Explain yourselves Veeky Forums

Explain yourselves Veeky Forums

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we can be neo nazis if we want to. ain't nothin illegal about it. period.

this isn't real


Nazis and Communists use the US dollar, so should we burn all our money?

thanks, just performed an (unknown number) of sieg heils for an (unknown number) of monero

I would love to smack a journalist in the mouth, just once.

>vice news
bruh weed xD

No source = not real.

Nice, just bought [unknown amount]

weev is such a psyop and bad one at that

hitler drank water.
if you drink water you are basically hitler

I read it as NEO-nazis
I spend too much time on crypto.

>The privacy coin who cannot be taxed is evil goy! truly Hitler!!!

>weev is such a psyop and bad one at that
You're a fucking idiot if you believe that, I bet you're just an optics fag. You wanna see what a real pysop looks like? Go look up Christian Picolini

Hitler was a cool guy, so I'm a cool guy

Here's weev explaining exactly why you should use Monero if you're a nazi.


(note that the video is from August 2017 --- weev has made huge gains from holding Monero)


>not turning to NEO

we just want our privacy

>Everyone I don't like is a psyop
Weev has sacrificed and done more than your nit-picking neet ass ever has, fuck off

>le neo-nazi boogeyman
Despite not even being a nazi, these headlines make me hate jews

Nazi's like breathing and drinking water, better stop doing those things.