Unleash the demon

So, here in Germany we have a new right party, called the "AfD". They terrorize politics with incompetence and ignorance.
They are lead by "Alice Weidel", which calls herself a Bitcoin-Entrepreneur and the "Uchain" Conference in Hamburg invited her for speaking on stage, representing leading blockchain developement.

I call out everyone of you, let's troll/spam/scam the shit out of everyone involved in Alice Weidels plans/company! We need your support, unleash the demon!

Other urls found in this thread:


First step: Preventing attendance on the uchain conference.

she wont speak at the unchain conference

She is /ourgirl/
Clean your room, kid

>goyim we need your help to defeat those evil germans

I like Afd. Europe for Europeans. Fuck off.

Why are asking this on /b/ instead of /pol/?

So far your arguments are just that they "terrorizes politics with incompetence and ignorance" but fail to present any proposition they have made that would affect trade or business (except keeping out migrants but that's daily occurrence on Veeky Forums with pajeet coins)

2. She actually has a pro-crypto stance? Why again would Veeky Forums try tzo go after her when most EU and German politicians openly consider crypto to be scam?

Not defending the AfD here, but your post lacks content...

So is AfD for or against the continuation of importing shitskins to replace the indigenous population?


> They terrorize politics with incompetence and ignorance

Implying that other parties dont do the same. Also that must the reason for becoming the second largest party according to recent polls

Who could be behind this post?

sounds good to me

Allah ackbar! I will join you in jihad OP.

Op posts /pol/ level b8 and doesn't reply to questions asked...

nigger half of the anons here are from /pol/ what the fuck are you thinking?

kill yourself you literal nigger

Where the fuck do you think you are?



Verpiss dich, dummer Grünen-Sören

jews and nazis together
what a combo

AfD is fking incompetent and they have no clue about politics. In Germany only the LOWEST people voted for them. People with no education, they don't work, get HartzIV, have kids and are drunk every weekend.


>They terrorize politics with incompetence and ignorance
Merkel pls

In fact, AfD voters have the highest percentage of academics, you deluded leftie muslim cock sucking fucktard

and trump could never be president...

the afd has around 13% of the votes and there are ~6% unemployed people


Ach Sören...

>Hates jews and mudslimes, loves cryptos.

I'm sold. Is Germany like the US, where I can just turn up an vote without being a citizen?

WOW I hate that dumb nazi bitch.

But seriously ALL politicians in Germany are dumb af. Fasco-Communism is what Germany is at the moment. These people are all so dumb it is unbelievable. Germans are one of the most indoctrinated people in the world.

Fuck the left Fuck the right.

Halt Deine Fresse, Malte. Geh Steine werfen oder Böhmermann Tweets lesen.

Selbst wenn ich ein Nazi wäre, würde ich diese dumme Fickhure hassen.

>Is Germany like the US, where I can just turn up an vote without being a citizen?
that doesnt work in 1st world countries, sorry bud

They are the only one against it and media is going crazy on them because of it. They are already at 16,5% in some polls (which is 2nd spot rn).

probably just party intern votes the bild(msm media) accomplished to get a dog to become a member of the 2nd largest party(SPD)

Alt Right is making a killing on Crypto lol. You can't stop this though, the next decade will be all about populism, Europe is going extreme Right.

Centrists are the worst

übersetz ma deinen text ich kann kein englisch

I‘m not a left shithead, but that’s just wrong. They don’t have the highest percentage.

Alter wasen mit der los. Es gibt in Deutschland diese 2 Seiten, Für oder gegen ausländer. Alles dazwischen summt nur der Maße nach.

IMO the whole concept of left/right is nothing but manipulation and propaganda. It is just so dumb to classify a person´s view into 1 dimension. Only a fool would do that.

All governments and central banks should burn in hell.

Libertarianism / Anarcho-Capitalism is the ONLY good system. Everything else is EVIL.

you have to be above 18 to post on this board

Yes yes they are all HartzIV, workless and stupid, the TV said that, so it must be true. LINKE voters are all 200+ IQ, because commiunism and muslims are literally perfect. Now gtfo you literal cancer

The goyim know, shut this thread down

left: high taxes, big gov, pro refugee, pro (((environment))), anti gun, anti decentralization, pro weed lmao

right: lower taxes, smaller gov, anti immigration, economics>environment, pro gun, pro decentralization, ridiculously anti marijuana.

