You guys are good at economics and shit right?
Help me out here. What the fuck is A called?
You guys are good at economics and shit right?
You know what it is.
no? i didnt get it right on the test and there is no answer sheet
It's the point where the linky becomes stinky.
Supply and demand you fucking shithead.
Equilibrium price
the fact that it took 4 posts shows the absolute state of Veeky Forums
I think it's actually called the "Market price".
its not market price, that's what I answered but I got no marks on it. Market price is where supply meets demand though
its an actual economics question ffs biz
I have studied economics for four years and have no idea
I thought its equilibrium price and thats where supply meets demand
oh yeah thats what i meant, but it was wrong and I was stupid because there is no supply on this graph
>cross of death
I thought about that too, well not actually that name but, if you look at the graph
the blue line is demand, and the demand peaks just a bit before the price passes a certain point, where after the red line, the sales, go crazy. It looks people wanting to buy cryptocoin before the price goes through the roof or something. is A something like the last moment where it still makes sense to buy the coin? I dont know what the name is god damnit
Price equillibrium jesus fucking christ you need to know this before you can even get to a school where I'm from and I'm a bachelor pleb in international biz for fucks sake. Get it together biz.
Sales go up with coin price? Sales of what? Either we're missing information or this graph is bullshit.
Sales of bitcorns.
its expectation of bitcoin sales
Demand goes down as sales go up? Are you all fucking retarded?
And anyone saying "price equilibrium" is a blind pattern-matching troglodyte who can't read axes.
It's not that demand. i think.
It's about that btc is useless shit. and more it's useless, higher its price.
for fuck's sake
the cryptocoin price is drived by the number of potential sales that can be made, i.e. exchanges to other currencies like the dollar. If you cannot make sell the coin the price of the coin relative to whatever you are selling it is zero.
'A' is called the first letter of the alphabet, you fucking imbecile.
Is the price axis inverted or something? Because you're still making no sense.
no its not inverted
Then what's the difference between 'demand' and 'amount you can sell'? It can't just be denominating currency
the demand is the number of people willing to buy bitcoins, potential purchases
the sales are just the number of sales you actually make, which doesnt equate to demand unless every single unit of demand was met with a sale
In Australia we call A, A. I’ll be here for a little while if you need help with any other letters.
>Market price is where supply meets demand though
thats exactly what your graph is displaying
price singularity
ah shit that must be it
can you help me with this one too?
miners profit
Are you just making these yourself?
ITT we make OPs homework