I am extremely interested in any/all mysteries, conspiracies, rumors, crimes, theories, scams, cons, cheats, hacks, glitches, false-flags, lies and anomalies related to Bitcoin, cryptocurrency or cryptography in general. Subterfuge, trolling and deception are encouraged, as long as you'll start a conversation with me.

I don't have any Bitcoin to give you in return. But, if you'd like to donate, my address is at the bottom. I plan on reaching out as far as I can, so hopefully I'll have a nice stash of clues that I can share with you all soon.

I find the idea of crypto being used for mischevious or deceptive purposes to be inevitable and fascinating, and I think there are a lot of deeply weird and possibly dark stories that haven't been told yet.

I plan on starting an official page for this soon, nothing too fancy but for now I'd like to do regular threads on Veeky Forums, and anything interesting I will post to the proper archive once I start it up.

CONTACT: [email protected]

DONATE BTC: 1349y85RCn19qxs5xRaWNx1MwztLB8JpyT
BCH: qr4ghczzsyarzuklznu7gw4rdvpala6ssywf9tk7dr

Other urls found in this thread:

what the fuck? all that typing just to beg for donations? fuck off retard.

fuck off retard

kys faggot

Find a designated street.

So you’re asking us to snitch


Fuck off. Show you're breaking a sweat then we will donate. Requesting donations before even starting anything is pathetic. If you're REALLY INTERESTED like you're saying then you'll do it for fun and not give a shit about donations.

To start off the discussion, I'd like to say that it was the Craig Wright conspiracy that really pushed me into the world of crypto mysteries. I highly recommend The Satoshi Affair if you're not familiar, it's a long piece but quite remarkable. I am personally convinced that Wright is Satoshi, and that he's afraid to access the keys, or lost them with Kleiman (who didn't help him much with Bitcoin, but rather helped him mine and secure his stash).

What do you all think? I've seen some Wright supporters/believers here before.
winklevosses are a key part of the facebook is a cia front theory.
it stands to reason that rather than being genius investors, they were tipped off and re used as actors again for another state sponsored project, bitcoin

Fair enough, I just copied the draft file I had on my phone. I will remove it next time.

t. virgin

Good stuff, I will be looking this up!

I've always been fascinated by the Wink's involvement in Bitcoin. Does anyone regularly follow their wallets by any chance? And does anyone know if they've done anything with their BCH?

i've not read into it.
i read on Veeky Forums there was some third party proof that kleiman and wright were in contact extremely early in bitcoin - not the edited material or emails or whatever. so based on that they were early miners/pioneers for sure, but nobody will know for sure until someone moves those early bitcoins.

Send .03-.5 eth to this address to confirm your wallet and you will receive up to 5 eth in the next 30 minutes.

How recent was that thread? I've been meaning to work my way through the Veeky Forums archives for Wright, there are some really good threads on here related to the whole thing.

Look into TKY. We'll all be tagged soon enough.

Also, has anyone else read Hal Finney's LessWrong posts? I found it interesting that him and Wei Dai were in contact often through LW.

satoshi is the chinese government, see digits

If it was created by any government then we'll probably find out at some point.

hey OP

neck yourself

Bruh someone post the wallet I'm talking about cause I still have no idea what is going on but it's weird af:

There's an ethereum wallet that send 0 eth to itself like every 10-15 mins. They pay the transaction free every time and just send 0 eth to itself. It's lost a ridiculous amount of eth doing this

Conspiracies say that they're expensively encrypting some important info to the ledger one tiny word at a time or something

Ah, I remember this thread!

Did anyone come up with a good theory?

I will post the link in a bit if I still have it saved.

No idea man, they're either encrypting shit to access later in an order only they know or they figured a glitch in the eth ledger where they get insta block discovery reward for doing what they do

Good luck making regular posts when you get banned for posting your wallets asking for donations. learn to read the fucking rules you faggot

As mentioned earlier, I'm going to take out the donation part in my threads. I don't really expect many to begin with; the real value is in having other people send me stories that I would otherwise spend a lot of time looking for, or just aren't told to begin with.

My theory at the time was that it was simply a bad bot although I didn't look too hard into the technicals. The insta-proof theory is very interesting.

It's not a bad bot, it's most definitely a bot but there's reasons for all the 0 transactions

me n my friend have secret bitcoim bingo night here in india you want go here more. this firest time i tell anyone

What about Szabo? From what I read, if he isn't main Satoshi he is pretty close.

Not convinced in any meaningful way, although his absence from the Bitcoin scene in the early years is something.

I'm also curious why noone has gone through the old Cypherpunk email lists yet. The fin-crypt world is not very big at all, and it was much smaller before Bitcoin.

One more bump, not planning on making these too often.

I'm going to be making an official site--- just a minimal HTML deal-- so stay tuned.

I'd like to read stories about people selling kidneys for bitcoin

I've seen threads on reddit where people have offered to cut off their toes or thumbs in return for BTC.

I also saw McAfee shilling an ICO for a dare market not too long ago.