what country can I move to that has a low cost of living, low taxes, and a high quality of life? Anywhere in the world is fine
What country can I move to that has a low cost of living, low taxes, and a high quality of life...
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Unironically USA
on this planet, you can only pick 2 of those
what is this, a whore for ANTS?
>low cost of living
>low taxes
>high quality of life
fuck no
>unironically usa
unironically retarded
usa - low taxes?
No, don't come to the USA. In Chicago, I see people get shot on the street daily, and when I live in Seattle, Google employees would make me lick their shoes when I walked by or else Google security would come out of the Google Bus and beat me until I would pass out.
America is a terrible place.
not true
international living is a very good source for this info OP
I'm sure the ghettos of Detroit are cheap to live in
>be American
>die of strange disease because going to the hospital will put me in debt for the rest of my life
>be American
>want to take holidays
>even taking a two week vacation makes you a target to get fired
>be American
>go outside
>get shot
>be American
>want wife
>90% of womyn are #metoo femnazis or have some other mental illness
>be American
>feel a bit unwell
>take daily dose of 50 pills of anti depressants
>die of OD
Compared to Europe, yes they are low.
I'll take low cost of living and high quality of life, thank you
South Korea, no tax on investments if you're a little guy (I think there's a trade tax, that's it)
if you're white, Korean women love you
If you have the extra cash, buy the Cost of Living Index file from C2ER. They break down expenses into categories and have hundred of communities covered.
After that, start looking at the crime stats for the areas that look cheap and have the weather you like. You can find yourself living comfortably 20-30% under the average cost in the United States in some safe small town pretty easily. With small town values you can't be too flamboyant with your money buy you will be able to invest and turn it into your own Pottersville.
so a lot of asian women in my china town Birmingham area, but none of them are on tinder. Which app do they use for hookups?
also sorry for saving the thumbnail - here's the full size
and anyone who's saying the US is fucking retarded - I liver here already and neither of the three things I asked about are here(in the same place, that is)
>what is texas
tattoo and a nose ring? Her only use in life is to be a disease vector.
A place with increasingly bad demographics
in Korea, the ones that speak English use Tinder and the ones that speak Korean use the Korean apps
Just move to the "Safest" neighborhood in the "Safest" city and you will be fine for the next few generations. Use your money to help neighborhoods that are both "low in crime" and economically depressed and you will do a lot to bolster the demographics of the region.
>living amongst spics 25/8
>flat as shit
>beaches are shit
>if they aren't a spic, they're an idiot
low cost of living I'll give you that, but other than that the place isn't all that good
>having a front license plate
That's actually an interesting point - South Korea looks really nice to live in. I already have a really committed girlfriend though so that won't be an issue, but definitely something to keep in mind
Costa Rica.
eurofag here
I always have a hearty chuckle when I see cryptofags talk about leaving their homecountries when they make it. I make my monies online and can live wherever I want. but after years spent in SEA Im back in my home country... even though its being flooded with shitskins and the taxes are among the highest on the planet.
so why do you ask?
because all other places are even worse. at least this place is my home, I have friends and family here. I think a lot of you fags are in for a rude awakening when you make a move to "lve like a king" in some third world dump. people are fleeing fromt these shitholes for a reason.
tl;dr if youre a first worlder your QOL will only decrease if you move to some cheap shithole
1. Hungary
2. Poland
3. Czech Republic
4. Romania
5. Bulgaria
6. Croatia
>Low cost of living
All are pretty low, Bulgaria and Romania take the cake though
>Low taxes
Bulgaria and Hungary got you covered. The rest are pretty nice in this regard, too.
>High quality of life
Retard tourists might tell you that all 5 are shitholes, but it's just a matter of knowing WHERE exactly in those country you should live. There's iffy places, and there's great places. I can give you some tips for Croatia/Bulgaria
Generally all you need is a gated communityfor 2/4/5 (these are cheap in all those countries). In 1/3/6 you can rent an appartment in the city centre and be done with it, but in 2/4/5 you want a commie-block free zone. In Sofia there's gated communities in the mountains with a glorious view, 10 minutes away from city centre. All 6 capitals will provide enough entertainment to you.
>Pic related
The back yard of a house 10 minutes away from Sofia city centre, $700/month. It was the first offer I saw on the website I opened, if you look around you will definitely find better ones.
fwiw if I was a burger I would move to montana or some other white state and hope that it stays white. at least you fags have a lot of open space and guns to defend yourself.
that's where you're wrong. Sure I have crypto, but I mainly do ecom. It's a solid 6k a month and a software engineering degree on top of that will be more than enough to support me and my significant other(who will also be in a career, at least at first).
nobody said go live in a third world country
I suggested South Korea, it's now considered a developed nation. It's only a little bit cheaper than the US. It's also a lot more fun.
