Can you live with the guilt, anons?
Can you live with the guilt, anons?
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>muh secret white boyz club
Satoshi was a nip,
Why are niggers so obnoxiously butthurt all the time? muh whitey be supressin us nigga with dem beecoon negga
Is that nigger really complaining that white people are smart enough to early adopt when they are too poor to?
can Veeky Forums please personal army/weaponized autism these kinds of voices?
same goes for the people that think black panther movie is somehow about malcolm x.
jesus christ black people are so loud and obnoxious. no one corrects them in public because it's not worth the hassle.
online though.
come on.
>it's all white men
Bitcoin creator was japanese.
>ok there's also asian men
Keep pedalling back. Also how is it white men's fault that black people don't invent a coin? What is stopping them other than themselves?
I don't have twitter, but can someone just ask her why she hasn't created her own coin then?
We need to get more niggers invested in crypto. There are lots of gibs ready for the taking.
What's the best way to advertise to them? Tell them they'll get rich and be able to fuck bitches all day?
why is you white folk always be mocking us how with text like how you wrote. we dont never talk like that. i know how to talk fine just like you. thats how you white folk always do us and you wonder why we hate yall asses.
In a free market, blacks will ALWAYS complain about white supremacy over the simple fact that whites ARE actually intellectually superior.
No need to feel mad towards this guy. He's seeing what everybody else is seeing. And that is the average IQ difference between whites and blacks. The hysterical irony here is that his complaining about white supremacy is just adding to the pile of evidence that whites are intellectually superior.
the delusion holy shit
cmon main
meet me and ill beat the shit out your ass.
What is he talking about? Black entrepeneurs are on the frontline revolution. Just look at Bitconnect!
of this revolution*
don't worry /ourgirl/ is bringing diversity in crypto.
>ayo why be whitey sayin dat shit I dont like
>Look like violence is the only option
Fucking niggers, violence is always your first option, you'll never go anywhere.
post more of this stuff. it's motivating
Why would anyone wanna go to the ghetto to meet you?
Bitcoins are racist because the white man developed it first instead of inventing it and giving it to the black man, like the whole concept of civilization in Africa
This, we must check our privileged by opening our wallets and wives/daughters legs to the black man as reparations!
Why are these fauna considered our equals again?
Chris stratis is black.
niggers cant fight one on one.
you need 10 screaming monkeys with you to sucker punch your dominator so you can "win"
rat piece of shit. no one likes you and you know it. that's why you're always playing the victim. it's true. blacks are subhuman.
look at your palms and think about how the rest of your body is cursed.
nice hair faggot
This nigger doesn't know that niggers enslaved niggers and sold niggers to niggers. This nigger doesn't know that ~2% of the population owned a slave in the US, and even less owned more than 1 because they were an expensive investment. This nigger is hiding the Barbary slave trade that showed niggers and Arabs enslaving and torturing white people. Niggers doing nigger things to justify their inferiority.
Come to Hong Kong and we’ll eat yo stupid ass baka
Lmao at all the faggots being baited
Proof that its bait?
go back to pol you b8ed faggots. we're here to talk shitcoins
It's also not white people. It's the fucking English.
go eat chicken
The 92 iq ones that more or less fully literate are the most annoying. Most black people resent them too.
>japan isn't white reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
fuck off /pol/
Can I give you guys a smooch after I pushed your shit in and we cuddle in the gras next to a quiet forest while watxhing the sunset and eating some cheap pizza
>something like white exists
Ok mutt
Ever heard of Tartiq Nasheed?
There are millions of blacks out there who see white supremacism in everything.
>what is white goy
The people who can't have a country without non-whites, you think being a Swede, Polak, or even a jap is going to make a difference? That shit is just an excuse and the anti-whites will tear through you to eventually.
I remember when I signed up for my first coinbase account.
It asked me for my race for general statistics purposes and just to fuck with them I selected Black.
Right after I did that, Coinbase rejected my application and deleted my account. Then they hacked my computer.and sent rude emails to my boss.
