This is literally the opportunity of a lifetime and today might be the last day to buy in cheap.
user, what are you gonna do?
This is literally the opportunity of a lifetime and today might be the last day to buy in cheap.
user, what are you gonna do?
I'm not buying your bags, OP.
Already in there boi. Price will pop when these bois make the Seed announcement!!
Why today specifically
They have partnered with SEED group and it seems only 4 neets on Veeky Forums know
everybody knows. it was announced at their conference, what are you a retard? it's priced in.
Bro everyone has known for WEEKS
WTF are u on
priced in.
Honestly my man, Im super bullish on JNT.
However, I would rather this coin stays under the radar AKA look like a shit coin for a little longer..
Gives more time to accumulate, cause any tard with 1% of a brain knows where this gonna go
im hoping for it to stay low and for the media to stfu another week or so.
Gonna sell my NPX as soon as it hits exchanges and go all in on JNT.
Is it on Binance?
Might chuck a few K on this
Hi Wojack why you gotta dump your poor Nappys
not yet, bibox and and kucoin atm
I believe NPX can have a bright future if they manage to do what they've planned.
I just have more faith in JNT, cant be too diversified.
Ok fair enough. What else are you in? I'm mostly in JNT, stinky Linky and XTO
Mostly in WTC and JNT, have some ENJ, POE and ECA also.
When moon? It is going down since start of trading
About 14 by my last count
NapoleonX and Jibrel are 100x+
Bring on the institutions. The herd is coming.
Once in a lifetime indeed
it looks like bitcoin will crash again soon so I highyl doube that this is the last day to buy in cheap
dumped a small bag of bancor for jnt
will see , around $7k.
That guy isn't Wojak. I'm Wojack and I probably won't sell my NPX when it hits exchanges. If I do it will be to increase my NPX stack in a few weeks
Nice. Im in both of these most heavily.
Don't listen to these assholes, I'M the real wojack and I plan to sell my NPX asap to buy more JNT.
Where did you buy it?
Don't listen to any of these idiots
I AM THE REAL WOJACK and I'm not selling my NPX
Fuck you wojacks I hope you spend the rest of the year pink wojaking
You too
no fuck you nigger
Fuckin WRONGG. I'm the REAL Wojack and I've already sold my soul.
Shill me
1. Will I make any money for holding it? (any airdrops, dividends, or other passive incomes?)
2. What -exactly- is the functional use of the token?
1) No.
2) On Chain Proof of Solvency for all Tokenized Assets.
It's really fucking simple. If they tokenize assets the market cap of JNT will at minimum be the total of all tokenized assets.
How many jibbies do I need to buy to make it?
You're an idiot. You'll never make it
This is jntlemen
Shut up if you're not willing to help, filthy mongrel
Your question is pointless, no one knows how many jibbies you'll need, just like no one could know a year ago that eth could do a x1000. Maybe JNT will do x1000, maybe it'll do x10 or maybe only x2, nobody really knows and it'll depend on the adoption of the project.
Some people are beyond help son
I think we're good in terms of adoption
I do too, I'm currently all in kek, but it's impossible to know on what scale at the moment.
motorcycle user here, i told you guys i'm fucked. thanks for the reminder
how much more time do you need?
what "motorcycle user"?
not sure, probably 2 weeks to get funds and then get thru Gemini's bullshit. could be longer.
thanks jibroni
ah, much better
damn that sucks, if you're lucky the price won't move too much since apparently only people with 200iq are interested in jnt at this stage
also is not an option for you? they opened registrations again and I did all their KYC shit in a matter of hours whereas other sites had me waiting for weeks
waiting on btc to break out so i can buy more in a couple weeks. don't leave without me ok guys
sorry friend, nothing can stop this train
i've heard mixed things about cex. how fast has it been for you? is it something i could put $10K into and be able to buy ETH really quick once i get paid?
I feel for that idiot's larp.
Help me bois. What is JNT for?
From my research JNT is used as a proof of solvency. In a sense, the amount of JNT (in dollar) that the DAO holds shows us that they actually hold the money off-chain. As long as the total amount of JNT in dollar > total amount of CryDR in dollar, then they are solvent.
Is that what JNT is for? Or is there something more?
Hey g...guys buy my bags, they're realllllly heavy
I think you've got time, the only thing you really need to worry about is liquidity since it seems like each week the volume gets lower and lower
they've got a 3k daily limit on debit cards but no limit on bank deposits, also they have 3.25% commission on debit card deposits but none for bank deposits.
I haven't run into any major problems yet but parts of their UI are fucked, like I can't enter my CVC number without using an on-screen keyboard, other than that withdrawing crypto and depositing fiat has been fine
I thought you must've died alone... A long long time ago...
I literally am the real Wojak and I most definitely am going to hold both NPX and JNT.
All Wojak imposters are 100% pajeets.
Look here is a pic of me for proof.
