>this kills the shitcoiner
This kills the shitcoiner
Money is whatever everyone agrees upon, be that gold, bitcoin, Reichsmarks, or the USD.
look at that big fucking jewish nose lol I bet he could smell gold from a mile away. you murricans love these inbred ugly jewish cunts, dont you? fucking niggers
>he thinks people that buy alts are in it for the long term.
Nobody ever said altcoins were a long term investment. You hold them for 6 months to a year, wait for the moon and get out. Everyone not following this is an autist pajeet.
It was rosacea, he was 100% eternal-anglo
>Money is whatever everyone agrees upon
he's right
how is that wrong?
are you genuinely retarded?
more like thousands of years of inbreeding, jewish foreskin munching and a lil bit of alcoholism.
he's right though
right now people are accepting promissory notes worth less than 1c as the value of whatever is printed on it, be it $10 or $100
don't forget raping, sacrificing and eating children
hope Veeky Forumstards also hold some gold.
bitcoin wasnt around back then though. if he were around now he would say crypto is money
No, he'd take whatever the worst investment he had and advertise the fuck out of that then use that money to buy something good and shit talk the good investment.
Gold can be fabricated in a lab therefore it has a infinite supply and no value
>a promissory note worth less than the lowest denomination of said note
The fact that we talk like this basically people proves the point
It can be fabricated in a lab, which would cost more than it's currently worth. So that means nothing
The only inherent value is its utility - jewelry and in electronics.
In an advanced society by today's standards this also includes 'a store of value'
The only arbitrage right now is that ledger tokens are can be better store of value and represent utility better than either fiat or gold
>asteroid farming beings
>gold supply increased by 500000000000% in a few weeks
nice just sold 100k
Lol I don't see how it does, nothing says money has to be "worth" its substance. The banknotes used to denote x amount of gold weren't worth their weight in gold either. Cash just represents whatever the ratios of goods you can buy with it are in the same way it used to represent that, but with the intermediate step of also representing some gold. You're compelled to get it because everybody going up the food chain is compelled to get it to either pay off debts or pay tax burdens. We've experienced that here with people saying "I literally have to cash out some positions for the taxman REEEEEE". They create a demand for the money with force of law, and the shit circulates at par. Nothing spooky about it.
that's why the jews bankrupted him.
Prove him wrong