Does anybody else think it's awkward to work with two coworkers who are dating? I do. I find it weird knowing that they are going to go home and have sex with each other. I can't look them in the eye knowing this and it's really lowered my productivity. I filed a complaint with my companies HR about this and I never heard anything back. How should i go about doing something about this at my company?
Does anybody else think it's awkward to work with two coworkers who are dating? I do...
mind your own fucking business
kys faggot
It's unprofessional
even worse is when you're at a restaurant with the boys and you see a couple at the table next to you. How can people even eat KNOWING those creatures may very well be having sex that night?
t. Virgin
That's why I bring my own utensils to restaurants. I don't want their nasty on my forks
It's unprofessional though. And then to run it in your coworkers face.
how do I fuck my qt korean coworker?
How does it make his complaint less valid?
Why are trumpcucks always butting in people's personal lives? Is it because they don't have lives on their own?
I'm didn't vote nor do I support Trump. I just don't like the fact that they have an office relationship. It makes the workplace hostile and uncomfortable.
I have the same question myself
Yes.... I agree
I'm asking about a serious issue at my business and all you guys can do is post Elliot Rodger memes. Pathetic.
Sorry. I thought this was a business forum where you ask questions you have about businesses
Increase awkwardness until they stop
Should be no problem for you OP
>People being happy is a direct attack on me
Except I'm not an awkward dude. I maintain eye contact, i give firm handshakes and I'm pretty sociable. I'm just quiet.
It's not a direct attack on me. It's just creating an unprofessional and hostile working environment for those of us who are single. It makes the work days very awkward.
Then why don't you have sexual relations with a coworker as well and then you can talk to that guy about how yours and his girl fuck and the two girls can talk about your cock sizes and how you kiss.
That's extremely inappropriate and unprofessional. Hopefully HR agrees with you and sees how their relationship is directly offensive to you personally and fires them both. If they won't see your side of things, take the issue up the executive chain.
Are you larping in a different time line as Elliot Rodger with an office job ?
Yeah I have a couple drafts written up on my email to send to my supervisor and his boss if HR doesn't get back to me within the week. It's incredibly unprofessional.
Because this is a professional business not happy go lucky fuck hour in the bahamas.
This. OP you need to continue to file a complaint until the HR recognizes the shitshow you're in. Give the couple a stern warning and tell them to either minimize contact with you or work seperately from each other when you're around.
or you can stop being a faggot just do your job how can this even be a problem for anybody? People are replying with memes because it shouldnt even be a problem at all.
this is either bait or you are the most autist man alive
What is autistic about wanting to work in a professional enviornment?
"This is a professional business"
Are you a surgeon and are your coworkers your assistants?
Get ready to be labeled a beta man baby by your superiors for the rest of your career
The superiors are one man and one woman who I'm sure will see it my way.
Why does the profession matter? I have workplace rights.
>letting the environment affect his productivity and mental state
>so weak he cant focus and concentrate on shit even when he wants to
>not even a serious issue to begin with
>what happens when I give him more stressful positions with more responsibilities?
This is what your boss will think
How does it make the environment hostile cause they're dating? Sounds like youre jealous and you would jump at the chance if a hot girl at work asked you out.
My work record speaks for itself. I'm one of the top employees. I also don't have any management aspirations and am perfectly content where I am with my modest raises.
hahaha huge beta male here
You'll literally never get anywhere you fuckin crybaby
What's even worse is that when they look at you they see how you go home, fap alone and cry yourself to sleep. They feel disgusted by your antisocial life and secretly laugh about your weirdness. You are the one to blame in here because you can't give a fuck.
Because they make eye contact with each other and smile. This is hostile because it is a smug brag. A smug brag to the rest of us that work there. I've talked to a couple other of my coworkers who are just as sick of it but they don't want to put their name on anything so I am doing it for them.
Wrong it's affecting the company as a whole. We were down .6% from our projections in 4Q of 2017 when this all started because of the..
is he supposed to endure bein kicked as well?
this has to be bait otherwise it is just sad
do what you want; my personal opinion is that you and your coworkers are getting worked up on a non-issue.
That's another thing which you should not care about. You are not an owner of the company. You are top tier SJW and should kys before it's too late.
Great mindset to have bud. You are gonna go far.
Not really. It's a pretty big deal and everyone is sick of it. If it doesn't get fixed I need to know what my legal options are of my bosses don't help. Which I think is unlikely.
I actually go far. Unlike you I'm not wagecucking for some dick. I am THE dick.
Sure you are user.
Geee. they smile at each other.
and your biggest complaint is your own thought of — “When they get home, he's going to put his penis in her vagina”.
Get your head fixed up. See a shrink before it's too late.
i just cant fathom how can a single person, let alone the majority of an office, can let something like this bother them.
The actions you described of the couple only makes me feel happy for them, they seem happy and enjoys their job because theyre together. I dont understand how you and your coworkers are able have feelings of annoyance or discomfort that results in the loss of productivity
if you cant stop getting a boner from looking at the girl then just imagine her taking a shit
>two coworkers who are dating
Because it has lowered productivity and it's not fair to the rest of the company that they are having sex.
Had it at my last software engineering job. Was pretty weird especially during team events. Felt like they were gossiping all the time/whispering in each others ears. Was really odd when she wore skater skirts to work too, seemed awfully provocative for her sexual partner while at the workplace.
Yeah it is and it shouldn't be allowed - particularly in the military. But given we have to pretend women are equal and ignore the complete disparity between their productivity/abilities/nature and that of their male 'peers' it's something you have to put up with unless you can get a job in a still overwhelmingly masculine industry. Even then you'd still have to suffer the infamous female HR cunt and other middle managers.
