.
-Ripple consistently handles 1,500 transactions per second, 24x7.
-Payment channels can process 10s of 1000s of transactions per second.
-A standard transaction costs just 0.00001 XRP.
-The cost is not paid to any party: it's irrevocably destroyed.
[Real-world use]
-5 institusions are currently using XRP (MoneyGram, Cuallix, FlashFX, IDT and MercuryFX).
-Many banks are currently using xCurrent. Since xRapid is cheaper (saves up to 60%) and provides final settlement, they are likely to transition to it.
-Bichip will use XRP in its RFID chips.
-A w3c standard that Ripple helped develop (and was demo'd by Microsoft) will be available in all major browsers, it'll facilitate paying with XRP.
-The supply is fixed.
-Unlike Bitcoin, there's no inflation. Bitcoin uses PoW which relies on inflation and/or high fees. Bitcoin requires $18M of net new $ flowing in just to maintain the price!!
-Unlike Bitcoin, double-spending isn't possible. Bitmain (a Chinese company) can rollback Bitcoin's chain and bunkrupt the whole ecosystem.
-An attack could only stop new transactions temporarily. Participants would simply remove bad participants from their list
-Each participant can run a validator and use his own list of validators.
-validators role is to agree on an order for new transactions
-10s of reputable public & private entities around the world are currently running validators (e.g., Microsoft, MIT, CGI, WorldLink, Bahnhof,..)
-Consensus for the order of new transactions requires a supermajority of 80%
-XRP is a revenue source for Ripple Labs. This aligns its incentives with XRP hodlers. It uses the revenue to improve the tech and expand XRP's marketshare.
-Ripple Labs share is locked in 55 batches on the network. Only one batch can be unlocked per month. It would take them 5 years to unlock them all. XRP is sold only to long term investors (i.e., they can't dump).
This post is the truth, really. DYOR and make your own decision.
OP don't listen to desperate chainlink fags on this board - they are just in for your money. XRP is already a top 3 - top 2 soon coin.
youre a dum dum
easily $20 EOM
buy at least 1k
buy it then sell in a few days
All good stuff, I like it. Time to get fudged rippled
Don't the token will never be used. Banks who use xCurrent flat out refuse to use XRP. Besides, what's a market cap?
Imagine being this retarded.
Wow look at all those counter arguments
>what's a market cap
That argument is just retarded. The entire crypto market had a marketcap of 24 billion exactly one year ago. Right now bitcoin alone has 8x that and Ripple has almost 2x that marketcap.
And there are enough screenshots from people years ago saying exactly the same phrase as you just did.
We have to admit that we don't know how crypto should be valued because there is no reference, but saying "it can't go higher because it is already high" has been proven wrong every single time in the last years.
never forget, buy high and sell low.
This pretty much
Buy the rumor remember
Buy and sell b4 tusday
Ripple as a short term hold? You just missed the boat, it's a terrible time to buy now. You'll likely break even, gain little, or even lose big.
Ripple as a long term hold? I think Ripple is incredibly overpriced for what it offers, I expect a slow decline in price until it's pushed out of the top 5 coins.
What boat exactly? The 3 dollar ATH?
What about the fact the market cap has increased almost 6 billion since yesterday, which is a pretty significant percentage?
The 17% recent jump.
Ah, so I would be the unintentional
fomo homo
This is all completely new tech. You dont run a successful multinational corporation but implementing every new piece of tech day 1. You need to test that shit over and over again. Starting small and building it up.
We are witnessing the baby steps of XRP before it one day takesover all of international remittances.
no way ......
long term it has huge potentials ...
have you not seen the strides it has made
TBC. Medium hold. You can get millions of kringles, and within time of some amount all “members” will be billionaires.
Dint take my word for it. Ever seen some one buy a fucking car with neo? Nope.
Straight kringles fo life.
Do you live in the year 2019 or something..
DON'T. It had it's run, wait for the 6-1k sat range to get in.
Fuck off this thing will hit $50 easy
TBC and kringles are my shit nigga
fuck that ripple shit
It's already used by cuallix. Others are testing it.
Please explain how Ripple and Stellar are used.
So if I want nearly free money transfers, do I need to buy/use the tokens? Or is the money transfer a separate service and the token is like a share of the company?
Probably a dumb fucking question but I have no idea.
You are new and not into ripple?
Dude it's at $1, Bitcoin reached 20k!!
