I'm supposed to be working on my book right now but instead I'm just shitposting on Veeky Forums, I've written 5 lines today and corrected some of my past writing, mostly grammar.
How do I stop procastinating Veeky Forums?
I'm supposed to be working on my book right now but instead I'm just shitposting on Veeky Forums, I've written 5 lines today and corrected some of my past writing, mostly grammar.
How do I stop procastinating Veeky Forums?
Your ideas are probably just shit. If they weren't why would you wait even a second trying to put them on paper to be shared.
I got a bit of a block atm, also you probably have never written a book before have you? so stfu
Hello friend, I too am working on a book, but don't have more than fifteen minute blocks of time to work on it because of my current living situation. Cheers.
Nope, doesn't mean I can't recognize shit. Stop being a jerk to other jerks on the internet, go for a walk (3 mi at least) and get your mind on track cucklord
Just start writing and writing and maybe an idea will click and you can start over and do it for real.
same but writing my PhD thesis
can't wait to be done with this shit.
Jerks deserve whatever jerkish things come their way you jerk. Thanks for the tip jerk, i'll try it.
But what if you make them feel bad you jerk? How could a jerk in a glass jerkhouse ever survive?
art fag here, trying to get motivation to finish this drawing. Please help!
Idgaf because they're jerks you jerk
what did he shoot?
Shading could use a lot of work along hairline. Look at the photo you're copying, pretend someone drew that photo, pretend that guy is you, but like 12 years ago, remaster your work. In the current future.
What's your shitty book about, jerk?
I think one of those airgun balls
I wouldn't tell jerks like you because you're just going to shit all over it. Instead why don't you buy it when its finished?
Watch a youtube video that you can sleep too while comfortable on a chair and after a while you'll start to fall asleep but before sleeping you'll hit an intermediary zone between sleep and awake. During this time if you're lucky your brain will start arranging the puzzle pieces in your mind for you and solve your mental block. May only work when depressed.
search for Brian Tracy's advice on how to write a book.
Unplug your internet and write through the writers block via stream of consciousness writing until shot starts to make sense.
Do it. Do it now faggotttt.
Tell you what, if I hear of a book with a "dedicated to 7CJvR9uJ" in it, I'll buy it fuckface. How long until I can expect to hear about it? (To include editing and publishing process)
Fuck you faggot, I posted this expecting praise not criticism.
>>Shading could use a lot of work along hairline.
Not sure I am seeing what you are? The photo was taken with extreme sunlight on the subject, stark contrast of lights/darks.
Oh that's right... you're procrastinating so you have no idea....
Stop teasing me like this
Ok jerk, if you know better then get to it.
Where can I buy procrastination coins at?
clean your room bucko
I procastinate on that aswell
I guess this is as good a thread as any to ask, since it doesn't deserve it's own thread. What if I get a credit card and never use it? After so long will they finally just cancel it? Will it ding my credit? Thanks in advance.
Won't really do shit if you don't do anything with it. I got a dept store one about 10 years ago for a 25% off promotion they were doing. Paid it off immediately and never touched it again.
They never cancelled and it still shows on my credit report (currently 805-812 score depending on where I look at it)
Cool, thanks for the input. I'm thinking about getting the Amazon one, because I buy almost everything off of there already and I get a $70 gift card on top of it.