Your question isn't about business, it is about being a pussy faggot. If they aren't hooking up at work what is the problem?
seems like you're just upset because Chad is plowing your crush Stacie.
It's really weird too when you go by the break room and odd sounds. Half the time I have to take my break at my desk because their in there talking and monopolizing the break room
Despite Stacie having some admirable features and qualities, I am not jealous at all.
Bring in homemade kimchi and ask her to try some
You shouldn't be concerned or have negative ferlings about the situation until they start to hatefucking eachother front of you and contaminating your area of work with body fluids.
Even worse is when your cousin has children. You feel like such a cuck because you know that some other guy must have fucked her once for each kid. (ie 3 kids means 3 times had sex)
I don't even know what Kimchi is
Sounds like you have some insecurity problems bro. Can't even walk into the break room if they're there? Fuckin lol man. They probably don't even give you the slightest thought.
Lol how mad are you that this guy is fucking your oneitis you absolute bitch.
That being said I wish I wasn’t so worried about sexual harassment because I’d totally hit on my coworker.
OP, you're fucking pathetic and obviously jealous.
Sorry you're ugly in both personality and face.
It's probably unproductive for everyone else to have to work with someone as socially inept and fucking boot-heel-scum as you. Thankfully, they probably haven't filed any HR complaints because they feel so sorry for you.
No. It's just makes everyone else who in the break room uncomfortable. The monopolize it to talk really loudly about their nonsense. It's why everybody else sits far away from them. I just go to my desk because it's easier and I don't want to deal with it
What? No I don't care about the girl in the slightest. She's ok but mostly dumb.
I'm not jealous. I'm tired of the unprofessionalness in the workplace is all. It's appalling.
I'm also not ugly. I'm pretty good looking and I don't have a bad personality.
Fucking kill yourself, OP.
You sound super weak.
grow some fucking balls
You have a personality that drives you to make posts like these, and worry about people dating in the work place, and being unable to enter a lunchroom because you're scared.
Grow some balls and kill yourself.
People probably hate you, you tortured soul
Actually I'm in pretty good shape both mentally and physically
Prove it. Let this go and stay out of other people's fucking bbu
Fucking nerd, lol
Does mommy tell you you're a good looking guy just like any other guy?
maybe you should just remove yourself from the workplace, then you wont have any problems
Being in a mentally good shape and considering legal options for a workplace relationship are mutually exclusive you dipshit
Lol. I already confronted them today. I am by creating a record of complaints and recording the negative interactions. Then i will be going to my boss.
People dont hate me. They listen to me when I talk. I'm really well respected and they like me. This is about professionalism.
I will as long as it's not at my workplace. I have an obligation.
Okay, I'm out. I hope you crash and burn, OP -- once word gets out just what kind of person you are, it's not gonna be being saying 'Wow, OP is just super professional' -- people are gonna loathe you as the nerdy little bitch you are.
Go get your dick wet and maybe you'll feel less obligated to harp on other people for having some kind of intimacy going for them, or can't you?
Why should I have to remove myself from the workplace when they are the problem? What they are doing is wrong on all ethical levels of workplace conduct.
I could have just threatened him but using the power of the law shows maturity.
>"I find it weird knowing that they are going to go home and have sex with each other. I can't look them in the eye knowing this and it's really lowered my productivity"
where do you work, OP? let's email them the thread
How is smiling at each other bad? How is it smug or hostile? Sounds like they love each other and that's what it's about.
OP.. You are the problem
You can't handle seeing 2 people together at work without sperging the fuck out and trying to get them in trouble. What if one or both of them gets fired? They're at risk of losing their homes and a lot of other shit just because it makes you upset that they are dating. Thats really sad. Unfortunately youre going to end up harassing them with your bullshit and you'll be the one to get fired. Happened at my lady job, most satisfying feeling ever
Wrong. See you later. I am incredibly well liked and most of my coworkers agree with me. They just don't want their names on it cause they don't have the same level of fortitude and courage.
call Toby from h.r.
>"I find it weird knowing that they are going to go home and have sex with each other. I can't look them in the eye knowing this and it's really lowered my productivity"
yea your coworkers don't even know you exist, sorry bud
If it wasn't in the workplace it would be fine. Maybe they should go down to the bar down the street and smile. Instead they bring their cheeky smugness up to the workplace.
>"I find it weird knowing that they are going to go home and have sex with each other. I can't look them in the eye knowing this and it's really lowered my productivity"
What's your point
We work on the same team
>"I find it weird knowing that they are going to go home and have sex with each other. I can't look them in the eye knowing this and it's really lowered my productivity"
Seems like most of the people in this thread giving real advice are on my side
>"I find it weird knowing that they are going to go home and have sex with each other. I can't look them in the eye knowing this and it's really lowered my productivity"
yeah, you trust a bunch of Veeky Forums neets to side with you, because you're a fucking autistic little bitch.
Go tell HR this: "I find it weird knowing that they are going to go home and have sex with each other. I can't look them in the eye knowing this and it's really lowered my productivity"
It was in my complaint to HR.
No wonder you didn't get a response then, right?
Ahahah, you fucking autty
This is literally the saddest thing i've read on this board in a long time. I'm sorry you were bullied in high school OP but they should have tried harder because you turned out to be an absolute faggot
>He is totally jealous. You can tell from a mile away.
OP if this isn't bait just go get your dick wet, blow a few loads the night before you go to work and ask yourself then if it bothers you as much.
I'm in the medical field and we see this shit everyday. I even sleep with my wife at work and nobody bats an eye about it
This is based on the assertion his complaint had validity to begin with.
Please post a screencap of the email.
Good call. Using your own utensils ensures no one who's eaten off of them has had sex
those anons are fucking with you dude, just like the coworkers that "agree" with you. They just think it's funny to know that you would actually make a fool of yourself by reporting this