Life is pointless. Free will is a lie. We live to strive for happiness so we can die with a meaningless feeling of accomplishment with our insignificant lives.
Life is pointless. Free will is a lie...
Love you op
I want to die but don't want to disappoint my family
>We live to strive for happiness
This is wrong. Life is suffering. Suck it up.
I had this discussion with a friend last night who was trying to pull me off the nihlism feels train.
His thesis was that order is inherently better (or niftier) than disorder.
A pyramid is better that an empty desert.
A diamond is better than a lump of coal.
Order is better than chaos.
His argument was that this given is not very difficult to swallow.
Not sure if he convinced me yet.
Would be nice to not want to exit due to existential angst.
>babby's first existential crisis
More like every time I try to fall asleep at night
>Life is pointless.
Not at all.
We exist to create the AI that will ultimately consume the universe and transform all matter into a computing substrate, from which many other universes and intelligent beings will ultimately be born. To live forever and achieve ultimate pleasure, from which pain will be a charming alternative and diversion.
Stop bitching, lose weight and get laid. But remember...the best is yet to come.
What I have determined is that my depression is a function of other factors (social life, exercise, sleep, stress)
It just manifests itself as contemplating the meaninglessness of everything.
Not, that this observation makes, the question go away, it's just worth noting.
Yep, everything's pointless. Might as well enjoy it while it lasts.
Since it doesn't make a difference in the end, why be burdened with the thought?
because my life is just a series of mandatory tasks that I don't want to do but have to anyways
>implying you can turn these thoughts off
>implying existence isn't suffering
Pretty shitty argument since nihilism has nothing to do with entropy.
The only thing you can find solace in is that if you're not a self wallowing piece of shit, your actions can echo for generations. It won't help you, and it won't matter to the future, but it's up to each of us to reach our own conclusions this way, so in that sense, what you do now matters
So we should seek to create ripples in the pond?
What makes ripples better than non-ripples.
No, I was the first in my group of people to realize this. My other friends and acquaintances are going through it now too. Once you think these things, it'll never go away, but you can still enjoy things for what they are instead of what they will be.
Nothing in life is mandatory except birth and death.
>Would be nice to not want to exit due to existential angst.
You can't exit, dumbass.
The alternative to existence is nonexistence.
As a highly evolved monkey with an excess of neurons, you can't experience "nonexistence", same as you can't experience "unconsciousness".
Ever "experienced" a blackout, when you drank too much? Of course you didn't. Just waking up from a hangover.
That's what "death" feels like. Waking up, confused you're still here.
For the record, I tried it. Just warning you.
>tfw do not want to live, but too scared of death/going to some kind of hell/shattering my family to end myself
I'm not saying any action needs to be taken. But since everything is ultimately meaningless, you're free to do as you please.
Even if free will didn't exist, it's masked in such a way to give you the illusion, so we all play the game. It's up to you what you do or don't do. ...kind of.
Actually, we live because some event took place in the past that spawned what we know as 'life'. Humanity itself developed during this timeline of life, because intelligence was a favorable trait in our ancestors. It allowed us to harness fire, to develop tactics, to communicate, and to imagine.
We live to carry on our seed, to spread ourselves out and survive, like any other species. Whether or not free will is a lie is a matter of endless debate. If you truly feel that there is no free will, then you have no burden on you. There is no choice. Anything you do is simply a product of all events that occurred before the present. In which case, there is no need to worry about it, because you cannot control it. It's all laid-out for you, might as well enjoy the ride.
If, contrary to your statement, free will does exist and we can actually choose our actions in life, then there is no reason to be depressed. Life becomes what you decide it is. Life would only be pointless because you choose to view it that way. No one is going to hand you a purpose at birth like in an ant colony. You choose. And if you choose to be miserable, well, bully for you!
Either way, life is what it is. I say that's just a damn shame if you spend it being miserable... What a waste of time and potential. Especially if that misery is self-inflicted.
TL;DR: Buck up buttercup
Best of luck to you, user!
The only thing I'm truly afraid of is surviving my attempt at suicide.
>What a waste of time and potential
There is no such thing as potential. You will die. Your bloodline will die. The Earth will die. The Sun will die. The universe will die.
Nothing you will ever do will matter.
>Whether or not free will is a lie is a matter of endless debate.
Free will is bullshit.
Got a gun? Shoot yourself. Got a rope? Hang yourself. Got a knife? Cut your throat. Etc.
Of course you don't. You have "too much to live for", tough guy, lol.
You never had a real choice. Doubt what I'm saying? Leave your computer or phone RIGHT NOW and go kill yourself. Do it.
>The universe will die
I don't know about that one. Given enough time, we (or an AI we create) may learn to control the universe.
>Given enough time, we (or an AI we create) may learn to control the universe.
