>New website(s) by end of month >Update on UN 10YFB expected mid march >Release of Beta version of the Ambrosus Gateway this month >Release of Alpha iOS developer Software Developer Kit (SDK) this month >Ambrosus is participating in the Global Food Safety Conference, Tokyo 5-8 March 2018
Who here /comfy/
Michael Nelson
What's up with a 10btc sellwall on a 40btc volume coin?
Camden Scott
When "new website" is a point for a coin, I know to stay the fuck away from it forever. Thanks user!
Jose Reed
>uses one shill post to have an opinion about a token without doing research
stay poor fag
Noah Myers
With Ambrosus' supply, do you think masternodes will be 10k tokens or 5k?
Xavier Young
>whales are accumulating
Jeremiah Hill
there is a rumor that masternodes will require 5k
Oliver Butler
try with: >vlad trifa and gavin wood on team >ahead of schedule >working alpha >strong international presence >chad ceo
have an AMB you bum
Grayson Watson
I hope so, I'd be set for life with 3 masternodes.
Xavier King
Fuuuuuuckkkk I only have 3k AMB, and 2,6k LINK. If I sell all my LINK I could afford an AMB masternode, but potentially missing out on singularity.
Wtf do I do, biz? Take out a loan of 5k USD? I can easily afford it with my wagecuck job and current way of living, so I am thinking it might be worth the risk.
I have never taken a loan before though - does the bank need to know where the money goes? Can I just say it's for travelling? Will they ask for receipts? I have no idea how loans work.
t. Debt-free wagecuck earning ~2,5k USD a month after taxes.
Ayden Scott
ill have 15 masternodes. wew
Aaron Brown
Do you actually believe that Chainlink is going to have a price singularity? Nice man
Ethan Kelly
don't take out a loan to put it into magic internet money. however you can sell most of your LINK to reach 5k for a masternode and some more. In a year you will make it
Noah Brooks
singularity is a few months out dude but i wouldnt risk it
Owen Ward
Yes, I do believe that chainlink is going to be fucking huge, so I would rather not sell a single one. Let's not make this into a LINK thread though.
Why should I not take out a loan to invest when interest rates are super low and I can afford it? People wouldn't bat an eye for taking a 5k loan for a car, but investing it in something that might actually gain in value instead of depreciate is frowned upon?
Pls explain.
Jayden Gutierrez
if you will have no problem paying the loan in case everything blows off, do it
Josiah Miller
Isaiah Sullivan
I mean I still have my wagecuck job, I could realistically pay it off within 10 months. It would suck of course, but I think I would fucking hate myself even more if I didn't do it and everything took off.
Oliver Lopez
Fuck it, just applied for a 5k USD loan. Going to get a stack of 10k AMB and put the rest in REQ and LINK.
Charles Robinson
hope it works out for you mayn
Dylan Thomas
Thanks mayn, likewise.
Robert Morales
I think coins will adopt VEN strategy, with tiered nodes so everyone with a decent amount can have a node but the people with the most invested in it will reap the most benefit.
Caleb Bailey
Why is this being shilled so heavily all of a sudden? It's been out since like october
Cameron Brown
BTC is about to go on a big bull run and people are looking into undervalued alts.
Robert Reyes
biz is always late to finding gems
Brody Bell
Also they probably just started the marketing campaign now that they have a working product in Alpha.
Eli Ward
not gonna lie i found out about it from the swissbro/watchbro threads. whether u think they're larps or not doesn't matter, still a good coin
Justin Price
>chad ceo how pathetic can you fuckers be? do you really spend all day in swisslarp's telegram jerking off over this slavshit?
Justin Hill
ahahahaaha people actually bought this shit because of the swiss larper. Its like fucking stockholm syndrome. Swiss faggot and his whales dumped this shitty coin on you, now you have nothing but bags so you have to shill it now on Veeky Forums. Before the swiss faggot there were ZERO threads on amb. Now there are threads everyday.
Luis Hughes
t. salty walty Don't you have faked giveaways to join