That's the gist of it. Also functions like gas.
thanks for the rundown, i'll check it out.
i just got approved for an 8K personal loan. i turned it down though because the interest rate is fucking insane. if they had approved me for something like 30K i would probably have taken it because i could put 10K in and live off the 20K for half a year. with an 8K loan i'll spend half of it on JNT and then run out of money in a month or so and be fucked. not worth it on something that's still this speculative.
>tfw took a 5k loan and bought JNT with it
whatever it's only like 3% interest, if worst comes to happen I'll still be able to pay it off within a year.
my interest rate was gonna be fucking sky high because my credit's bad from a high debt-income ratio.
i'm still tempted to just take the 8K and put 5K into JNT honestly. i guess i can always just sell it if i need money...
how high interest rates are we talking about exactly?
I just thought you guys should know that JNT is being shilled by the same discord that was shilling UFR a couple months ago.
they're doing a really bad job then
how about you stop lying and...kys?
I just made 2 BTC on XRP that I want to place in alts.
What's the token use for this project?
how about you do your own research you dumb fucking nigger
collateral and gas
Yeah, anyone with a brain knows that this coin is going straight into the gutter, sorry.
It is a governance token, used as on-blockchain proof of solvency for all issued cryDRs, in effect this means the lowest bound of the JNT market cap will be the total value of tokenized assets, but because of speculatory buying and ppl holding, it will probably be 5x-10x as much. Check the boxmining interview with talal.
basically i'd be paying back almost double of what i borrow. 16K isn't that much though. problem is the monthly payments would fuck me up if i didn't get any more income once i invested.
What's the point of shilling a coin everyday if it's not to give some basic infos on the project?
Thanks, will check that.
Already got 6k. Thinking about selling other positions to get this to a comfy 10k
my collection of caps is looking nice. all of these fags will be kicking themselves in a year or so
this coin is beyond retarded I feel sorry for all you fags that got pajeeted
that's my bare minimum amount. 20K would be solid. 50K great. 100K ideal. just depends on how quickly i can make some fucking money
There are people here with 300K,400K and 500K JNT. You aren't going to make it if you aren't one of them.
Thats stupid for the same reason any definitive price estimates are stupid.
That's risky but I feel you. Up to you honestly, it's a high risk-high reward situation. One the one hand, if JNT doesn't go up and you didn't take the loan you will thank yourself. On the other hand, if you don't take the loan and JNT moons, you'll forever kick yourself in the balls.
i'll probably fucking do it desu. it's risky but nothing will be worse than watching this rocket take off and only having 150 JNT or whatever the fuck i'm currently holding right now.
i could also just buy 10K at least and then have a few thousand bucks to survive over the next month or two. that might be the wise move but fuck it will suck to not have more.
just do it, this shit gonna fly and you can pay those jews back in no time
Well I was only able to buy 11k so I'm somewhat of a poorfag myself but consider the details regarding the upcoming announcement that we already know:
1. They have partnered with the SEED group to pilot jCash across the entire MENA region, not just Dubai.
2. They have recieved "multiples and multiples" of the funding that they expected to recieve.
That's not to mention the other pilots they have going on with various central banks and the like. Look, no one can predict the future and know what the price will be but this is a certain moon mission if I ever saw one.
300K Is the absolute minimum for making it.
how long are you planning to hold? i'm thinking this is basically a 2020 mission.
I'm selling some of my stack when this goes 10x or so - I plan on holding the majority - depending on how the project is going - until 2020
At least 2020, maybe longer who knows. Don't forget that they are still in the pilot stage, real transformational shit won't start to happen until 2019. Extremely /comfy/ hold though.
>tfw we have almost the same amount
I'm in the CM ICO too, seriously considering buying more because I would kill for a better exchange and the CEO actually seems to care about following regulations, hopefully he's not just bullshitting because SEC is starting to crack down.
JNT+Coinmetro is truly the patrician portfolio.
>1 year hold
>last chance
Yeah Coinmetro is legit, Kevin really knows his shit. It'll be great to finally have a good exchange for fiat-crypto that won't fleece you with their fees. Also looking forward to their debit card, sounds neat.
how many jnt do you have?
nice. i think there's a good chance that 10K will make you a millionaire by 2020. could be a lot more too. definitely a comfy as fuck hold as far as crypto goes
You can delude these people as much as you wish but anything less than that is going to lead to much sadness and disappointment.
Fiat based coin with centralization .. shit coin and goes against everything BTC is about. Watch the box mining interview with jibrel Network guy..centralization all over it.. if you like centralized authoritarian type crypto = jnt
Do you really expect this to be unter 100$ in 2-4 years if they succeed?
Well I sure hope you my dude, this wageslaving is making me rot inside.
I sure hope so*
it needs a 20 billion dollar market cap, which is possible, all things considered.
take a look at UAE banks and their marketcaps, it isn't impossible definitely. 50 dollars is more likely though
I want a piece of the regulated money cake.
>Fuck AML, fuck KYC compliant, fuck the laws. This is a new paradigm and WE THE NEETS don't need regulated money