Why aren't you going to Korea to get a gf to trade cryptos with?
Do you want to be lonely AND poor?
Why aren't you going to Korea to get a gf to trade cryptos with?
Do you want to be lonely AND poor?
Koreans are goblins without makeup
thx just bought 100k plane tickets
jokes on you i am already lonely and poor
>ywn be a cryptogoblin with your peers
I'll have to be in the presence of no coiners forever won't I?
>"I didn't want a fortune," she said last month on the first day of the Lunar New Year, a family-centric holiday celebrated across Asia.
>"I just wanted enough to give me that glimmer of hope,” she said. "Now it's gone."
Lol can someone make a wojak version of this grill?
QTs who sit on exchanges on all day are just a plane ticket away
But I am, I'll be there later this month hitting up Tinder
Worst Korea has some of the highest suicide rates in the world
lmao look at her just sitting there holding VEN bags or something similar
Just hold and dump on the west in a year. It's not that hard.
Because literally none of them outside of the dolled-up, chin and eye lift, and photoshop IG gooks are qt
Anyone with a vagina who isn't fat is a qt
I'm heavy into crypto and my wife is Korean.
She doesn't know shit. I ask her to do research about what Koreans are saying and she's too dumb. I ask her to open a bitmain or coinone account and she's too dumb.
Koreans are fucking worthless. Don't get me wrong, she's great for cooking, cleaning, and fucking, but these articles claiming that you can get a qt to trade crypto with you are an outright lie.
Because the ALL get plastic surgery?
Sounds like a 'we FOMOed in at the ATH because we're noobs now we're holding big ass bags' FUD article from NBC
>claiming that you can get a qt to trade crypto with you are an outright lie.
Did you read the article?
koreans are the dumb blondes of asia
How can you go to Korea if you are poor? Retard
They better vote out all their cucked government ministers who started the FUD that caused the crash.
"Dumb blondes" is an anti-white meme created by the Jews.
no wtf why would i faggot?
All the smart white men go to China or Taiwan for an asian gf, not Korea.
>Insect land for gf
stereotypes exist for a reason
blonde women are dumb as shit
walk on any street in Seoul, they are ALL plastic IG gooks
like literally crowds full of beautiful fake women
That stereotype is made up as shit, you know what's objectively true? Niggers, spics and pajeets are dumb as shit, save
Those are good for pump and dumps, nothing more. Not interested in shit gene gooks trying to hide behind European aesthetics and spawning creatures.
>stereotypes that don't conform to my infantile worldview are made up
Stop watching TalmudVision and talk to real life women. "Dumb blonde" doesn't exist outside of (((Hollywood))) propaganda except in the sense that all women are kinda dumb.
Interracial porn makes up both the majority of hardcore porn AND is the least profitable genre of porn. All professional porn studios in the US are owned by people who belong to the same tiny ethnic group that is only 2% of the population. Really activates your almonds doesn't it.
Fuck yeah that's what I want. I fucked the hottest Korean hooker a month ago. Looked like the chick from Gangnam style video. Perfect hairless skin and nice tight pussy. Shit was amazing.
Got a big bag of ICX. Hopefully it takes off, then I'll be Korean rich and fuck them all
Korean chicks are the ugly as fuck in their natural form. Just look at women from Best Korea where they don’t have plastic surgery available.
It might sound like some weeb shit but Japan has the best girls both in terms of looks and smarts
Despite some brainlets misuisng it, the stereotype obviously doesn't aim to ridicule natural blondes. It's ridiculing pic related.
Women who got memed into copying the dumb blonde template because the Jewish media told them its cute is different. You will note that they aren't actually as dumb as the template, they are just doing it for instahoe likes.
Korean and Japanese girls are pretty much the same in looks but Japs have the weird british teeth thing going on
The plastic surgery thing is, like a lot of stereotypes, blown out of proportion
source: lived in Korea
Umm I lived in Seoul and literally 85%+ of girls there have had some plastic surgery
>using the gangnam style girl as an example of Korean beauty
lmao she's unironically like a 7 in their standards, you see plenty of hotter girls than her just randomly on the street
What's different? What mental gymnastics are you performing here? It's literally the definition of said stereotype. I don't care which of your boogeymen is responsible.
>makes up both the majority of hardcore porn AND is the least profitable genre of por
You are now aware that Jews will sacrifice profit in order to fuck over the goyim. Did you also think Star Wars is full of minorities now because they thought it would make more money?
Korean Jesus best Jesus
muh jew memes, fuck off back to pol brainlet faggot
Yeah but japs are smarter and less stuck up
True about the teeth though
>implying he's wrong
>brainlet of brainlets that can't DYOR
you cucked yourself with statistics lol
>anti-white memes are ok but if you point out who is doing it OY VEY THAT'S ANTI-SEMITIC
Go away Schlomo, this is a white man's board.
>my infantile, made-up stereotype with no facts is real pls bereeve me
lel, pls let's see the stats that show blondes have lower IQs than the average white person you jelly shitskin
The fake, surgery laden white bimbos are just as bad as the fake, even heavier surgery laden gook bimbos, no brains and attempting to sell their bodies for money and attention. The only real difference so far is that, on average Asians are not in any way attractive in comparison. That's why whites are considered top-tier and everyone wants them just for their aesthetics.
Mainland pajeets might be dumb but western pajeets are smart as fuck
>work as gas station attendants and cleaners
>smart as fuck
Hi second generation Pajeet
koreans are fucking ugly
ACKSHUALLY this is a smelly brown man's board