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you dont know what serg has been through
/bizpol/ not expected to EVER recover
And Vitalik is a communist pedo sympathizer. None of it matters. Kys
Kek, gj cucks
lmao this is what linkies are sponsoring
Seriously, linkies are the most deluded community out there
I bet sirgey had a nice time fucking underaged hookers and snorting coke in southeast asia with the ICO money while the autists in Veeky Forums think he's "working on mainnet development"
As long as there's fish in the sea, there will be fishermen.
So in other words he donated 100 LINK and asked them to wait a year, not a big deal
Sergey noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Nice, I might actually consider buying LINK now
Not kidding
How bout iota?
now he can't be associated with this cesspool of autism. perfect
Gross. Of course Andy Grove was a poor jew whose family somehow escaped the holocaust so he could come to America and use his business skills to make 1000x the amount of money as the people who invented the stuff he profited from. Where would America be without him?
WTF I bought in at ICO...and this is what he uses our meme money for? Fuck this. Selling my link stack.
probably all of the mcdonalds in his area
Stinky linky loves rapefugees and illegals
He did this to get back at biz for fat memes
>February '17
>stinky linkies literally giving their money away to niggers and sandniggers
This just keeps getting better and better
should i marketsell my 35k link?
>Chainlink was an elobarate scam to send money to NEET muslim refugees
>There are projects in crypto where the team are right-wing
Wait. No there aren't. Do I just market-sell everything and turn into a nocoiner?
How the FUCK will stinky linkies ever recover?
I feel all this fud comes from some retard that sold the bottom...
that's old news btw
Sergei will require all Link holders to tithe to refugee and sjw charities, secret link mission
Good thing I sold ages ago
maybe. Remember what happened to IOTA? Once the /pol/tards start the FUD campaign Link will drop hard.
I think he did a good thing is supporting this I'm glad he did. Such things should be supported by private donations not taxation
I’ve said this 100 times. Sergey and Steve stand for everything against pol. This is a test for biz, would you rather invest in liberal business people like Sergey or stand with pol
Crypto is inherently right wing due to the fact that it doesn't adhere to the Jewish banking system.
You should definitely never touch libshit coins, though.
>Jewish banking system
Except not
This is good.
He is sucking jew ass and by sucking jew ass you win.
Fuck why can't they just code.
Holy fuck it's real
Why the fuck do you have to get all helpful and bring a political agenda into this. FUCK. Give me some left wingers who were successful. Fucking 0.
id take a commie pedo over some mudslime shitskin sympathizer
Right wing is the current banking system
Who do you think owns trump and his cabinet?
Bill Gates
Thank you. Now I will stay away from LINK for good.
same, pol faggets btfo
What if they're both?
Go back to your containment board.
We're here to make money. We don't give a fuck about your feelings.
Who cares. I only care about the money. Give me the moon and I don't care if you ruin the earth.
This is more important than people realize. The whole argument for LINK is "meme magic". Sergey doing this has essentially stopped any chance of meme magic benefiting LINK. The best possible scenario now is that LINK goes sideways for all eternity. Worst case scenario that increases the Kektropy of the universe is that a McDonalds with Sergey in it gets bombed by a radical Islamist and LINK drops to zero.
This. These faggots do emotional investments like bitches.
You too, retard.
>"Oy vey, don't worry about where the money goes, goy. Trade your US dollars for stinkies so that we can give the US dollars to refugees instead"
Case in point. A faggot deludes himself into thinking everyone is out to get him personally, so he makes trades based on fear, paranoia and emotional instability. Just like women.
>"Y-you're a g-girl if you have morals and don't donate to refugees!"
This response proves that you have no business investing. Making financial decisions based on emotion is why you'll never make it. You probably still live paycheck to paycheck. Until you change your way of thinking you'll remain a loser.
sad but true. ffs are there any uncucked coins
What a low test faggot
Morals don't make you rich, soyboy. Stay poor.
enjoy your SJW coin stinky linkies!
Daily reminder that all SJW coins like this are destined to fail.
You've created a false dilemma where either you must support ChainLink and donate to refugees or you have no chance of making money. There are tons of ways to make money that don't involve throwing your morals out the window. Do you also support mugging people if it'll make you money? How about breaking into houses and cars?
If you think being associated with Veeky Forums and /pol/-tier babby bullshit is good for the value of this coin then you're a fucking retard. I'm glad Veeky Forums is dumping. You all can go fuck some other project now
thats legitimate concern. Team should stay the fuck away from politics and focus on the project. Virtue signaling does not make money contrary to popular belief
t. nigger who is too dumb to see any other ways to make money (more money even)
>1 February 2018
No, you've used an innocuous act of charity as a strawman and then wield it as a club in a weak-minded attempt to beat your own confirmation bias into others. Reprehensible and pathetic.
OP is clearly a whale researching and has just found the reason to sell his bags
Evil is Evil. Lesser, greater, middling… Makes no difference. The degree is arbitary. The definition’s blurred. If I’m to choose between one evil and another… I’d rather not choose at all.
You're an emotional cowardly bitch who hides his failures behind "principles"
What are you talking about? My original post was just saying that ChainLink won't benefit from meme magic, the opposite in fact.
I'm talking about you bringing /pol/ cancer to this board. Go back to your fucking enclosure.
>.t xlm bag holdr
Go and rob an old lady if you don't have principles and exclusively care about making money.
Do you retards ACTUALLY, UNIRONICALLY believe a fat liberal with zero self control is going to create a product that is used in the derivatives market? LOL
>He actually thought this was a good analogy
Shocker, a stormer being a brainlet.
I like his SJW attitude though
>not being all in on link
bizpol here, no ethereum, no iota, no chainklink, no stellar lumens.
pretty much all in on ark, took my gains and bought at the bottom, now waiting the imminent moonmission.
What the fuck did I do.....could this somehow be a good thing? Maybe the banks eat this shit up and he's playing 4D chess. They'll research him and see these tweets awhile back and now he's one of them...hopefully he's that smart.
Holy shit, not even a LINK holder but you just roasted that faggot.
Yeah man fuck. This is misery.
I'm brown myself. "Nigger" was used as a non-literal term. Not a stormfag. I still think that its good to have principles even when it comes to making money. If I didn't have principles I would go and rob an old lady for money. Anyway, I'm not even trying to change your mind on LINK or refugees. I was just stating that LINK does not have meme magic on its side.
Are /pol/ posters talking about morals? Really?
He just made a word salad. He can't even name what my supposed confirmation bias was or what my supposed strawman was. He added ad-hominens like "weak minded" and "pathetic" to complete his terrible argument.
>"Oy vey, don't worry about where the money goes, goy. Trade your US dollars for stinkies so that we can give the US dollars to refugees instead"
Sounds like typical scare/guilt tactics using dog whistle to me.
The Idea of a decentralized blockchain is, at its core, as "librul" as it gets. Maybe you should finally learn what that word acutally means.
Equivocation. The decentralized blockchain is libertarian in the modern American sense. Don't try to imply that the Democratic party supports the same principles of decentralization as the blockchain.
Murican clown show politics ≠ world
Are you fucking retarded?
This is an American website. Either way, you can agree that the blockchain is libertarian in the modern American sense, and that the Democratic party of the US does not support the same principles of decentralization as the blockchain?
>This is an American website
Oh man... I never thought I'd live to see the day.
The absolute state of non-americans
No politcal party in the west that is in power supports the idea of blockchains.
Jokes on him after we collectively fund the rise of the real right after selling link at ath