Is bread a good source of any important nutrients or is it just filler food?

Is bread a good source of any important nutrients or is it just filler food?

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Whole grain bread is healthy

It's more nutritious than rice. More protein too.

Most bread (and flour) sold in the US is fortified and enriched with important nutrients that many people don't get enough of otherwise, so yes.

Yes but most have too much sugar if you're in America. Go for whole grains and read the nutritional label. Unless you're fine with getting your days allocation of sugar from a slice of bread alone.


Not really lad

1-4 grams of sugar per slice is almost nothing

But im american.
Some have a bit more than that.

>not eating based oats

Bread leaves my mouth facking dry
I stay away from it

put some fucking mayonaisse on it if you can't handle eating fucking bread

Don't listen to the retarded bread haters.
Human beings have eaten bread for millions of years without any fucking issue. Without bread we would have had to hunt sabre tooth tigers and other large carnivorous mammals such as Mammoths and Woolly Mammoths and would never have pulled through the ice age. Luckily bread contains plenty of Carbs which allowed early humans the energy to do daily tasks such as find water sources, hunt large mammals and MATE. Without bread humanity would never have come this far.

Do you think stone age man cared about a lack of 'vitamin D'?
Do you think the first sea faring humans gave a fuck about the lack of Vitamin C?
Do you think the first men to set foot in space cared about Magnesium?

No, they didn't, because they had bread to fuel them and bread to bring them forward. Bread has all the nutrition anyone could need. I eat one loaf per day and I am healthy, fit and have a fully functioning brani. I mostly eat white bread, but all breads contain nutrition. I would reccommend at least one serving of Rye bread per day because it contains 100% of your daily magnesium. I would also ask you eat at least two pieces of banana bread which contains potassium from the specialist banana wheat used in its preperation. Bread is humanities best friend

That works too

Bread is superior to most foods in the standard Western diet just based on the fact that it's low in fat and high in carbs.

Forcing fat people to eat a bunch of bread with no toppings once a day makes them lose weight.
Eat your bread.

Good advice Amerifat. I never did anything like that.
I said mouthbnot the bread itself

am i the only one who likes ezekiel bread?

I use it almost exclusively.
You really need to toast it though.

A lot of people can't stand it though. Myself, I can't stand white bread.

>that nose

Poor girl

What's the verdict on Sourdough bread

best tasting bread along with pumpernickel to me

Same, I go through about a loaf a week of their low sodium (which is actually no sodium) variety. Great variety of grains, great nutrient profile, sprouted for dat bioavailability.

You do have to toast it, it kinda sucks if you just let it thaw.

Well yeah but is there any nutritional content to it

Jury seems out when I look it up.

Everyone loves sourdough, everyone whos opinion is worth listening too.

It's a good source of calories and not much else.
If you're a skinny skelly, do a lot of exercise or have a tiny appetite it's fine.

Nice strawman argument.






Every successful society in history relied on some form of mass produced grain.

Just because we can afford to eat just meat and vegetables doesn't mean we are suppose to.

We relied on grain because it was the only food we could have produced in large amounts,
quantity =/= quality. Especially in the case of carbohydrates

Thanks user, but I don't like the taste of cardboard.

>pleb confirmed

i could eat oats for every meal desu

No mass produced bread is nutritious.

What I like about home baking is that I can throw together whatever the fuck I want and have it cooked into a bannock in less than an hour

Experiment with flours to augment nutrients

Hell I've made bread on a whim that was equal parts oat flour, almond flour, arrowroot powder, and cornmeal. And it was fucking delicious

>Most bread is too sugary/processed/lacking in nutrients

Is not an excuse. Make bread, eat bread. Control your own destiny!

This is the sad truth. It feels like mankind has been eating grains for a really long time but it's really only been the blink of an eye from a evolutionary standpoint. Farming is a very recent innovation. It's been around on a large scale 10, maybe 15 thousand years.

Modern homo sapiens have been around at least twenty times that long, and our digestive systems were evolving for hundreds of thousands of years prior to that, and none of it involved eating much in the way of grains.

I'm still gonna keep eating bread, though.

>whole wheat bread isn't nutritious

OK retard