All part of the white man's plan to keep us from getting rich. They dont like it when we try to get ahead.
Btw it's also the white man's fault why I'm in jail for a felony. Police be racis
>Look at us were so different and individual you can't put us in a w"white" box
Not gonna work, you are white because you are defined by you enemies at this point, deal with it. Post as many mutt memes as you want but your head is still on the chopping block like mine.
>those are great questions
>i have no idea what the fuck I am talking about
You won’t D&C me and you also won’t put me in the same bag as angl*s.
>white people are disproportionately represented in the wealthy and powerful
He doesn’t (((know)))
I don't care if you think you're some special hyperborean master race or that having a unique identity matters, you're white like me and anti-whites are united around this idea, if you wanna divide yourself to make it easier for them then it already is than go for it. You are not going to get out of this by claiming "I'm not white I'm a Germaninc, Polak, Swede, that's not my identity" because they don't care, you're just white to them, take the world as it is not as you wish it to be. You are white.
thats one butthurt nigger lmao
Hahahahahahahahhahaha this subhuman nigger
Atleast their birthrates will drop the moment they taste western processed food and gibs.
Like the chinese.
The argument made in your image is actually correct. Computers are racist. As people with higher iqs can do a lot more with them then low iq people and we all know that blacks are at the bottom of the pile when it comes to iq... Except for abos
What actually is up with Abos?
They went all the way other races went and went even further and even burned down half of aussie land and still...
>Atleast their birthrates will drop the moment they taste western processed food and gibs.
Nope, unfortunately whites highly underestimate how little these people can live with. We are not getting out of this until we get another Ice age sadly.
Why doesn't he (and all niggers for that matter) just go back to Africa where there are no computers? That way no one can "extract" his resources from him
Why doesn't this niglet just immigrate to Wakanda so he can live in a true African power. Oh wait, that nonsense was black fantasy just like tales of black accomplishment and black intelligence
i bet if he made money in crypto - he'd be singing a different tune
whatchu sayin we violent gorrila imma beet ur ass
There are some tribes in Africa that can give the abos a run. The only difference is blacks are much more naturally aggressive then abos which is why they are involved in a lot more violent crime.
Why do black people think they can comment on whiteness? They have never experienced being white.
Dude the chink government has to kinda force people to fuck, they don’t want to have kids anymore.
African people aren’t that stupid, just 200 years behind, kinda pre industrial revolution.
They see their kids die, they make new kids, even when no food.
There will be an population explosion, yes, but the world population won’t go over 15 billion.
They will realize that kids are expensive, they will realize that they don’t have to depend on their kids anymore when they are older because of government gibs and add some small famines and wars, tada 15 billion people with a birthrate 1.
Because there are like 500 thousand african ethnicities and they would just laugh at the lightskin niggers and eat them.
would it make sense to comment on a car if youve never seen the outside of one? sometimes there is more visibility from the outside. not to say that you're not right in pointing out the irony, my point stands on both sides of the argument
uhm it's called being the master race, sweety. For real though, I kinda feel bad for niggers. If you are not white, jewish or asian you are pretty much screwed. Everyone else can't even compete.
A lot more behind than that. You know that when European first got to sub Sahara Africa they had not invented the wheel yet??? They are a few thousand years behind. Don't be fooled by the colonial buildings and infrastructure that was built by the whites or more recently the Chinese.
Well user, imagine being born, looking in the mirror and already knowing that you're a loser. I would off myself tbqh.
Cars are objects, people are living creatures with a consciousness, you're crazy if you think that equivalency is the same.
Just read about an african tribe being 4 feet tall, so yea
>21 century digital colonizers
this has to be b8
Does this idiot know that almost the entire economy of Zimbabwe runs on Bitcoin ?!
Found em lol
I've lived and worked in Africa for a long time now and you will never realize how different we are until you live in a country governed by them. I don't think there has ever been one successful black run government ever.
