Legitimate question here...

Legitimate question here. Why does modern medicine bother with developing cures for diseases or keeping terminally ill patients and people with incurable diseases like Down's Syndrome alive with extremely expensive technology? From an evolutionary perspective, it does not make sense. First, disease has been a way to naturally select the fittest and thanks to that we've been able to come this far. Second, what is the point of preserving genes that have proven to be useless for humanity?

tl;dr Modern medicine does not make sense because it contradicts natural selection.

Because the reason medicine became an industry was to promise longer life spans for some money.

If a company that makes hospital equipment or medicine simply stopped providing the things needed for people with Down's Syndrome then anyone could get a couple of investors in and start a company that does just that and that guy would make millions of dollars instantly.

>From an evolutionary perspective, it does not make sense.

You are really tipping that fedora hard.

Anyways, as long as there are sick people with money there will be rich business people looking to provide useful products for this huge, HUGE market.

>Veeky Forums calls on the daily economics a useless pseudo science
>Veeky Forums cannot even comprehend supply and demand

This is why I do not take non-math majors here seriously. I treat you lot like toddlers.

Because empathy does makes sense from an evolutionary perspective

From an evolutionary perspective, it makes sense because evolution helped develop the human brain, which includes making decisions to save other people as a favourable addition to our utility.

>This is why I do not take non-math majors here seriously. I treat you lot like toddlers.
The irony here is that a lot of math majors here are cringey fedoras that lack basic knowledge in every other scientific field, including economics.

modern medicine rarely develops cures
it's more common to develop treatments that address the symptoms, but not the cause
this allows companies to milk as much money as possible from the sick plebs.
This makes absolute evolutionary sense, if evolution actually mattered as much as you shitters think it does.

>The irony here is that a lot of math majors here are cringey fedoras that lack basic knowledge in every other scientific field, including economics.

OP sounds like a biology or physics type. I'm sure that if there were statistics on the subject, here is where the atheism glorifiers first enroll before failing like the miserable fucks they are and then go study philosophy or literature.

Everyone else in my classes (except for me) is some type of religious. All of the professors (mathematicians) that teach me are also religious. All of them christian by the way.

Atheism does not flourish in mathematics and much less does autistic atheism like the one on display with OP.

Modern medicine as all human accomplishments is a direct byproduct of natural selection - nature selected for god fearing monogamous smart white betas who built the western world from scratch.

>OP sounds like a biology or physics type.
Cringe + completely wrong. Can't tell if bait. Either way, you embarrass the rest of the math majors here with your post.
OP posted a fedora opinion. fedora =/= atheist opinion. You have confused the memes pretty badly here. Unless you consider "believing" in evolution = atheist. In which case, cringe^2.

>I'm sure that if there were statistics on the subject, here is where the atheism glorifiers first enroll before failing like the miserable fucks they are and then go study philosophy or literature.
I honestly hope this is bait, for your sake. Not worth critically analysing.

>Everyone else in my classes (except for me) is some type of religious. All of the professors (mathematicians) that teach me are also religious. All of them christian by the way.
No, they aren't, but even if, you insist on bringing up a topic which was NOT included in the thread. Go back to if you want to discuss how good Christianity is you fucking autist. This is a science board, and evolution is part of it.

>Atheism does not flourish in mathematics and much less does autistic atheism like the one on display with OP.
lol. You just want to discuss another topic. Gtfo Veeky Forums.

That's wrong though.
Your professors are Christian because they're all Asians that found god after witnessing war for the last 100 years.

Has nothing to do with their prodession.

>fedora =/= atheist opinion

Reddit would be against this statement.
Atheism+ would be against this statement.

I think we call a counter example.

>"believing" in evolution = atheist.

I don't but people who rightfully deny creationism don't do so to subscribe to some other bullshit, they go with science and facts.

>No, they aren't,

I know they are. They actively go to church and shit. Not that I care though, just stating it as it is.

