I hope you didn't sell during the waves of the low-level /pol/-tier FUD.
If so, you deserve to be poor.
>March 5 big meetup in Tel Aviv
>500 Icos are announced - at once
>Still IBM
>Still SDEX
>Still FairX
Hands of Steel report in.
I hope you didn't sell during the waves of the low-level /pol/-tier FUD.
If so, you deserve to be poor.
>March 5 big meetup in Tel Aviv
>500 Icos are announced - at once
>Still IBM
>Still SDEX
>Still FairX
Hands of Steel report in.
I feel like it's going to dump after the meetup
I sold right before the pump to day trade :(
It depends on what is announced I guess, and how good the Icos (or at least some of them) are.
Good Icos would cause a major pump today.
Holder here, my only regret is that i did not get more. My insertion could have been better too, as always, but hey.
I dont get how XLM is not capped higher, or how people are not hoarding at these prices.
Same problem.
Should have sold after the eToro pump to accumulate. Maybe it will work out today.
FairX open beta is announced for April/May is that still up to date?
Nigger fud was dumbest fud since 2016 and "eth is ponzi, Vitalik is russian scammer" type of fud.
Xlm will be one of first coins to brake old ath you can feel in air.
XLM post $1 will accelerate faster. Beginning of 2018 has been about the status of crypto alltogether. Regulations, international politics, probably merchant-bank strategical considerations.
Here is the bottomline: crypto was confirmed as accepted, basically unregulated and viable. Now we are back to where we left, i.e. the struggle between the different currencies.
The premises of the struggle are different now though, as value basis is no longer based on hype or speculation but the viability as an IRL solution. Crypto is cleared, we are good to go.
I think this puts things into a different light and that top #10 will look quite different before summer. XLM is maybe quite a basic bitch today right here, but that is only because Veeky Forums is ahead. XLM will do the job, that is the main thing. Its not a hipster coin and it will unlikely go x1000 again. But it will, without a doubt, be a very major part of implemented real world structures of transactions in the future. This is good enough for me.
> Hoarding a coin with infinite supply
> The absolute state of xlm
Enjoy the weak pump, that's all you get
you realize a constant stream of new XLM is being deposited into Jed's account, right?
XLM is inflationary, and Jed gets the new tokens
Infinite supply?
Dude, i realize if you are in this DOGE-paradigm where crypto is about a couple of thousand of neets collecting shiny internet money, anything more than a couple of millions seem alot.
XLM already from the outset aspired to real world implementations, to facilitate international and large scale transactions. This is the entire basis of the project. People psychologically are not geared to trade 0.00000023 of something. Realize that XLM does everything right in an era where the speculation phase, DOGE-collecting paradigm is over, and where implementation is all.
I have 100k xlm on ledger you realize XLM is inflationary and I get +20.34 xlm every week or 1073 year.
there's no point in buying XLM because the supply is always increasing.
3 billion new xlm have already been printed.
> there is no need in acquiring US-$ since the fed is always increasing its support 3 billion new dollars have already been printed and the debt-level got increased.
this zero-argument always baffles me.
theres a dozen alternatives that don't do that.
there will be a constant stream of dumping if the price hikes up
>buying Xrps little retarded cuck brother
tech, development and implementation make a good coin.
I wonder how many alternative coins got that.
What does XLM do better than Ripple, of which it is a fork? Ripple has a capped supply and discourages spam by burning coins at each transaction. Stellar is just the inflationary version of Ripple, where transaction fees are scooped and sent to Africa. It's like capitalism vs socialism.
>1% inflation per year
>muh infinite supply
>price should be $0.00
Veeky Forumstards
ripple and xlm have completely different use cases. pls dyor.
>where transaction fees are scooped and sent to Africa. It's like capitalism vs socialism.
when will this fud die already? it's complete horseshit. as I said - dyor.
Here's some real fact not FUD. Are you a bitch? Or a Chad trader / investor. Go support Jews and negroids like a cuck. That's what this coin is for. If you wanna make money , look elsewhere.
Decentralized, non-profit. Ripple is crypto 1.0, nothing more and nothing less. Jed ditched it the moment he learned that a shot at true dominance and implementation requires decentralization and trust, i.e. it cannot be driven as a profit based business.
On this africa-trope, what is it that you guys dont get. Its not free money, nothing is free money. Its a tradeoff - you give a part of the total lumens for setting up infrastructures and partnerships with the largest continent on this planet, Africa. This is not more socialism, than starbucks having recycled napkins: it is not done primarily to save the polar bears, but because it is PROFITABLE.
Stellar is being shilled hard in countries like Nigeria. Others can have german and canadian neets, but realize that the western hemisphere is tapped to a quite high degree. Africa is still an open question. These are very long term perspectives, and again, perhaps not understandable in a DOGE-paradigm of crypto.
