>big chief say because grug good hunter he get share of all pelt grug has >grug hate this >why big chief get pelt when me do all work? >so grug get idea >visit smelly brown tribe >trade lots of pelt for smooth rock with funny name >now when big chief come grug not have to give pelt >he not know how rock works >big chief give grug pelt because he think grug not good hunter anymore >grug get more rocks worth many pelt, hide in cave >not need hunt anymore
who else find way to not give big chief here?
Noah Rodriguez
Nice thread faggot. Real nice contribution to the board. We're all so glad you decided to come here and share this with us. Oh don't forget to literally kill your fucking self on the way out.
William Gutierrez
Who let this small man into adult pelt talk cave? CAVE CHIEFS!
Dominic Evans
Nice pasta. Did you feel proud as you finish typing it, went over it to make sure theres not a word out of place, and posted it onto Veeky Forums? Well guess what faggot there ain't no one to praise you round here
Tyler Miller
I say Grug big smart head. How you come up with great idea so fast Grug?
Chief in my village try to take my pelts but I no go to brown skin tribe. I go to big nose tribe down river, they say they hide pelt from chief and give me more pelt if they have for moons. I no trust big nose but it win win.
Grayson Torres
i'm dying
Camden Lopez
Grug no smart. Grug should give pelts for something other than rocks. Pelts have great value. Trade the pelts for food or other valuables. Then when chief asks about pelts, tell chief grug no have pelts. Now grug gets valuables from trading pelts, AND free pelts from chief
John Johnson
Bunga posting is the highest form of art.
Justin Cook
faggots laffed, good oc this
Carson Martin
fucking KEK gimps
Mason Gomez
>grug have many pelts now , all tribe girls visit grug cave >grag want many pelts too, grag want tribe girls >go see oracle named sergrug >he say grag 'early investor' only need give sergrug 50 pelts >grag not know what this mean but grag want tribe girls for cave >grag give sergrug 50 pelts, all grag pelts from many hunts >many moons pass, grag still no pelts >heard from story, sergrug dead in mammoth attack >grag face when
I Audibly Kek'd. Grug and retarded wojak threads are the best. >he got shiny rock for pelt >Dump shiny rock
Brayden Barnes
Grug is the best meme in fucking ages
Matthew Bailey
It's missing an oracle and big mac metaphor
Connor King
Grug lazy. He no hard work, hard work good. Hard work build thing called car-rek-ter. Gorak make boss happy and share pelt because hard work good. Stupid Grug wishes he could hunt.
David Wood
Isaac Phillips
>You like coin me no like? >You cuck! You reddit!
Blake Sanchez
stupid gorak just mad one smooth rock worth all gorak pelt since last big round moon
Brayden Watson
gorak stupid no rocker, want hunt for chief, chief fuck gorak wife
Aaron Martin
Nolan Hughes
Gavin Fisher
Laughed at the caveman bog version but became disturbed right after at just how ridiculous this image actually is
Jack Russell
Fucking keked hard
Andrew Johnson
Grug post is an cavepaint
Ryder Gray
Hudson Rivera
Okay bungas
>shiny rock >club >loincloth >wheels
What should Ug drop 100 pelts on? Wheel could be big
Angel Bennett
>wheel >no use case besides rolling it around like a retard >IT'S THE NEW SHINY ROCK GUYS
Chase Jenkins
Buy shiny rock, sky-fire network will be big
Sebastian Myers
>pay other tribe with pelts to kill grug >own whole pelt market
Isaac Howard
unga buy smooth rock for 2 pointy stick. then unga sell it to grug for stick. unga rich, buy mammoth with stick