Fuck you faggots

Fuck you faggots


>nodes for a project no one will use
literally a worthless pump and dump token

Looks like they're working on it at least

this shit complicated af cant they streamline all of this?

Come back when it's not on a testnet

trust node release guaranteed for eom, this is just to show the progress they've made which is considerable but fuck I hope the UI is better come launch. This should be the only thing they'll be working on for the next month

nice I'm in the screen

Can't wait for the platform to be released. Only poorfaggots call this a scam because a node costs their entire portfolio.

You don’t know the best of it. Some of them believe the monthly income will equal ~1000 bucks.


this will moon big by end of month, easiest 5x

My body is ready. If you don't even hold a tiny amount of PFR, you are a retard. Screenshot this user.

Reminds me of the minereum scam

>someone trades 300 LINK next month on the platform
>I get my cut of like 3 LINK
>LINK will be worth 1000 eoy, and I just made 3k future dollars from one transaction

What now faggot

This post made me hard

Or one of the next antshare/high volume high roi coins that will make me rich passively


Sounds Jewish af.

>people sold their trust node at 6c per pfr

I do own PFR, so don't take it personal, but that's bullshit. If LINK went to 1K EOY, you'd be better off if you dumped your PFR now and bought LINK instead.

Dump it now? You'd be better off dumping it in April/May when it goes to $1 or beyond, that'll get me a lot more Linkies. But I'd rather wait and see what random coins I end up getting passively throughout the year.

Reminds me of the Minereum scam