>how good Christianity is you fucking autist.

wew lad. Christians are even worse than autistic atheists but that doesn't mean I cannot criticize other atheists.

I despise atheists who glorify 'natural selection' to the point that they want to institute 'social darwinism'. That gives a bad name for atheists and unfortunately that is the route reddit and Atheism+ are going for. Just all out cringy outbursts of autistic rage.

>evolution is part of it.

I never attacked evolution. I attacked people who take it beyond biology and glorify it like OP. Do you think that letting people die is a sensible thing to do, you moron? With the only justification being: well, they got sick so that means they were inferior!

>lol. You just want to discuss another topic. Gtfo Veeky Forums.

Been here longer than all you fucks. I know this because when I first came here no fucking reddit.com atheism+ type retards came here. Discussion was pretty sensible around here.

I don't care how it happened. The point is that atheism does not flourish in mathematics the way it would in biology or physics.

That is why I believe that is OP's background. However that is assuming too much of him. We all here now that he is 12 year old Atheism+ and reddit user who knows nothing about the real world.

Get real.

Being an atheist does not imply hating the world and wanting natural selection to be a legal term.

Are you people really siding with the guy who says that we should let sick people die?

>Are you people really siding with the guy who says that we should let sick people die?

That is atheism in 2016 man. Your point about them being afraid to criticize other atheists is also pretty on point.

I'll criticize the debby downer atheists.
Their system will lead to suffering.

t. Humanist

All of your post would be sensible if you hadn't started a shitstorm by claiming OP was an atheist without a single mention in OP. You are the one assuming things here. If you had in fact been here very long here you would know that Veeky Forums ridicules fedora atheists and is not made up of reddit 12yo as you so proudly claim (although it is made up of lots of 17-18yo but that's another story). You came here looking for a fight where there wasn't one, and you keep saying that people "side" with OP when everyone disagreed with him. It's no surprise you were attacked, since you assumed you knew everything and started strawmanning everywhere. Give us a break.

>OP was an atheist without a single mention in OP

It is called deduction. I know enough about reddit and Atheism+ type atheists to know that they are the source of this completely outrageous bullshit.

> Veeky Forums ridicules fedora atheists
Indeed but now you are siding with one. Even if you do not want to admit he is an atheist, he was the view points of a bad atheist.

> You came here looking for a fight

I came here for a debate and I think that a claim such that 'sick people deserve to die' is outrageous enough for me to call him out on every single drop of his liquid bullshit.

>when everyone disagreed with him

And here you are in your third post defending him.

If a man tells me that he hates gay people and women should hide their skin I can safely assume that he is a cancerous muslim.

If a man tells me he hate gays and believe women should be silent I can safely assume he is a cancerous christian.

Why are you so afraid to apply the same reasoning when it comes to cancerous atheists.

You know where this view point comes from. There are no christians saying this. There are no muslims, hindus, buddhists, saying this.

You know exactly who fed OP the bullshit he was fed but you are too afraid of calling out stupid bullshit from atheists like you would call stupid bullshit from a creationist.

If you want to protect your feels then go to reddit. There are bad atheists in this world, deal with it.

> le Hitler wasn't a Christian meme.

>Indeed but now you are siding with one.
>And here you are in your third post defending him.
>Disagreed with OP in first post, everyone disagreed with him afterwards
>Somehow means I defend him because I call out people who assume things and fling shit

You're delusional m8. Take care.

Jesus Christ, what the hell happened here?


keeping alive != procreation

I remember when I was 15 and I though that empathy and caring for people was a dumb thing to do and that hitler was right etc. I didn't understand why people gave a shit about each other and all of that. I grew out of it when I realized that being a creepy, unlikable, hateful person and using logic that isn't grounded in anything isn't going to do anything for you other than make you suicidal

I'm an atheist, but just saying "this person is mentally/physically challenged, they don't deserve to live because they provide no use to society etc etc etc" is so ignorant, intellectually, and a terrible thing to say.

btw you don't even know what evolution or natural selection is or how it works

it's none of your business what anyone, mentally or physically challenged or not, decides to do with their life. it's 2016, not 200 AD in some tiny village where it's survival of the fittest, literally, and we have to decide whether or not this retarded guy is going to be worth the food to keep him alive or something ridiculous like that.

