Decided to see how much I would owe for next years taxes. So I'm basically being forced to cash out whatever I owe them based on EOY. Currently sitting at $18k
Fuck this shit county (US)
I'm sitting at $100k currently. But cmon.....I fucking worked to turn my initial $4k into this. It's complete bullshit.
Mines even worse. ~40k
Your calculation is correct.
God damn. I only owe $1k for 2017. But for 2018 I know it's only going up. Shit is stupid
OK, now I'm curious to see what I """""owe"""" ((((((((them))))))). So all I have to do is download the info of my trades from Kucoin, Binance and Cuckbase, plug into btctax or whatever and it'll tell me?
And your government basically waste your taxes on shit that doesn't benefit you lol.
It depends on whether your name is Jamal or Shaqwanda or Muhammed or Paco or Juanita, etc etc etc
If you only traded unverified on chink sites you could just fake a few screenshots to make it look like you held some shitcoin (just search around on CMC for one whose gains over that time period fit your gains)
Of course that would be illegal and I am not advocting for it in any way shape or form.
>All I have to do is walk up to the guillotine and place my head in the groove? Thanks, taxman!
if you used an unverified chink site
then how would the IRS know you have "taxable crypto investments" to begin with?
But you at least you get the joy of knowing you are feeding the high-fertility jungle people who will displace you in the country you were born in! Fuck feeding your own kids.
I used and had to pay $30 for each year. But it is very easy to use so I'd recommend it. And not sure how my situation would work. Have to pay some bitch $350 to calculate everything including all my W2'S and this shit. So I have no idea if this is correct. But seems like it is
they won't
but you'll need some sort of trading history if you want to cash out
>cashing out
There's your problem
Yeah, I don't intend to give them a single fucking PENNY. I am just curious to see what I would have to pay. I'll be leaving Israel 2.0 as soon as I'm ready to cash out. It's a shame because I'd really love to live in Alaska or Montana but I'll BE FUCKING DAMNED if I pay a single fucking cent so niggers and spics can keep pumping out "human" garbage on my dime.
Just pay for shit using crypto.... Or don't and pay your taxes like all of us will be doing
Thanks. $30 isn't bad at all, really. But when it comes time to cash out...
>>cashing out
>There's your problem
You're right. By the time we're ready to cash out, we shouldn't even need to. I don't even know what the fuck I'm stressing about
You realize far, far more taxes go to the military than these sorts of social programs, but I never hear chuds like you cursing that money pit.
i wonder why
Even 1 penny spent on social programs for lazy, useless, good-for-absolutely-nothing pieces of shit leeches is too much. That shit should be paid for by cuck charities. If some cuckold boomers wanna subsidize Tyrone and Shaniqua then, by all means, they can go right ahead and waste their money. Welfare should not be paid for by the government... at all.
mental illness
>Or Europe will be Brazil by 2050
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Europe will be half Somalia, half Pakistan by 2025
U fuckin whiny cunt, try living in oz where these motherfuckers tax us between 32-45%
>Even 1 penny spent on social programs for lazy, useless, good-for-absolutely-nothing pieces of shit leeches is too much
t. useless NEET contributing nothing of value to society while expecting handouts in the form of (((crypto))) gains like a nigger commie faggot
those racist trolls on /pol/ really cucked your head eh?
>anyone that hates welfare or minority demographic explosion is a racist troll from /pol/
Never return to FIAT.
And now that you posted this it can be traced to your ip so i fucking hope you pretend to forget
Retards most taxes are spent on the military
what do you think it smells like
Military spending is ~15% of federal budget... In case you're stupid (very likely), that is not 'most'.
>unable to screen cap
>unable to rotate
Tax should have been 125%
Yeah it really grinds my gears too, really doesnt feel like Im getting my moneys worth. The roads are shit and I still pay $8k out of pocket for health insurance.
this is why i put 80% of my portfolio into XMR in december and hold it in my own wallet. I am waiting for decentralized exchanges
the other 20% is linkies in case you're wondering
Are you fucking retarded? You don't have to pay SHIT until you cash into FIAT. Don't fucking cash into FIAT. There's no such thing as tax on unrealized gains. Also THERE ARE NO CLEAR TAX RULES ON CRYPTO, most peolpe are just going to assume it'll work like stocks. You can argue whatever the fuck you want and get away with it because nothing is written in stone.
