8 Bounty Hunters. Prices double upon hire. 30% of new hire funds go to the bounty pool, the rest go to the previous owner. Each new hire comes with a ~20% chance of killing another player and taking the bounty. You can't kill your own bounty hunters. Killed players are reset back to default price and state.
Unironically won a bounty last night but then I bought back in and got killshotted. JUST
Andrew Miller
unironically were looking for some shit to drop money into for fun
bought jesus 0.02, if its scam will report back here
Carson Gray
This game is fucking amazing. Why it's not shilled here more
Xavier Cox
someone explain to me, so i bought jesus for 0.02, what happens now.
Jordan Edwards
Would have been good to get in yesterday. Now the etherscan is dead, besides the one pajeet who bought in right now.
The problem with most of these eth games is that they are not sustainable. This being one of them.
This game will die off just like the other 100’s of games. Only a few of these games will survive and that’s only if they can nail down sustainable gameplay.
Jack Long
Why didn’t you check the etherscan before you wasted your money lol. You are the only transaction in the past 4 hours and anything after that is 10 hours old. Hype wave is gone, luckily you didn’t put much in to it.
Daniel Richardson
This is one of the games which actually are sustainable thanks to that "killing" thing.
Xavier Martin
its just some spare money, dont really care
the idea sounded dope
Angel Reed
Why is nobody playing it anymore then? Etherscan has been dead for the pst 11 hours besides 2 noobs that fomo’d in.
Good luck!
Lucas Rodriguez
yo op you might be a pajeet, shill it for me, the idea sounds good
Henry Watson
Now you either wait for someone to kill Jesus or buy Jesus. If Jesus is purchased, you get profit. If he dies, you die irl.
You get a 20% chance of getting the jackpot and killing another character on each flip.
Owen Ortiz
By the way, if you want profit in this you need to find a handful of bored people to actively get hyped over the jackpot raising like I did last night. I literally just posted it in discord while it was ground floor, everyone was bored so said fuck it. When the prices started mooning we had more players FOMOing in untilgrpund floor was like .14 eth and jackpot was .25 eth. After the jackpot hit called it a night.
I made decent cash off this. If you're willing to get more people in, I'll play again with you.
This is all you need to know as to where the game is going.
Kayden Gomez
>yes goy please buy into shitty dapp
If OP is the dev, he gets 10% of every fool who purchases into this pyramid. Not what I call a fair game for Veeky Forumsraeli. At least powh.io shares the dividends/tax/fee with literally everyone in the pyramid.
Fuck off with your greed OP.
Jayden Sullivan
So now the bounty is $9.23, and we just need people to hype buy so the bounty ends up > buy in price, which usually sets off massive FOMO. I'll address any concerns ITT. rekt it's obviously not a scam no idea. i just made it yesterday though. someone buys your bags or you get killshotted. those are the only things that can happen. it won't be dead, I'm not shilling it actively because I'm at work exactly sorry, I have to sleep and can't shill 24/7. it's a new game dude, give me some time not a pajeet this so what, faggot? am i supposed to not profit off of things i spend time and effort creating? brainlet
Mason Perez
>so what, faggot?
Neither in your OP nor your medium article is this fee mentioned. You're trying to hide it under the rug and hope no one sees that you're the one profiting absolutely massively from this while the majority just gets fucked.
In sum, because of your lack of transparency, taking 10% of EVERY transaction, which makes you profit the most defacto, I logically conclude you're trying to scam Veeky Forums people out of their funds by cleverly disguising it with memes and a poor excuse for a "game".
I hope this post made that clear to everyone who reads this. Know what you buy into.
Joseph Sanchez
Shitskins ITT now
Cooper Hall
Actually, I've made around $500 since launch and bounties have paid out more than that. I don't profit the most. Also, literally every ether "game" has some way for the devs to make money.
Jackson Jones
10% isn’t even a lot to take, The game has died because of either lack of fun/interest and not to mention the other 100 games sucking money out.
But in reality, devs should take at most 15%.
Liam Hall
I agree, although I don't think game is dead. Perhaps I'm biased.
What do you think an interesting game would be? I'm going to make another.
Gavin Miller
These games move so fast, people jump ship so fucking quick. I’ve made good money on eth games and have also lost a lot holding bags. As time goes by, more and more people are going to stop fomo’ing into games because they end up getting burned.
So eventually most smart money will only go in to sustainable ethergames.
Idea for a game, etherdrugs
Start with a pound, one buys for x amount of eth. Then sells an ounce to the next 16 people for 1.5x his buy in and then the 16 people break their ounce up and sell grams or something as they end up 1.5x their money.
You’re probably wondering, what happens at the end, how do the bottom feeders get their money back. The fast answer is, they don’t.
BUT what they do get is a chance to win the next bag of drugs on the next round after the current pyramid Is over.
You’d also have to implement an rng system in order to draw the winner out of all the people at the bottom. So all that money Is lost but one person has a chance to win it.
If the buy in at the bottom is like .005 eth then most people won’t care if they lose it. It will be worth the gamble
Whoever makes this game, make a discord and i will come and find you
Isaac King
This sounds neat. I'd definitely consider doing something along those lines. For now, I've sent .03 ETH to the contract (without buying a bag) so that the bounty is now greater than the buy in price. I hope this encourages people to play the game and have fun.
Best of luck.
Evan Watson
This does not compute Enlighten me OP
Mason Cook
Bounty is now $40 with a .04 floor. Good luck lads.
Julian Sanders
I was playing this yesterday, gotta have balls to get in though
Leo Ortiz
Oh shit nice
Carson Morales
After one more .04 purchase, the FOMO will unironically begin. When the bounty > floor, we tend to see lots of transactions. We'll see what happens.
Jose Hughes
This is getting interesting.
Jayden Baker
Be the dude who sets off the FOMO.
Daniel Peterson
I like that the kill mechanic causes the prices to never reach that roof every other one of these games reaches where no one wants to buy in anymore because the price is way out of anyone's acceptable risk range.
Bentley Smith
Pretty decent sized bounty now, 1/5 chance to instantly make a profit
Caleb White
whats your telegram
Eli Gutierrez
I know a lot of you are already playing this game, and for you naysayers, I have two strong words for you
Come onnnnn..... Come aaaannnnnn..
Alexander Phillips
I have a discord if you'd like me to reach out to you. Post yours.