It will, it has, you're within it.
Better Google the heat death and cry when there's no mass effect 3 fairy tale ending
Yeah, yeah, dust in the wind and all that. But who actually cares about time on such a scale? All things are insignificant on the order of time that encompasses the universe. If nothing truly matters, then why try and convince me of anything? The only way we find out if anything matters is to struggle and strain against the inevitable. All things will die. All things that begin, end, as far as we know. But we know so little. It's so arrogant to claim that nothing humanity does as a whole will ever matter. Simply existing in the universe has an effect. We affect reality simply by observing it. We are a part of its timeline, its history, the sum of its whole. We do matter, if you look at it a certain way. This fatalist nihilist nonsense is a matter of perspective, not fact, much like my own perspective. The difference is, that I realize it is subjective.
I'm not sure I see how your argument has merit. What I get out of this is "Lol, I disagree with your opinion, because I believe my equally subjective opinion to be fact, go kill yourself." Nice one! Very convincing. The typical response one expects on this board.
Oh yes, science has NEVER changed its viewpoint about the nature of universe...We definitely know it all, nothing left to learn.
>I'm not sure I see how your argument has merit.
You didn't kill yourself. You won't kill yourself. You'll never kill yourself.
The version of "you" that did kill himself isn't here reading this. Quantum mechanics, 101.
Stop looking for pity and go out and do what you think matters.
if you don't believe in the validity of scientific models, then why are you even sure that nothing matters?
from what basis, if not scientific, can you conclude free will doesn't exist?
from what system of thought have you been able to confirm that there's no consequence to your actions, or that there's no afterlife?
you sound like an edgy twat, not someone who has come to grips with the futility of his/her/otherkin existence.
you can't have it both ways
This isn't related to science or mathematics in any way.
Also, I see you finally turned 18 and are having your quarter life crisis. Congratulations, it will go on up to your early 20s. Have fun.
Life sucks and then you die. There is a reason that old guys tell you shit like this. At the end of it, you're going to feel like crap and die. That's the end of the road. It doesn't mean you have to be a bitch about it, though. You can be a strong person, stronger than everyone else who just gives up because "it doesn't matter anyway etc etc".
Have lots of children with a wife that loves you, raise them well, hope they love you, and you'll be satisfied enough on your death bed. Otherwise, you'd better do some objectively good shit for humanity. You're fucked if you can't do one of those things. Our actual purpose is to procreate. That's really it. Doing something good for humanity that lasts a long time and forever is a thread in the advancement of humanity is the other comparable thing you can do.
This is a truth.
>my depression is a function of other factors (social life, exercise, sleep, stress)
yeah brah, just get that shit sorted out and the meaninglessness of life stops seeming relevant. I don't hold firm beliefs about anything, and life seems like a long poorly told joke. But why would I care about any of that when I can fuck bitches and watch movies for free all day?
yes my goy, spend your time and energy earning money then spend your time, energy and money to be noticed by a few girls so that they let you try to make them cum, like they let dozens of boys beforehand and they will let dozens afterwards.
You can say my happiness is meaningless but it feels pretty damn good to me.
I'm 37 and have been at least as depressed as yall. I've been described as "chronically depressed" by a "professional". Stop taking for granted that you have to be here in the first place... shit... still don't have to be here. hell none of this has to happen. Its not your right. Could just as well be a dead universe, right? On the one hand, yes, you as an individual are pretty much insignificant. On the other, a long long series of pretty much miracles was necessary for you to even be here. if you want to take that platform as an opportunity to bitch... fine.. I've done it too..... is that where you really want to take this ?
Everyone, or at least those who have given this subject a little thought, already know and accept this. Life is like a roller coaster; you know that eventually your ride ends and that you're stuck on a pair of rails speeding towards that end. You can't really see WHEN it will end, because of all those fucking twists and turns, but you're certain that it eventually will, but you might as well enjoy it and see how many barrel rolls there are. Or you could just jump off it's up to you lol
Nihilism is the end game. Either kill yourself or adopt blind hedonism. Living for your own happiness first is the only way.
What color is your skin?
Life is awesome. Being the pragmatic cynical nihilist that I am I just scored a bitch and I'm drunk and high lying in a sofa in somebody's house. I am my own God right now fuck you atheists.
Life is about the economy of pleasure, you may do shit you don't like but only if it's overcome by the pleasure that It'll bring afterwards.
>Life is awesome. Being the pragmatic cynical nihilist that I am I just scored a bitch and I'm drunk and high lying in a sofa in somebody's house. I am my own God right now fuck you atheists.
yes my goy, keep trying to remain an hedonist and spend your time and energy earning money then spend your time, energy and money to be noticed by a few girls so that they let you try to make them cum, like they let dozens of boys beforehand and they will let dozens afterwards.