incoming major price rise?
BTC price going up, but volume is low, what does this mean?
That means the whales are pumping it to lure in the noobs and then dump thier bags
uncertainity. noone is willing to sell and noone is willing to buy because it could crash or moon heavily in either direction
could mean many things. don't trust anyone who says either way.
1: it means whales are squeezing the market in prep for a down turn
2: it means whales are squeezing shorts as much as they can in prep for an upturn.
the thinning volume results from most people having already taken their position. the whales could be dragging it out to shake them out quickly.
imo, there has been quite a few stop hunts the past few days. whales dont stop hunt if they think its gonna go down soon...
bingo, i got a long at 500 so pray for me
>longing at the top
yeah i fomo'd in and was too much of a pussy to add on 400 since i had this one open since yesterday, oh well.
Major dip, because regulation, tether, overprice, uncertainity, no new cryptofags. It takes till the summer to moon.
It's fine, just be ready for a bear assault, I'm feeling pretty bullish as well though.
>it means whales are squeezing shorts as much as they can in prep for an upturn.
it means you don't know what you are talking about
Where is Z?
Prepare for a 30%-40% increase as bitcoin sucks the life out of the alt market
Why would you even expect a major rise? normal assumption should be just another resistance and then maybe upwards movement.
It happens constantly. trying to make people leave their short positions tricking them into thinking its gonna go up so they cut their loss, before crashing shit down...
if that was about to happen, it would not struggle at this level.
We are not even facing sell walls. Historical resistance is at 11.8K. Stop being delusional.
It isnt struggling at all. Look how thin the sell side is on the books. We're going to see a massive green dildo soon
Good luck put stoploss and hope for the best. Honestly nobody knows where it goes now except whales.
Yeah and nobody wants to buy the overpriced shit.even tho it takes 20 btc to lift the price up Besides, above 11.6 the sell side wins. And yes it is sturgglig.
People are getting in before the FOMO money.
This is basic economics btw, you really should be able to tell in what stage of the bitcoin's life cycle we are in.
this. most alts have dropped in volume aside from a few pumps which are also over. big money has been and positioning in BTC. blast off could be very soon or it could go sideways for a few days. place your bets, lads.
>some people actually believe this
Bear market m80. Expect sideways action on thin volumes for quite a while.
>these next hours are CRITICAL for bitcoin
>the absolute state of biz and this thread
Look at all these fucking morons talking like they've seen the future and know what is going to happen. They will stay poor until they finally kill themselves. No one knows whats going to happen which is why no one is committing to anything and the volume is so low.
>even tho it takes 20 btc to lift the price up
can someone tell me 1 bullish indicator they see?
25x short at 500 because i dont see a single reason why it would go up
do it then pussy. you wont
WOJX indicator very bullish atm
it means whale buying while retail buys for confirmation. if retail starts buying now whales sell off. they need you to buy 13k to get it to next level
guys go in, I just sold so its gonna go up
Honestly I have had this same uneasy feeling for weeks now but I'm still betting on the bulls.
Thanks for taking the bullet for us user!
Its a suckers' rally.
whales baiting so they can dump when the price are high
they do this every time and it's getting old
pepper ur angus
Well most alts are moving sideways or even down so a big pump or dump should be coming soon. Alts normally recover while BTC moves sideways so something is about to happen.