Been holding 32 ETH since 45

Been holding 32 ETH since 45
What would you say is the likelihood that it will hit 5000 or 10000 and within what time frames?

EOY 0%
2020 50%

With ICOs getting fucked by regulators eths value is 0

Yikes. You could have bought the ICX or WAN ICO and be a millionaire by eoy.
Wtf were you doing? We shilled that shit here on Veeky Forums.

Wtf what's with all the FUD?

I actually think ETH is overvalued right now. Development and governance are a huge problem and will likely cause new forks over PoS, sharding etc. security flaws have been discovered in the past few weeks and people are losing credibility.
It was only allowed to get this high because there was no competitor offering ICOs and DApps.

Every fucking ico is shilled here. Even bitconnect was.

10,000 eoy 2018 screen cap this

>holding ETH since 1945

I think we can go up as high as $870 or $880 EOY

maybe $900 in 2020

bogs created it after WWII

People in this thread are fucking retarded. Ether was 45$ one fucking year ago. Expect 2k EOY at least.

Well, there are, but they're not being readily adopted, nor do they have the brand recognition


Bitconnect ico price was 0.50$ and ATH was 400$ so not a bad deal

Take like 12 ETH and split them in promising projects.

EOY 50%

2020 90%

Hold your ETH in buddy, you are losing money by holding it in a normal wallet.

No one has a crystal ball but it’s one of the safest holds for this year for sure. I’d expect it at least 2k EOY 5k would be amazing.

The flippening will happen this summer and all of the news coverage will create a category 5 fomoicane that will easily push the price past $5k

Based on what

I'm not sure it can be considered FUD as the term is usually employed. ETH has a huge lead, but it's facing some problems right now, and even though it's working hard to fix them, there are a lot of competitors who learned, or tried to learn from its mistakes and are now gunning for its place. It's FUD in the sense of real fear, uncertainty and doubt, but not "fake" FUD. It might keep its place, or it might not, it's not like it's always been there either. We'll see what happens. I don't see it tanking, and it will probably continue to grow at least until EOY, but I strongly doubt it reaches even close to 5k unless we get to peak bubble again.

Mainstream DApps, ERC20 tokens, ETH futures, Institutional Investors, Ethereum Enterprise Alliance, Consensys, Casper, Sharding, Plasma, By far the most used blockchain, most developers/best developers, etc

If you look at the fundamentals nothing else comes close