Cashing out to pay your fucking taxes is literally making a donation to the government of your own accord at this point
this. thinking about how my tax money is wasted on shitskin subhuman niggers makes me quite upset
Good thing I don't have to worry about this since I'm deducting net capital losses!
>not using a SALT loan for taxes
you're too stupid for crypto anyways
>refusing to feed Bonequisha's 6 runts.
Hell awaits.
i knew a nigger in school named tae'kwon. the ape mom named him after a shitty mcdojo. fucking niggers.
>year of our lord 200+18
>"RACIST!" having any meaning
>implying I can math
Oh wow, fucking Nazis in here, big surprise. It makes me so happy knowing you're supplementing beautiful black babies while your own starve and shoot up schools. Don't worry, when we take power we'll make sure wh*tes have to pay 90% to women and minorities.
We will let you have enough to eat. Other than that, all you deserve is to be under the boot of Black Gods.
Were the tax laws written haphazardly on purpose so they will be challenged?
>is presented with sourced facts and statistics
>disregards sourced facts and statistics and resorts to ad hominem
every time with you soyboy cunts
>Black Gods
The absolute state of burgers.
Yes yes. Be sure to SCRAMBLE to get those fucking taxes right goy
>when we take power
when niggers take power the water becomes undrinkable, infrastructure crumbles, and everyone starves
Yeah whatever racists. Have fun paying those taxes btw.
Oh and just a remember, we will elect Bernie in 2020 (or sooner when Russian-lapdog Drumpf gets impeached). He said 90% is ok so it's coming sooner than you think, Nazis ;)
>when we take power we'll make sure wh*tes have to pay 90% to women and minorities
>when we take power we'll still be reliant on whites to feed and house us as we are unable to do so ourselves
fucking niggers are so stupid it's almost unbelievable
Do you have any idea how much quality of life in America would improve without niggers?
what are these APGollas
>be burgerfat
>don't even have health care
>still have to pay a shitload of taxes
lmaoing at your country
lmao at their crumbling infrastructure. what do you spend your taxes on again? oh yeah, killing unarmed brown people. gg americunts you fucking toilet
Racist feggery aside, it's things like the 50000$ USD toilet installations, and Betsy Davos' of the world that make me realize they don't know what the fuck to do with my money.
why don't you dumb niggers just learn how to HODL
they wont allow bernie to win. all they have to do is throw another woman candidate out there and the vaginal vote will be swayed just like last time.
feminists are nothing more than modern day scabs.
Not entirely correct. You realize your gains *whenever* you sell your crypto - even if it's for another crypto. Exchanged your BTC for LTC? You technically sold your BTC and bought LTC. When you sold your BTC, that was a taxable event. So, although it may seem like you exchanged your fake money for different fake money, you actually did realize a gain and will have to pay taxes on it in the U.S.
>reality is racist
Back to redd*t you gay nigger
This is bait but
>giving away your money to niggers that don't work
>not absolutely cucked
kek, pathetic
>So I'm basically being forced to cash out whatever I owe them
How many fucking threads are you kikes going to be lying about how taxes work? I've seen three just live right now. Getting closer to taxes being due so you lying jews are working overshekel shifts, eh?
You do not pay taxes on on-paper appreciation you worthless lying oven-dodger. You pay when you cash out into fiat, then pay taxes on those actual gains. Otherwise every one of you worthless lying kikes would owe money on your miners since "lol vidyo cards are 3x more than I bought them for, I now owe taxes on my cards lol! Believe me goyim! Pay your tribute to Israel!"
discretionary verses mandatory. Mandatory overwhelmingly gibs and much larger.
Only partially correct in the U.S. See Also, /pol/ is that way ------------>
you want to know how to wash your money? here:
>send everything to ED
>deposit all your eth to ED smartcontract
>use MEW to force the eth out of your smart contract (google a guide on how to do it)
>sell it on any major exchange to an online bank account
>give the IRS your trade data
>all they see is that your crypto is still on ED
I'm sure there is a service to fake trade history from exchanges, if not here is an idea for a programming user
how wil DEX help you to cash out. you still cant get fiat into your account without getting fucked by taxes.
I love how insecure blacks are lmao
Source pls, this is hilarious
Empire of Dust
>let people input their trade data on a crypto tax website
>subpeona the website for IP adresses+data
>subpeona exchanges for traders IP
muh untraceable trades indeed kek