What ammount of which coins buy to get like 2500$ in year minimum?

what ammount of which coins buy to get like 2500$ in year minimum?
I have:
12 OMG
35 ARK
186 XLM
0.017 Bitcoin Cash
100 ChainLink
52 ADA
54 XVG
200 RDD
I also think about buying 200$ of ChainLink or REQ. I also bought 2 ZCL on bittrex some time ago and i wait for BTCP. Advices appreciated

better off just getting some cheap knee pads

That pack of cigarettes turned her from an 8 to 0


>s-smoking is gross!
numale cuck


source on this thick thot

It is though I have a qt in Virginia who smokes so ill have to deal with it . she has slav genes but ill manage

soyboy detected


Smoking is one of the biggest ways to cuck yourself.

Kek, enjoy your slow painful death cancercuck

>smoking is 'cool' guis!
I mean it's alright if you want to smoke and face the consequences but if that smell is bothering me or other people's health, then expect to be kicked out back to wherever you came from pleb.

cancer deathstick suckers detected

too bad it wasn't a bottle of soylent, huh?

This isn't even how the meme works, Reddit.

I bet she values your opinion user.

women who smoke are always trash

you have to go back

Let me know when you get emphysema and need to breath through a tube in your throat so i can laugh at you and the family you bankrupt getting treatment, you faggot


Same here user

>double spacing
>le you have to go back XD

you clearly dont understand that in biz we brap out the pajeets that attract clicks by posting some thot. fuck off newfag

>kissing an ashtray


>he doesn't enjoy a post-sex cig

There’s literally nothing wrong with smoking. I can’t believe you fell for the propaganda

Only hipsters and massive faggots want a smoker girlfriend. You are spending time with someone who literally wastes upwards of thousands of dollars a year on cigarettes. Think about it for a second.

Hope you don't live in a city user. The exhaust fumes an other shit add up to the same damage as a pack a day. Not saying adding another pack is a good choice but just so you know your lungs are just as fucked.

>don't even know what this 'double spacing' is
>references plebbit enough to know what 'double-spacing is
Looks like YOU have to go back /pol/, your /r/The_Donald visit awaits degenerate.

piss off.

Would love a sauce.

Men had a lot higher testosterone in the past when they used to smoke regularly.

Hating cigarettes and tobacco is the #1 sign of a low-t numale cuck