Down 12% since the fork, volume diminishing

Down 12% since the fork, volume diminishing.

Dividend payout page disappeared.

Still waiting on an ETH deposit.

COSS coin deposits/withdrawals still disabled over six hours after they were supposed to go back.

It's over, isn't it? We have the option of suicide or suicide, yes?

If your eth deposit didn't go thru just deposit another . 01 and it will show up

Also, once biz turns against a coin its time to buy

Nah the price needs to be lower. Do more threads.

Does that actually work? Still waiting for my deposit.

Yea just relax, the next two months will see some obvious gains.
Yea these guys aren't stellar, but worst case scenario its looking like this will turn into the only Singapore focused legally complaint fiat gateway which is worth $2-3 on its own.

That's incredibly frustrating.

They literally said to sit tight and wait it out jesus christs you fucking manchildren

Calling all FUDrs, please make this coin first to FUD i need to accumulate more.

Yes I've done it

Who's "they"?
Wait what out?

don't forget that rune - the only guy who communicates with the plebs- disappeared in muh conference in South Korea. Devs dumped their shit with the 1m promo, it's really over boyos. Was a nice ride though, it's time to buy some chainlink

Didn't work. I tried to send 0.5ETH as a follow-up. Or is there some reason that 0.01 needs to be used?

>it's time to buy some chainlink

I recognize Robin Hood, but who are the other two?


i confirm



The one in the center is Gilligan and the red one on the right is Bilbo Baggins.

Please continue FUDing, I need to accumulate more

dear sirs how much this end of year price dears? looking to sell coss for $150 at end of year please adice

If you're buying coss for the value of the coin itself and not the dividends you fucked up

Coin price doesn't matter, exchange and fiat sharing does

hint: if your dec/jan shitcoin purchase hasnt rallied by now - its never going to

95%+ of shitcoins that mooned in dec/jan are going to die. this is one of them


Check back with us on March 18th.

What happens on March 18?

Idk i used .01 check the explorer does the wallet show it went thru?

Yeah. 473 (first/big) and 157 (small) confirmations. Still no balance on my dashboard for the deposit.

Does it show that there's a pending deposit transaction with the little rotating gear?

Because mine doesn't even have that after two hours.

Nope. But to be fair, COSS has had that rotating gear for probably 3 months so I don't trust that at all.

I literally just sold 10k coss. This shit is over. Dump now.



You're retarded to dump this before april

Go back to your telegram pajeet pnd group m8

WHERE is the fucking communication with users? Faggots haven't even tweeted since February.

Even fucking Comcast is better than this.

4 tweets in March. Might want to refresh.

>John Chrissoveloni
>Equity and Trading Advisor

These eyebrows

eth nodes are fucked up all day, small amount of deposit wont do shit

most likely it has something to do with pic related

Don't tell me you guys actually for this meme token?

Probably. Man, that sucks. I really want to take advantage of this firesale.

I find chicks with missing lips ugly

COSS threads really remind me of the Kucoin sub. Too bad COSS didn't even get much of a wave B bull trap, they just crashed to the ground!

Fucking Owlman of crypto

Never been so comfy before.

Upgrade is in progress, and there will be some teething issues. Long term this will be one of the best holds of 2018. Dividend potential is crazy.

Rune is hunting for new and promising ICOs once the engine is ready to handle volume. Binance was nothing until it got NEO, then volume exploded.

Still waiting for this ETH transaction.
Still doesn't even show it as pending.
wtf I missed out on really cheap COSS

its gonna be like this for quite some time user, i dont see muh price action before the second half of march