AFD may be correct in many points they criticize but that does not change the fact that they are just as dumb and indoctrinated as all german politicians.

of course many of them are not competent, its a completely new party with few members who got 13% in the elections so they need people to fill those seats, you total brainlet.
But that doesn't matter at all, they are against muslim mass immigration which is the only relevant thing today. In order to prosper, we need to expel the shitskins, yes, its that easy

Fuck off, you pathetic, self hating leftist cuck. Have shame for cutting off your own balls and consuming copious amounts of soy with your fellow unemployed antifa members.

>So, here in Germany we have a new right party, called the "AfD". They terrorize politics with incompetence and ignorance.
That's always the case in the beginning when far right parties are starting to appear.
The next far right party will be more competent. The party after that is a serious contender for government.
In the Netherlands you saw that with LPF (Fortuyn), then PVV (Geert Wilders) and now FvD (Thierry Baudet)


That classification is dumb af. Who made this? Who told you guys, what "left" and "right" is?

These guys know nothing about economics. Ask a "left" and a "right" politician about central banks and they will all tell you they are needed. Ask them about government and Taxes and they will tell you it is needed.
The "left" and the "right" are all they same piece of dumb elitest shit. Communists, Nationalists, Socialists fuck all of them.

Anarchy rules.

>Anarchy rules
The statement of the biggest brainlet. I really hope for your weakling beta NEET ass that you never have to experience anarchy when you will be on your knees as a slave for some raider gang currently ruling your sorry ass neighbourhood.

that has nothing to do with anarchy. Seems like you have been indoctrinated to think like that.

you are already a slave if you pay taxes.

back to your shithole

Tell me about your vision of a society in anarchy. I would like to measure the amount of your delusion for scientific research.

disobey your government(gang) and see who is ruling you .... anarchy is all that exists...

screw you, fucking cuck

you voted SPD, hu? kys faggot


shills are so afraid of /pol/ now that they have to shill their shit on other boards


t. reddit

>not liking AfD
thirdie or leftist?

>he thinks that most of Veeky Forums isnt full of /pol/


idiot shelter upper-middle class cuckboy detected.

fuck off to your playpen of theories about how people should live their lives. People who deal with the real world are making a comeback.

Fuck off leftist immigrant scum.

In 3,5years nazi‘s will take power again after Merkel ruined the nation to the ground.

We will then deport you shitskins by the millions and finally have an ethnic white reich without you subhuman garbage stealing from our pockets.

Also leftists/greens will be put into labor/concentration camps and get the gas. SIEG HEIL AFD !

wtf? i am pretty bullish on BTC but seeing these altright idiots being relatively near to the scene is scary because it undermines crypto.

i'm not a lefty but altrighters are generally very dumb. i don't want them in the crypto space they are scaring the normies away.

Yep. I mean the chance is about 14 to 88% probable there'll be a big swing in Europe soon.

hi shareblue

>people that doesnt share my views undermines crypto
you know that works both ways ?

>Newfag detected
Not from around here are you boy?


The leader of the "far right" in Germany is a homosexual degenerate.


Typed from your cuckshed while Mohammad and his brothers fill your mother, sister and girlfriend with cum.

Germans are fucking pathetic.

>i'm not a lefty but altrighters are generally very dumb. i don't want them in the crypto space they are scaring the normies away.

Let's go antifa! Let us ausgerotten these miserable little Germans from their country.

of course they have the highest rate of academics
every single person i know, who voted for the afd, is a MINT student or an engineer

unlinke people who vote for DIE LINKE - the majority of these people are just some dumb punk communist fucks who want to live at the expense of the state

who cares, beside some butthurt lefties and discordians looking for a cheap lulz. MODS RANGE BAN LEAFS AND GERMS

>new right party
>female politicians
the absolute state of germanistan
uncle adolf is disgusted with you

Mongrellus please, EU has other problems than a few Achmeds flipping burgers until they return to Syria.


Go back to pol, you will not make it in these markets.


Germany 3rd world by 2030 screencap this

Are you completely retarded, you stupid fucktard?! Every election analysis shows the same results! But no, they are ALL fake! Fake news! Yeah, that’s it!

She is most definitely not.
She has zero principles. Yesterday it was fancy to hate on the EU and the Euro, today it is muslims. Tomorrow she will find something new to hate to get some votes. She's a populist without any plan.
Now that she sits in the parliament she is not doing anything anymore. Huh. Who would've thought.

you are a legit retard

I bet you dont even watch the Bundestag debates. AfD is doing GREAT so far, little leftie. The ones who are not doing anything anymore are LINKE and Greens, actually. Mostly, they are not even present so fuck yourself, Malte