Well there is Rwanda, and that’s it
Bitcoin was created by the Japanese in order to take control of the economy away from the Jews. With the money obtained from Bitcoin, the Japanese will fund their top-secret project called "いろとりどりのセカイ", aka "Colorful World".
The objective of Colorful World is to weaken the West by reducing white birth rates while immigrant birth rates increase, allowing the immigrants to eventually overwhelm the existing white population. This is similar to what the Jews are trying to do, but they have a different goal in mind: the Japanese want technologically savvy people to become desperate enough to put their wealth into Bitcoin and attack the Jews, decreasing their influence. The Japanese are also suffering from declining birth rates, but that isn't a problem due to their advanced technology, allowing them to defeat a weakened West and the Jews using the power of their mecha army and take over the world.
Black's can't even run a country stable enough for it to have its own currency.
I'll take his argument at face value and it is true that when the markets are terrible it extracts and leaves many fucked. But when the markets are booming, it creates a lot of wealth for everyone not just whites and asians (am injun and was able to pay off my family's mortgage). So the two negate each other and you are left with really no argument at all. There is no evil white man or evil asian guy or whatever. It is just normal market behavior. Some win some lose. you don't complain when you are winning, and you only complain when you are losing.
Just do some research into rwanda or even better visit it. May look OK at the moment from the outside but it's rotten to the core. If you travel outside main cities you often need armed escorts.
>extracting resources
Does this nigger even realise that if 'muh everyone in crypto is white' then there's literally no oppression because it's just white people taking from other white people. As long as no black people participate it's actually LESS racist.
Dumb fucks.
B-but my based Rwanda :(
You retard, whites are the mario race, aka jack of all trades, aka proper humans. Niggers are the donkey kong race, aka orks, they are strong but stupid and reproduce like rabbits, while chinks are the elves, as they live longer, fuck less and they are smarter but also physically weaker.
Why do you think africans are a billion years behind? Because they are dumb as rocks. It's all in the DNA, faggot. And fucking like rabbits with no condom is also in the DNA.
I'm sure there have been some intelligent blacks who tried really hard and had all the right qualities to make a good leader. The problem was all they had to work with was niggers. The bell curve exists and there were no doubt some very intelligent niggers that got beaten to death for no reason.
>another dumbfuck nigger
>assuming satoshi is white
he probably is imfo the nigger has a point whites are superior intellectually, but him ignoring the fact that it "could be" a possibility is why he's just a dumb nigger
>notices (((coincidences)))
>too dumb to realize they're (((cohencidences)))
Bitcoin is mostly jew proof lol. She should be loving it.
Spot on. There definitely are some clever ones but when you are surrounded and drowned by masses of uneducated low iq savages and people put you in the same box it is very very hard to break out.
He's looking at it through the lens of "oppression" and "evil" and assumes bitcoin was made by a white person because he believes it's doing that to him or that it was designed for it. Fucking nogs view their entire reality on the premise that they are victims.
This this this
Not every nigger is stupid, mean or savage. Unfortunately, enough of them are. Combine this with a culture that brings each individual to the lowest denominator, spreads out individual resources to the village, and a climate that's too symbiotic with a primitive human and you'e got disaster civilizations.
guarantee that guy invested in some black based coin like bitconnect
Someone has been listening to a little too much Rage Against the Machine
>he thinks Satoshi was his real name
>Political twitter thread with a literal who
Fuck off back to /v/ you piece of shit underage faggot.
can you elaborate on your experiences there user?
Racists BTFO.
Tell me, how dare you make money when you could be getting rid of you toxic whiteness by donating to people of color? Bet you nazi ass can't justify that.
Are slavs white?
Should I feel bad for nergri?
>for a bunch of genius pattern matchers, it's amazing that this one pattern keeps escaping their notice
yes it is amazing how blacks are always underrepresented in high achievement vocations...
meanwhile chinese people who faced almost as much discrimination in the west as blacks seem to be doing fine, really boggles the brain...