Look up how bad daycare is for kids before 3 y/o and after 3yo. After age 3 kids are fine in 10h of daycare a week. Anything after that the signs of maternal neglect set in. And anther interesting fact: children that are read to by their fathers and mothers do better than kids read to by their mothers alone. They have higher vocabularies and better reading comprehension. Read to any kids ever day.
If you have some "high achieving" woman you need to understand she will probably want to neglect her children and think Day Care is great because they will educate your kids. Don't fall for the same lies she does. Do the work for the next generation. That will be you legacy more than any monetary gains.
I actually chuckled.
>be american
>walk outside
>start clapping
>get shot
>tip 25%
Just wait til Bezos runs our healthcare and teachers are armed, smooth sailing from there my friend.
Not really, they have good internet speeds and low crime but the streets are also where people grow garbage and you can see littering everywhere. Koreans are somewhat depressed, alcoholics and autistic so it rubs on you if you’re not keeping your mind busy, you have to try to get away from the grind. Things can be cheap though
Forgot Estonia, btw.
Also, as for cost of living for Sofia, Bulgaria:
1. Standard dinner for 1 when eating out - $10
2. A beer in a bar - $1 - $3
3. A Michelin-level 4-course dinner for 2 with a bottle of wine - $150 if you're a generous tipper
4. $50 would cover ultra fast internet speed, unlimited 4g phone bills. Another $100 for the other bills if they're not included in your rent.
5. $10 would be the maximum you'd pay for a cab
Budapest is Sofia x 1.8
Zagreb is Sofia x 1.5
Tallinn is Sofia x2
Prague is Sofia x1.7 (but beer is cheaper)
Bucharest is Sofia x 1.2
Rent varies greatly, I'd personally pay $1000 at least and get a place with a swimming pool, gym, sauna, cleaners and security. Pic related for $1000 also includes a driver who can take your guests from the airport once a month.
Forgot pic
you forgot to specify the cost of whores
i dont know what kind of fucking larp you panzies are playing here the United States is safe, democratic, first world, easy to live in with no job, in some cities its actually better to be a nigger, e.g. Atlanta, New York, New Orleans, we have gays, guns, Christian family values for some reason, and there is SO MUCH FUCKING WILDERNESS in USA that you can go live in
Whores in these countries are usually 60-100 dollars per hour, and it will be of decent quality, just don’t go for it to tourist places
Whores cost the same from the East to the West. In Europe at least. And come from the same countries, too. Example hourly rates:
>Herpes trash tier
>Average tier, nice hygiene but lots of customers
$75-$150 per hour
>Elite, less traffic
>$300 and above
Prague is definitely the most developed in that regard, I believe. Never visited one myself though
Thanks for the info dude. Would it require picking up the language if I was to consider buying a place somewhere like this, with the risk of being fleeced as a dumb tourist?
If hypothetically I earned some ETH via a smart contract I wrote which I now realize might have been illegal ("only" 50 ETH, but I obviously don't want to go to jail), can I move out of the country to avoid this? Some people have said "the government doesn't know about your ETH" but let's say I sent some ETH from coinbase to Binance and also sent ETH from my contract to Binance so there's a connection there which some simple chain analysis (literally looking at one single transaction and seeing the history of the address to which some ETH was sent) would reveal
I hate this nonsense, it seems like you can do things that aren't even immoral or really criminal and still get into trouble with the gov
I've been to Ukraine as well and Ukraine is way dirtier (also cheaper, though)
there's a lot of expats in Seoul, and some of them barely speak Korean, lol
Unironically Brazil.
>cheap ($260 minumun wage)
>taxes are at least 20-30% lower than in the US
>really easy to obfuscate your goods and not paying taxes
>Receita Federal (IRS) run by illiterate corrupt monkeys
>cheaper and corrupt judges
>14 is the concent age (Yes, you can fuck a 14yo even if you are a 40yo)
>upper class areas with virtually no crimes (Here the blacks like killing blacks and brown people, they don't bother the riches)
>big butts in both women and men (in case you like masculine butts)
>paradisiac places
Only poor people hate this country, if you have money, this is one (if not) of the best place in the world to live if you have money.
Just avoid Rio de Janeiro at any cost, that place is ruled by criminals and drug cartels.
Mah nigga
Horrible architecture. Why would you need slide doors that's an inch away from balcony railings?
Nice tits btw. WOuld motorboat/10
>Horrible architecture. Why would you need slide doors that's an inch away from balcony railings?
Sharp eyes you have.
I know this is because of the rain, but that was dumb archtecture either way.
You're doing God's work man.
Just a reminder this is very business related. You cannot pass down your financial legacy to your biological legacy and have it work if you did not lay the foundation with them. I read to my kids every day and I am the one that does my eldest reading lessons. My eldest is so excited to show my wife what she learned after I do her lessons.