I think ripple will reach $100 this year!!!
t. twitter fag
Ripple is a centralized shitcoin.
t. link holder
>Fuck off this thing will hit $50 easy
Calculate Ripple's market cap at $50 and compare it to gold for example.
You think that's realistic? Crypto "investors" are fucking morons.
>but saying "it can't go higher because it is already high" has been proven wrong every single time in the last years.
Stop fucking using past performance as an argument for future performance.
2018 is the first time ever that people even understand the downsides of crypto.
Up to this point it's all been an overly optimistic bullrun.
People actually used to believe BTC would work as a daily cash system. They don't anymore. It changes everything.
>Marketcap meme bullshit
Market cap is just the last sale x total supply though. If 1 Turtlecoin gets sold to some brainlet for 1 BTC, it'll briefly show a 20 Trillion dollar market cap. It's bullshit - it doesn't mean a literal 20 Trillion dollars were spent buying Turtlecoin.
And cryptos aren't stocks. Currencies don't have market cap. So yeah, no reason at all it couldn't hit $50 or more.
>Muh past performance is meaningless
Is the sun going to rise tomorrow dipshit? Yeah, past performance may not GUARANTEE future performance, but it's the best predictor of it.
You win the Dumbest Post of the Day award.
Transactions are only fast and transactions per second are only high because it's centralized. Paypal handles more and is faster. How is only 35 mil ledgers being closed without an issue an advertising point? What coin has had issues? Also tron is on over 50 exchanges. Shit infograph advertisement to be honest.
If you don't think marketcap has major importance, then you're a fucking dumbass.
>No sweetie, Ripple is achuelly MORE decentralized then Bitcoin. Didn't you know that? Well now you do so buy our XRP bags so we can pump it tomorrow.
Ripple's about to dump back to 95 on the "news" of the TV appearance. Only hope is that they announce they're being added to coinbase, but there's no indication that will happen except that they're both on TV at the same time. But the news people invite based on one exchange and one alt coin, not necessarily because they have an announcement to make.
tried and true method
rinse and repeat and you can have a fat stack on day too
>XRP has the lowest transaction cost
False, XRBs is lower and it’s just as fast and it’s decentralized.
>past job performance doesnt predict future performance
>past cock gobblin whoring ways doesnt predict future hoe behaviour
>past school performance doesnt predict future success in career
you get the point
>doesn't mean a literal 20 Trillion dollars were spent buying Turtlecoin.
Buy xrp, go to the moon
So it’s done at 1.08? Lol. Jesus. What a joke of a “rally”
100 eod
2$ end of the week
Nah. It’s not getting listed. Zero chance it doubles
it will go down to 8888 sat max, a complete trend reversal takes its time
Thanks for reposting, I always forget the lyrics to Hava Nagila
I think you're a bit late there champ, buy bat instead, it's pretty much bottom right now and you will have twice as much profit because it's cheap as fuck
ripple-chan coming through!
>is it possible to make profit?
Yes but so little is not even worth it if you dont put in $1MM
>should i buy it?
>day too
Enjoy figuring out your taxes retard
here's what will happen:
Interviewer: So...XRP is the only top 5 coin not on Coinbase. Any plan to add it this year?
Coinbase President: We will add several coins in the next few months, but we can't say which.
*XRP continues to moon*
>XRBs is lower
Stellar is a shitty fork of Ripple. They both cost a fraction of a cent which is nothing. So you are comparing nothing to nothing.
And Ripple is decentralized, even more than Bitcoin.
it's indeed more decentralized than bitcoin
-One company has more than 50% of the hashpower (Bitmain)
-One oppressive country has more than 50% of hashpower (China)
-One company has a monopoly on creating efficient ASIC Bitcoin miners thanks to patents (Bitmain)
-One company can rollback the chain and bankrupt the entire ecosystem (Bitmain)
-10s of validators run by reputable non-related public and private entities in different countries (e.g., Microsoft, MIT, CGI, WorldLink, Telindus-Proximus Group, Bahnhof, ...)
-double spending not possible (the chain can't be rolled back)
-Consesus requires a supermajority of 80%
-Anyone can run a validator and use his own list of validators
pic related is the owner of bitcoin.org and bitcointalk.org
He said XRB, not XLM you tard. Go back to your stinky threads
sorry it's easy to confuse irrelevant shitcoins
it's a proof of stake garbage, and it has security issues.