>Modern medicine does not make sense because it contradicts natural selection.
this is called a fallacious appeal to nature.

just because nature does something, that doesn't automatically make it right or logical.

In fact human success arises almost entirely from rejecting and ignoring what the rest of nature is doing.

Edge: the post

>Why does modern medicine bother with developing cures for diseases or keeping terminally ill patients and people with incurable diseases like Down's Syndrome alive with extremely expensive technology?
Because we don't give a shit about natural selection and we do care a lot about human beings.

>From an evolutionary perspective, it does not make sense. First, disease has been a way to naturally select the fittest and thanks to that we've been able to come this far. Second, what is the point of preserving genes that have proven to be useless for humanity?

Whether something makes sense or not from an evolutionary perspective does not in any way affect the way one ought to act or define society.

A) because people hace empathy and don't like to see others suffer, so try to alleviate it

B) precisely because these people are abnormal, treating their conditions leads to interesting insights about the way the body works. Theraputic insights gained from studying people with downs helped teach new diagnostic techniques for patent foramen ovale for instance.

>From an evolutionary perspective, it does not make sense.
how about you stop watching TV, you fucking retard.


Because modern society has completely superseded natural selection in the first place. Ever since we became intelligent enough to use tools we have been gradually breaking the system that had been in place for millions of years. You can't resume where you left off, irreparable damage has occurred and we need networked intelligence to continue to survive, not blind survivalist fitness.

Just because evolution is true does not mean you should worship it, you fucking edgelord. It wouldn't help us in the slightest to rely on it like a fucking deity.

>Because modern society has completely superseded natural selection in the first place. Ever since we became intelligent enough to use tools we have been gradually breaking the system that had been in place for millions of years. You can't resume where you left off, irreparable damage has occurred and we need networked intelligence to continue to survive, not blind survivalist fitness.
>Just because evolution is true does not mean you should worship it, you fucking edgelord. It wouldn't help us in the slightest to rely on it like a fucking deity.
Nice sources there, faggot.

are you retarded or just pretending? did you not notice how we can "better" ourselves through technology and medicine?

>First, disease has been a way to naturally select the fittest and thanks to that we've been able to come this far

There are only 7-70 single nucleotide polymorphisms per generation. On the other hand, horizontal gene transfer allows entire genes to enter a genome.

Evolution happens via poisoning and genetic contamination, not survival of the fittest. Convergent evolution happens because the same genes do the same things in all organisms, and the same allele will enter many different organisms and make them all mutate in the same way.

>Second, what is the point of preserving genes that have proven to be useless for humanity?

Most of human diversity emerges from alleles, including many forms of genetic disease. Many genetic diseases require a specific set of alleles to be inherited - G/T, for example. G/G, T/G or T/T won't pass on the disease - only G/T will.

G/T can emerge from a gene pool of mixed G and T alleles, and so the only way to purge the G/T genotype is to isolate G/G and T/T. But even this won't prevent acquisition of diseased alleles via horizontal gene transfer.

44% of the human genome is composed of transposable elements, meaning the genes encoded within this portion of the genome can be pushed in and out without removing any other genes. However, the above figure includes our silent DNA - only 7% of our functional 10,000 genes are transposable.

The answer isn't to prevent people from breeding - it's to assure that all pairings pass on a non-diseased pair of alleles. This entails eugenics, and in most cases a diseased person or carrier could still breed - the government would simply have to force such people to use designer sperm or ova which would result in non-diseased offspring.

Not even the Chinese have the focus and dedication to truly prevent genetic disease - we need a new culture, one where the first question people ask prospective lovers is, 'What are your alleles?'

OP have you canceled your health insurance yet or are you just an hypocritical piece of shit?