Guess who are waking up


mornin boyos

Pump my coin you fat fucks.

Mutts ?

morning ladies

Daily reminder that mutt threads are almost universally posted by non-human third worlders as confirmed by /int/





I like how the mutt looks like a third worlder. Classic case of projection, doctor.

La creatura...

>I like how the mutt looks like a third worlder.

Well, he is American, after all.


thirdworlders user.

>non-human third worlders
aka americans

El Goblino...

ITT: insecure goblinos

La creatura de tienebles...

just woke up, tethered up 10BTC

come at me fags

posita fuerit abominatio

actually that is the 1% face. we are currently at 56% so give us another 10 years and we will be pic related.