I work as a Australian Industrial Electrician. Today i made more money than any of you cucks will ever make day trading cryptocurrency. Want to know something amazing though? I can hold it in my fucking hand, that's right i can count my dollars right in front of my face. I'm not playing around with pretend coins that don't have any impact on this world.
I started work at 6:00 AM today. I was able to install 3 switchboards each giving me ~3000$ per. I fault found 3 motors ~600$ each for 30 minutes of work. I find problems that dont exist in every single customers business that i enter into. Even if its an old fucking boomer in their 70s who ruined our economy i dont care i take advantage of their stupidity. >You really need this power factor correction unit!! Your kVA is too high and its costing you money!!!
Even though its completely fine i'll just bill them for a $900 part that was in perfect working condition. The only way to get ahead in life is to fucking push your way around. So that's right today i made $12,585 Australian dollars. Meanwhile you fucking cucks are investing in digital garbage like "Bitbeans, Internet node tokens, Xtrabytes, and Digibytes" Spamming your fucking cuck memes and losing money..
Why don't you use your brain for a minute and realise that the latest SEC news is going to crash all of your crypto world around you in the next few months. Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme that only profits for the original founders. You will never make as much money as me in the trades because you're too busy failing realizing the only way to get ahead in life is through hard work and ripping people off.
Enjoy staying poor.
Wyatt Kelly
>thinks dollarydoos is real money Fuck off cunt
Andrew Peterson
Do you ever put a spanner up yer bum
Tyler Jones
enjoying these types of post keep them coming
Jonathan Rodriguez
Nice to see you left Canada and quit plumbing.
Camden Butler
Im an electrician too OP, Mining industrial and do cashies on the side when im back in town. I also dont have a stick up my arse and invest in crypto effectively quadrupling my money that i earn you uppity faggot
Ethan Garcia
Where abouts, mate? Ive worked in a few quarries, but never got into mining.
Robert Anderson
Daniel Reed
Yeah, lost me right there cunt, fucking tradies scum, go crash your Hilux on the M1 like the other faggots.
Also bullshit. I know a ton of sparkie scum, nobody has made that sort of money since the mining boom ended. And who gives a fuck about septic burger SEC?
Jeremiah White
Fuck off you stupid shit cunt!
Brody Hill
Whereever been to South Australia Olympic Dam, Roy Hill in WA, few solar farms whereever. Construction projects usually last from 6 months - 3 years, everyone just hops jobs depending on pay which can usually range from clearing 2.2 grand up to 4.5 grand a week depending on company, eba agreement and demand for workers (Its picking up at the moment within australia because of metal price increases/ oil increases so alot of companies are expanding like BHP)
Connor Roberts
Do you like that kind of work? Howd you get onto them? Are they all kind of jobs where you have to know someone there?
Im a 4th year apprentice, wouldnt mind getting on some big fifo or laha work when I finish. Got any advice? Im doing my cert 4 (plcs and instro) now, would that help get me anywhere?
Landon Moore
Not OP but plcs give me the shits. Are you doing programming or more fault finding, wiring?
Eli Garcia
Why do they give you the shits? I think theyre great.
Ive done a fair bit of work wiring and fault finding them. I just started night courses on learning how to program them
Carter Mitchell
>Australian Industrial Electrician Your little story definitely isn't the norm - see image. Enjoy your constantly debasing fiat currency.
Funniest thing was "I started work at 6:00 AM today". That's hillarious. It's nearly 11 AM here and I'm still in bed. Enjoy being the richest man in the graveyard.
Hunter Sullivan
Lots of people have that but i dont personally. Honestly get out more go down to the pub talk to people get some contacts and just lie the fuck out of your resume and get some solid references. Search up construction jobs if the HR chick is retarded they wont bother checking your work history at some sites and you can score a gig. Dont worry about not knowing certain things just dont be arrogant and have humility if you ask for help with an ego many tradies will willingly teach you all part of the trade mate.
Colton Cox
This is "Canadian Plumber" copypasta you unbelievably new faggots.
Ayden Long
>I am a wagecuck and you should be too Is this the new r/buttcoin spam?
Connor Reyes
kek >I wake up at 6am to drive through traffic, envy me! kek
Angel Rodriguez
>go down to the pub talk to people get some contacts B-but that mean getting off Veeky Forums lmao
Cheers for the advice.
Ethan Cooper
How much did you make today? I guarantee ive made more in one day with crypto
William Gutierrez
And then you woke up and get your ice head to centerlink getting your monopoly money.
Aiden Kelly
it is though, even if its printed from thin air. What did your mommy buy the groceries today with?
Ryder Ortiz
Bought into ltc at 20$ PMSL Bought into ven at 26 cents Bought into neo at 15$! Bought into omg at 7$ Bought into chain link before the legendary run Tells me to stay poor, I'm atleast 15 years younger than you and will be retired soon
Juan Robinson
I'm an electrician in Aus too, working in the mines. The job sucks, don't talk it up tiger.
Oliver Diaz
>apprentice Righto champ
Isaiah Walker
Lmao theres worse jobs
I'm a 4th year. Im at a cross roads, when I finish, should I do FIFO work or start my own business?
Aiden Howard
I made $60k today by jacking off and watching XRP price movements
enjoy your life wagie
Jaxson Hernandez
I'm an Australian EE. I also did CS at uni. OP is a faggot and its easier to make couple of productive trades per month than it is to go to work. I quit my last job because my boss was a right cunt.
Oliver Williams
Electrical Engineer. Not an electrician.
Easton Johnson
>business i.p logged
See you on 60 minutes cuck.
Andrew Nguyen
You're a fucking loser OP.
You put the lamest copy pasta then derail your bait with legit questions on your cuck 16 dollarydoo wage rate as a 4th year apprentice.
Feel free to an hero becuase you're a fucking waste of australian space cunt.
Jaxson Cooper
>he fell for the voting and representative government meme >he believes the pedo paper printers (central banks) have his best interests at heart and arent trying to though control him and his family to be better followers and consumers enjoy being a good soyim, it’s your generation of kike cock suckers that flooded the first world with the dirt world and now ae have to clean up your mess