>lower in sat value currently than it was on February 5th when every alt took a huge hit
fuck all the pajeets that shilled this, glad I dumped at 4k sats.
>lower in sat value currently than it was on February 5th when every alt took a huge hit
fuck all the pajeets that shilled this, glad I dumped at 4k sats.
Lol brag about not getting rich, retard.
t. bag holder
are you butthurt you didn't dump earlier?
Post YFW you're already a millionaire if you own over 10k REQ
Req always gets the best digits.
Shoo shoo Dinesh
Already lost 500 sats in the last two weeks, and REQ holders will pretend everything is fine KEK
Mainnet is around the corner you fudding pajeets
When was a last time a mainnet caused a pump for a coin? Remember ICX, the only thing keeping this shitcoin alive is the mainnet and it's going to dump hard after that. This coin is fucking dead.
This piece of shit is so fucking dead, everyone sell and let’s finally put it to rest
let it be a lesson that heavily shilled coins on Veeky Forums don't always succeed.
Motherfucker I’m tired of yer shit.
Ignore the FUD. Fudding will ramp up from now until release most likely.
Just ignore them and you'll make it. Don't let them manipulate you.
If you listened to the fud you could have dumped way earlier and now you're stuck with bleeding bags losing sat value daily.
Motherfucker I’m tired of yer shit.
>muh sats
Request is literally trying to make the decoupling happen, sats are literally worthless
what does ICX even do?
Lesson: if it's shilled on biz then it's already too late
this coin was shilled on Veeky Forums when it was 5 cents m8
nobody listened
>he bet on REQ instead of OMG
and it only 6'xd from ICO. thats pitiful
6'xd at its current price*
I shilled it when it was $0.04 under ICO
>he thinks REQ and OMG are competitors or in any way try to target the same money
OMG=Bank account
REQ=Payment portal and financial platform for apps.
is REQ doing the same thing that Ark is trying to do?
good question
lol no
Ark is aiming to bridge cryptos together so that you can exchange Ark for whatever crypto you want via their wallet. how is REQ any different? it is also trying to do the same thing but instead you are exchanging fiat for any crypto? sorry im a noob and im trying learn the difference
yeah the difference is fiat is actually a big thing
being able to buy anything with Ark is stupid cause you can already do that with Bitcoin
Also REQ is going to be apart of a dev platform
do yourself a favor and actually read both whitepapers. in that aspect they are similar but one is decentralized and the other isnt. but then one isnt only setting out to accomplish exchanging crypto and the other is.
>being able to buy anything with Ark is stupid cause you can already do that with Bitcoin
no it's not stupid because instead of having to go through an exchange you can do it from one wallet, if they are able to do what they are saying they will do that is. keep an eye on the conference that they're hosting later this month
also this
yeah but the thing is I still have to fucking buy Ark
Request is trying to make it so you can buy any coin with fiat, not have to go through another fucking coin
REQ makes ARK obsolete but they aren't targeting the same market.
It's just that REQ makes ARK obsolete by pure coincidence.
REQ just wants to be a payment portal with the lowest fees and make it so that merchants can accept crypto without actually holding any crypto or having to deal with crypto themselves. Which is the missing link we need for crypto to be truly adopted in mainstream society.