Hol' up. Is Veeky Forums unironically racist?
Hol' up. Is Veeky Forums unironically racist?
*smacks lips*
*sharply inhales*
Every person in the entire world is racist and anyone who says otherwise is a deluded retard
we must secure the existence of our crypto's and a future for white NEETs
a lot of people from /pol/ here
maybe link dying will make them go away
Define racist. Do I think we need to gas all the kikes? No. Do I think all races are neurologically uniform and it should be taboo to question that? Also no.
Not all just most
Yes, and I'm involved in politics in my country.
We love all niggers
Let me guess. You’re either a nigger or a fucking dirty muslim. In which case, take your worthless ass out of here and back to the unemployment line.
Welcome to Veeky Forums, niggerfaggot.
i bet you think the world is black and whi
ohhhhhh i get biz now
Niggers, Jews, Homosexuals, Arabs and Chinks they all stink!
Niggers are low IQ. Why should we side with them and make the global IQ lower?
"The role becomes the actor".
I unironically believe all brown people should be genocided to improve this planet
nah senpai idk where you got that idea ;)
Reality is racist.
dont know about biz but I am
yes we are racist
I think there is more racism in the last 5-10 years than before in western culture because of immigration/economic issues but I don't think Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums is racist in general, its just a vocal minority
Only care about race in the context of making money. I'm skeptical of hiring minorities for open positions at my office, but I'll always hire anyone that clearly underrates their own abilities, especially some minorities that have conservative 3rd world notions of family and loyalty. Often make the best hires as whites/Asians job hop a lot more (at least in tech)
Its another tool to use for hiring, but pursuing some racial supremacy goal is beyond retarded.
less than 100,000 jews died in the “holocaust”
fuck off, it was like this in the beginning of the board too
Which still means that it happened.
Most of /pol/ scum says it didn't happen.
only fucking closeted white faggots who never left their hugbox arent racist
found the jew, how is it going mr goldberg?
sure, but the circlejerk gets kinda old/retarded. I mean, is it really that exciting to trigger sjws by rehashing the same shit over and over?
idk ive been exposed to this shit for over a decade now, its the lack of self awareness about how trite and tryhard some of it has become that kills me
i guess it the mix of autism and racism that irritates me, either on its own is preferable
>scum got triggered
What are you even doing on Veeky Forums anyway kek.
less than 100,000 jews died in germany during the 40s. Also, no evidence of gas chambers. Who makes a concentration camp with a movie theatre, tennis courts, restaurants for the people that are going to be “gassed”?
Crypto is the only chance we have at getting kikes out of our finances. Then we can make the Holocaust isreal.
Samson option :/
There was no record of any plan to systematically murder all Jews by Hitler or by Nazi Germany as a state
Jews died in camps from Typhus, andyeah some were excecuted for being commie traitors but not as any part of a fucking genocidal conspiracy plot
Havaara agreement, Madagascar plan, Auschwitz soccer team..why implement those if your goal was to eradicate them?
So, since “the holocaust” is contingent on this mythological “final solution”, the holocaust did in fact not happen at all.
Some Jews died. Big deal. They started shit. If you punch someone in the face you cannot cry victim when they punch you back.
>theatre, tennis courts, restaurants
>sources: stormfront
You're never gonna make it
Y-You're thinking of those /pol/tards! S-surely there is no way that certain people browse more than one board. Also
>thinking Veeky Forums is one person
>thinking any board on this site is one person
im not even white you fucking retarded kike
it's because the fucking internet allowed information junkies to finally learn the truth about MUH 6 GORILLION
if you're not anglo or aryan then you are shit tier
The truth is racist.
what are you talking about. they ahve gas chambers you can visit in Auschwitz
also id like to see that a source on that restaurant and movie theatre stuff.
I know some camps had "exercise areas" no different from a modern jail, so tennis court doesnt sound implausible, but that otherstuff wouldnt make anysense.
unless of course by movie theatre you meant, room with a reel-projector and by restaraunt you meant, food court.
what did he mean by this?
Tbh anglos are shitier
No such thing as racism. You shouldn't treat everyone equally. Some stereotypes hold true and others don't. DYOR, apply critical thinking and come to your own conclusions.
>take your worthless ass out of here and back to the unemployment line
Nice projection, user.
im an ironic racist
i realize african americans commit a disproportionate amount of violent crimes...yet i still bleach their women
im on too many layers of irony to even know whats real anymore
>There was no record of any plan to systematically murder all Jews by Hitler or by Nazi Germany as a state
>"there was no record" of the final solution
>"there was no record" of banning arts and works that were perceived as being "degenerate" or jewish
>there were no records man... BUT GAS THE KIKES NOW!
And there's thousands of other reasons for why people like you are walking contradictions.
hitler wanted jews OUT of germany because they were meddling as usual and eroding the culture, as fucking usual
also most died of typhus and starvation
why the fuck do you think it's illegal in places to even deny the holocaust?
racism is a bogeyman pushed by elites to mix the human species into one race of slaves
Its because the internet has allowed like-minded retards who previously would have been social outcasts for their views to come together and form echo chambers.
pic related
I'm not hanging niggers or gassing kikes yet, if that's what your asking. Would I eat food imported from China? Would I shake an Indian's hand? Would I let a nigger date my daughter? Would I trust a Jew as a business partner? Those are the real questions.