You are the foundation of your dynasty. And you have to lay a strong foundation on your children who will continue your work.
Preaching to the choir here my man.
I just need to find the right woman.
You're absolutely spot on. No, career-wise she's nothing special but she wants to at least start a career that she can return to once our kids are grown. We're both 20 so there's still a long way to go before we move anywhere
>but you're only 20, it's not going to last
fairs, that said we've been together since the middle of high school, so just under 4 years, one of which she was home in Germany. I know I'm WAY ahead of myself but I am also WAY ahead of most people my age, considering I'm already making mid 5 figures literally from my dorm selling chinkshit. If I can continue to save and live on a shoestring budget through university whilst paying my tuition upfront(which, after scholarships isn't much), I will be more than capable to make a move like that.
And this my friend is why I'm moving to Idaho next week.
It's allllllllwhite
interesting, where can i learn more?
how much money to retire as a NEET?
Vietnam - here now, I like it. Beer is 50 cents and most meals are about $2
Baltica. Cost of living and taxes are below EU average, everyone under 40 is speaking english, and Its what western europe used to be in 1980s - that is clean and safe.
You can use google translate and search for portuguese terms.
I think $50k is enough to retire as a middle class (or 300k to retire as a upper classe)
Retirement in a rent house.
He's right though. You just have to stay away from shit cities and states. Any state colored blue from the last election is a good starting point on where to avoid.
Move away from the liberal shitholes you tard. The south is great
>top 3 suicide rates in the world
underrated post
>gun control in the process of being enacted over the past few years
>murder rates have spiked dramatically
>extremely corrupt government
No thanks.
went to latvia. it was very nice and friendly
Swissbros, how's life there? Always been tempted to go.
There's a reason our healthcare is expensive, it's actually decent.
Most salary jobs have guaranteed time off. Personally I have a month of paid vacation for my slightly above average job.
Gun crime in the US is fairly low. Even lower if you stay away from black people.
Come out to the midwest, we have women not brainwashed by propaganda.
Opioids are crutches for the weak. Don't take them even if prescribed.
This is a good list. Only problem is that in most of these places you have to do silly things like pay for a public bathroom or have to ask for water with your meal.
retarded high cost of living
Montana is supposedly one of the better kept secrets of the US. That's my next vacation spot.
That is why i said it is for rich people.
You pay security, you don't need a gun when there are armed people protecting your ass.
>murder rates
That is a good thing, the more niggers getting killed, the better.
>extremely corrupt
Easy to make your own oasis of lolis/shotas/traps.
Any particular places in Brazil you recommend? I'm learning Portuguese atm. Plan to go to Portugal for a while because it's fairly cheap and not too far from home (UK). I'll probably go to Brazil eventually, though.
Go to the states in the south or São Paulo.
I live in Curitiba and i like this place.
Second this, if you make medium to low income Brazil sucks, but if you have enough money you can live a upper class neighborhood and worry about nothing. You can pay for anything online with a "boleto" and pay the boleto in bitcoins avoiding taxes.
what's your use in life? larping as a rich guy on Veeky Forums?
t. Retarded burger
How does it feel to be poor?
Boleto is simply the best payment form ever created in the world. No need for any kind of bank account nor credit cards.
1. Have you ever been to Kansas or Oklahoma? There are some beautiful places in the Eastern part of both states that are dirt cheap to live in.
2. Once again, have you ever been to Kansas or Oklahoma?
3. Stay poor CoastalFag.
Did you learn the language? I think it's pretty hard. I wouldn't want to live somewhere without learning the language.
It's beautiful, you can spend your days cliff fishing and exploring historic city ruins.
Beer at a restaurant is like 2usd, which was a major selling point for me.
The economy there sucks so if you already made it, you can afford nice shit on the cheap.
It's pretty much a NEETs wet dream
Turn off CNN you fucking mindless zombie.
Hi John Rambo.
what country can I move to that has a low cost of living, low taxes, and a high quality of life?
Realistically - you can pick 2 of those.
Want low cost of living, high quality of life?
There's gonna be taxes.
Low cost of living
Solid upper middle class.
The only place i can think is Gibraltar.
Stay away from the big cities, nothing beats the US.
I totally agree.
>age of consent is 21 years
Slamic tier.
wow a whole 4 weeks per year?
Also any countries where either english, german, or french is the lingua franca or very commonly spoken?
Just curious, as that would make things a LOT easier
Return 50 years in the past and you can live in Argentina and South Brazil speaking German.
There are still places in Brazil where is german is spoken
If you speak those Portuguese would not be hard to learn.
But from what I've seen all of the lusophone countries are prettty shitty
As long as you vote for right wingers you can move to Texas. It literally has all of those things, particularly Houston, Dallas, or San Antonio.