The child that killed Chainlink.
The child that killed Chainlink
I sold my 3k chainlink early, and I regretted it. Been looking for an opportunity to get back in until I saw this video.
Unironically happy I got out, never touching LINK again.
RIP stinky linkies.
>autistic child makes LINK video
>LINK in the red
>everything else green
Not a coincidence.
you know I can pay this kid $10 on a website and it will hurl the same thing about your bags, right?
you are not THAT new, right?
Live a little!
yea but you didnt, faggot
yea but I could, faggot
>I am happy because I am a dimwit
try it faggot
comes up if someone wants to learn more.
they don’t know it’s from fiverr lmao
here’s his channel
>Unironically letting a Fiverr video change your mind as to whether something is a good investment or not
You want to know how I know you're a newfag who's never going to make it?
The fact that some kid BTFO all the pajeets makes it all the sweeter. Clearly Chainlink was all speculation and no substance.
Don't worry. It's coming.
What you holding?
>how to short ChainLink
I've got $600 set aside to Pajeetify whichever project Veeky Forumsraelis are holding.
those arent funny. nice job wasting your money retard.
They're not meant to be. Spreading 2-3 videos on each project on various channels, then paying pajeets to boost the views and likes to ensure that the end up at the top whenever someone searches for the projects.
damn this shit is sad... you have to get old indian women or some shit not some indian hippie my own business digital nomads
>it's not supposed to be funny
retard confirmed
Oh, and of course paying making sure every subplebbit dedicated to crypto gets flooded with these shit projects. Pajeets are awfully cheap when it comes to making plebbit posts.
I think they're hilarious. Now what
The Artist that Killed Chainlink
what now is that youre a braindead link bagholder and you could have literally bought tron and verge, and still hold more profits right now lol
link to the video please I cannot find it
I bought at 39 cents mid-February and its still at 59 cents so I dont know wtf you're babbling about. Not everyone bought at ATH like your sorry fucking FOMO ass
>being this much of a newfag he bought link in february
Well I missed the ICO and wanted to buy cheaper? Why are you so fucking buttmad about my gains with ChainLink?
If this is the case, why not hire him to kill every other coin?