And I'm not even jewish you selfhating third worlder. See, it works like this way too.
The more you'll realize that the "red pills" you've taken, are practically against yourself. I've seen people I know IRL being "red pilled", saying they're not racist because they vote for anti-immigration parties which in itself can be justified. In reality they hate all nonwhites.
Racism is a fucking tool to divide the masses and keep you worried about not making money. I don't give a fuck about what color you are I just see it for what it is. Bullshit.
>civil war 1865
About "slavery right?
>Martin Luther King Jr. 1963 "I have a dream"
100 years later huh and we are still divided because that's the goal. Abe L. wanted to deport all Africans back to their homeland but....assassinated. Follow the money. Research Sowell. You'll see the truth. Why is it that niggers are worse off today than they were 20 years ago, yet Obama just left office?
>why the fuck do you think it's illegal in places to even deny the holocaust?
bcuz 6 million jewz died and it’s very sad D: it’s the ONLY “brutal” “genocide” in history and we need to remind you every year about what happened but don’t question it at all or we will jail you for life
>DYOR on people
damn, it all makes sense now. I genuinely feel a little more enlightened today. Ty user for posting.
>social outcasts
are you lost?
Racism isn’t even real. It’s what people use as an excuse when they fail at something
Sergey is a Muslim sympathizer DYOR you think /bizpol/ buying that shit.
Bull. Trap.
>not wanting your country flooded with foreigners whose only goal is to leech off your people means you hate them
I only hate Jews like you.
I’m quarter Asian so i’m chillin ayy lmaoooo eat shit faggot
Racism is a boiled down version of reality 2.0.
It tries to oversimplify complex processes therefore will never be able to give adequate answers to reality read markets.
Leave, you will lose money user.
There's 130 million people in Mexico.
If we let them all cross the border, USA will just become like Mexico.
Mexico is like Mexico, because it's full of Mexicans.
There's no other logical reason.
Libs seem to agree the most, because I've never ever heard them say they want to move to Mexico when Trump is elected. So why can't we have border control?
Biz is business
So yes.
albert einstein wasnt a refugee he was an immigrant.
People need to learn the difference between
>only goal is to leech off your people
This is exactly what I'm talking about. This type of thinking leads into also judging people who don't "leech off". If you don't realize that but continue to calling me "jewish" then I'm not surprised seeing as you came straight from pol.
>Hol' up. Is Veeky Forums unironically racist?
Only the ones with high iq
Why unironically investing in cheap meme tech like a wall instead of flir drone swarms and a controlled application system?
You're not really "chilling". I'm sure you know what I was talking about but you're in denial.
he was a jew fleeing nazi germany
he was a refugee
wtf you think that word means
he did not flee when jews were begin prosecuted ding dong.
i know hes a jew
but he fled long before concentration camps or the war even began.
He was a scientist working for germany but left because he felt his talents were being used to forge weapons(which they were) and not being used in the pursuit of some better world.
This, kill all whites, spics and niggers, these subhumans is keeping down the IQ score from superior jewish and east asian intellect.
I’m racist because Jewish people in business are usually untrustworthy liars who will try to scam you out of everything.
I’m racist because niggers are animalistic retards who have been memed as funny and cool guys with huge dicks because of white guilt.
It’s honestly time to exclude jews and blacks from everything. It’s time to never give jews a chance to work with you. It’s time to act like smug elitists to niggers and never give them your time of day. It’s time to laugh at coalburning white whores who fell for the interracial meme. It’s time to vote them all off of the island.
>OP doesn't know that a large portion of Veeky Forums is just /pol/ after getting tired of the cancer and realizing the only way to answer the Jewish question is through finance
Oy vey! It's annuddah shoah.
Races are different.
There are traits only white people are capable of that I value over others, not all white people of course, most white people are the same degenerate spoonfed trash as everyone else and deserve the gas.
In my life the only people I've met who have a combination of appreciating complex humour, respect a fair fight, have a sense of justice, ingenuity, personal responsibility and a will to better themselves have all been intelligent white people.
Everyone else can have bits of that and theres a million other traits that make up a person but so far in life thats what I've found.
gets it
>complex humor
Layers of sarcasm aren't objectively funny. You have to add some value to the joke
pretty much this. you can tell a nu-Veeky Forums poster by his defense of muh based jewish billionaires.
Fuck off kooky brown person. Not sure why you are even here.
Jews were persecuted before WWII. He fled / didn't return from a trip when the Nazis came into power. They forbade jews from teaching positions and raided his house.
This is idiotic because all communities on average have those traits. They don't always transfer over to others for variety of reasons.
Nobody wants to move to non-white countries, everyone wants to move to white countries. Why do you think that is Herschel? And why do white people have an obligation to let people in who drive up crime rates and drive down wages? The only people who benefit from this are the people at the top.
Everyone look at the kike admitting Occam's razor is on our side.
Complex humour could really be anything, even sarcasm can rise above being cancer sometimes.
I can laugh at some nigger slapstick the same as anyone else
same cant always be said in reverse imo
If that was true the world would be a very different place.
Also I never mentioned anything about communities sharing traits, unless you want to define intelligent white people as a community
>feel obligated
Ah it's the Asian again, with sharp generalizations.
I meant communities as in peoples/countries genius.
I'm white devil trips kike. The answer is that access to white people is not a human right. We have no obligation to let these people into our countries.
fuck em