What does Veeky Forums think of my burger?
What does Veeky Forums think of my burger?
no comment?
>implying your weaboo fatass can make fries
>burger flattened like a typical fastfood joint
Congrats on serving yourself milk, big boy just like mommy says you are.
this isn't really about the burger though, is it?
Nice burg. Are those your children? Why not make them mini burgs?
Pic is my waifu having pizza
>hey guys, look at my animu dolls.
No chocolate milk.
Fuck I'm out....
kill fuck marry fuck fuck marry
you didn't make that
looks like she is stuffed
where is he
>When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see in a mirror, darkly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.
Put your fucking toys away and get a hair cut
I know an in 'n out double double & fries when I see one.
Dude, you can only use this pic when Homo Pony Fag posts!
This from a book about a make-believe all-powerful being in the aether judging everything we do and tricking us by creating a world that doesn't function by any of the laws he says it does.
I'm trying to lure him out of his chicken nugget and whopper induced coma
His beetus medication and ritalin have sent him to sleep.
Were you trying to create a barricade for a no bully zone? I don't think it worked.
Looks good Opie, I made burgers as well
That seriously looks like Chuck E. Cheese pizza.
It's so wrinkly!
Reported for avatarfagging
>processed buns
>announcing reports
And there he is
What should I order at burger king? Pls hurry
who let all that shit on the table
post close up pic of the burger I can't even see it
Why wont they even fucking come out with a Yuugi fumo. I need it badly.
>>announcing reports
uh oh
you retards, he posted burgers a few posts down from you, it's obvious he had to make food to actually post when he saw the thread
we don't want filthy gookshit in here, only cooking
but its a berg and fries
fuck i was just thinking that not long ago