If you think the Stellar programs towards the underdeveloped world amounts to socialism or freebies, you have less than 110 IQ. These are carefully monitored and qualified programs (specifying how much of the provided Stellars that can be activated per year, for example) to make Stellar the preferred means of transaction in untapped but promising parts of the world. Nigeria, where we are shilled the hardest, is projected to become one of the worlds largest economies in a decade. If you think this is charity you are retarded.
throw around more buzzwords pls.
go back to /pol/ and leave the business and money making to adults you basement-dwelling disappointment.
Stellar lumens is cheaper to send than 'free' nano.
>Transaction costs associated with PoW: Here is some math on the back of a napkin.
> According to the RaiBlocks whitepaper: a Intel Core i7 4790K needs 3 seconds for the PoW of a transaction.
>According to this benchmarks the same processor uses around 123 watts. This means that every transaction uses 369 Ws (watt-seconds) of energy or around 0.1 Wh.
>It’s nothing compared to bitcoin’s energy consumption per transaction, but you can’t ignore it completely.
>You are not paying a fee, but using the average energy cost in the US (0.12 USD/kWh) you are still paying a fee of 0.000012 USD in energy burned on the CPU.
>Taking this into account Stellar’s transaction cost is still 2x cheaper and there is no wasted energy. Just saying “transactions are completely free” is not how it works in practice.
Was the answer right there all this time? THE currency disguised as a payment platform?
>such a Chad
>playing cryptos makes big trade and INVESTOR
>fightning jews makes money
>hating niggers makes money
Go back to /pol tard
Fuck off with your sjw infested shitcoin
Shut up you literally have no idea what you're talking about.
there is also a reason why China invests billions in Africa.
Huawei is installing the biggest network of communication and cell towers. and guess what: every African will use Chinese providers or subsidiaries.
I can't hear any "lol Chinese cucks haha get black'd" garbage in that direction. But the /pol/-tier FUD here is strong.
Africa practically skipped the credit-card era and started with mobile pay. Now guess which coin will be used for any transaction.
Stay out, and miss the untapped market of a whole continent you delusional twat because some black guy bullied you in school.
Hello bag holders
I've never been on pol and don't ever plan on it. What I have been on is xlm. The anti moon coin, the coin that use to be over shilled here
Known for
>weak moons
>strong crashes / bleeds
Yea you may make a small gain after a few months. You are missing the huge gains on most other coins though.
Repeat after me
>100 billion supply
XLM is only high because Ripple is. It literally does nothing but ride on XRP's complete success.
Won't take long to catch up over next few days
literally ANY top 100 company has these community guidelines.
pls go on and boycott these sjw infested companies like microsoft, apple, google, amazon, etc.
what? you don't want to?
well that makes you not only a brainless fudder, but also a spineless one. congrats on that my guy!
I couldn't care less if this makes stellar seem inclusive and attracts hordes of normies. only a fool lets his emotions manage his investment.
>week moons
>anti moon
>big supply
You relly get this market user,
Veeky Forums fud in a nutshell
Show me where on the eos, neo, ethereum or ripple official community guidelines that demand you use someone's pronouns and tell you not to e-hug rape people. You're lying to yourself faggot. The stellar foundation is run by a cuck who talks shit about white people like a good goy liberal and his sjw girlfriend.
they will add that when it comes to adaptation. why would they even hire someone for that business when they aren't even that far in their development.
XLM, especially FairX seeks broad adaptation. not only banks - but also every normie who wants to trade his $ to ETH or any coin while waiting for the bus.
I cant wait for burgers to wake up. Their psychology is premium-FOMO balls to the wall, adopting anything green as soon as theyve had their morning coffee.
Give it two or three hours and we have another surge.
I got bogdanoff'd. Sold 6k XLM for 7k REQ yesterday :/
thanks just boycotted 100k
and don't get me wrong on all this e-hug bullshit. this fuckery twists my nails around.
I see it that way however: having hired a person to elaborate and come up with this sjw-horseshit proves that FairX is close to be released. Elsseway there would be no need for that.
>they will add that when it comes to adaptation. why would they even hire someone for that business when they aren't even that far in their development.
You're literally retarded. Chinks and autistic engineers don't give a fuck about the feelings of mentally ill snowflakes. It's not a coincidence that stellar also happens to be a literal wealth redistributiom scheme. Go shill your commie coin on tumblr you gigantic faggot
+ nigger fud+ liberal cuck fud
Stelalr got some of sadest fuders out there
It's not FUD, it is an ideological clash and a disagreement over the fundamentals of this coin. FUD would mean we are lying.
I don't think this coin has enough potential to grow for me to invest
80% of the INITIAL supply is held by the SDF and will be given away for free either to companies or to third world countries. There is no cap on the supply. There is no incentive to run a node since inflation is distributed to everyone not only to those who stake, so why would I pay with my electricity and hardware? This leads to centralization.
These are facts, not FUD. But it's your money, do whatever you want
its too late to buy back in, isnt it... im not gonna make it.
>be year 2023
>XLM hits new ATH of $1267
>DADDY why didnt you invest in XLM at 40 cents?
>It was too late to buy back in
10$ eoy easy, you are still in time