>stuck in a cubicle since 22
>avoided normie shit like cars, boats, dogs
>have saved $250k
>realize I am still not even close to retirement
you miserable fucker
Should have invested it, should have got a dog. Those fuckers are lifesavers. Would rather hang with a dog than a human any fucking day.
Can confirm
>get a dog OP
>invest it all in crypto
>retire in a year
>live easy life and chase chicks with the dog
>>stuck in a cubicle since 22
>>avoided normie shit like cars, boats, drugs
>>have saved $20k
>>realize I am still not even close to retirement
kill me
If you put that all in your 401k then you should expect to have three million by the time you're 65. And that's assuming you get no matching and never add in another cent. You've already earned enough to retire. You could just put all of that into your 401k now, and then spend the rest of your time figuring out how to start a business, so you can rake in even more cash.
Move to the midwest and buy cheap homes. Live simply within your means and don't buy anything with excess. Invest in crypto and stocks.
>buy 100k LINK unironically
>be filthy fucking rich in a year
>stuck in a cubicle since 23
>only have 300k from crypto
>half of it is in LINK
just go all in 10x btc right now you'll double savings in 72 hrs
You could also probably buy a really snazzy rental property with that too. Although you'll be looking at at least one million in equity before you could start to live off of your properties. What's your plan OP? I want to help you out.
>muh 401k
>retire at 65
boomer detected
If you want to save more, increase your salary.
Not if he moved to the midwest US. He could buy 4 properties and rent them for $600-$700 a month each.
>Buy a house
>Mortgage another house
>Rent out the first house
>First house pays for the other house
>You live for free, and even make a little money since renting is always more expensive than mortgaging.
That's right OP - have absolutely no fun or joy in your life. You'll be able to retire at 65 with loads of money. Think of all the stuff you can do with that. Luxury nutrient paste at a nursing home of your choice. Chrome rims on your wheelchair. A deluxe limited edition colostomy bag. The world will be your oyster. And all you'll have given up for it will have been the best years of your life. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me. Just make sure not to get ill or die, or the economy to tank, or to lose your job, or have anything happen out of your control and you'll be set.
sounds like my subconscious life plan
Dude get a fucking dog only thing that will love you for you .
If you to lazy to clean up after it get a cat
my fucking sides
What are you talking about? Not planning for your retirement is incredibly stupid. Richfags can live to like 90. On the other hand poorfags who didn't save a cent end up in a living hell. Why are you telling OP to blow all his money in momentary hedonism?
Good point. I was just speaking in terms of buying a house with no mortgage. I don't know OP's income, but your idea makes a lot more sense.
t. boomer
I'm not saying OP shouldn't plan for retirement but he is neglecting his enjoyment right now too which is even more stupid. There's no guarantee he will live to 90 or 65. Be sensible but you gotta have a bit of enjoyment in life.
Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it
Invest at least 10k in Crypto, noob
>>>$10k "saved" in crypto (pretty much all my possessions)
>>>health vent down the drain
i'll do it myself
Looking forward to flexing on you at the home
>Richfags can live to like 90
I bet they wish they were dead every day from 70 onward though. having a ton of money when youre old as fuck is pointless you cant enjoy it anyway. especially if you had to give up all the fun in your peak years you will be so bitter. theres a pretty decent chance you'll randomly have a stroke or get diagnosed with terminal cancer before then anyway.
What about getting a cat?
I think he'll feel a lot more free if he knows he's set for life by depositing that money in his retirement account. It literally means that no mater what happens he will be a millionaire. He can go do whatever he wants at that point. In fact it means he can enjoy more of his salary if he wants to.
I don't think we're actually disagreeing with each other.
naw cats are assholes mang
Silvio Berlusconi is an 81 year old richfag and he just BTFO everyone else in the Italian elections yesterday.
I get what you're coming from and there is a certain joy to be had in feeling financially secure. I just hate to see people slaving away the best years of their lives without any joy and hope they get to enjoy it later.
The man who spends no money has no difference in life over the man who has no money.
You are an idiot if you dont put it into the crypto market.
OP could always go start a business or something. It's always a bit of a catch 22 where you can 100% be a millionaire, but you'll be old as fuck. Or you can risk your money to start a business now, and enjoy being rich in your 30's - but if you fail then you have no retirement plan. It's probably best for him to deposit his money for retirement and then go try to get into real-estate or some shit. He never did reply what his salary is, so I don't know if he would need that 250k to start a business.
>getting terminal cancer at 70+
That will probably not affect you before age gets you. Being rich and old could be awesome, nice food and wine, cozy travelling, go to plays and concerts, spoil your loved ones.
Why do people want to retire when they're 65? God damn you're old as fuck by then. Imagine being 30 years old and not having to worry about bills, rent, etc. Fuck this wageslaving shit. I just want to make it user
OP put $10k into XRP. Probably be worth almost a mil before taxes in less than 5 years.
Boomer mentality, people were raised to follow it, fucking cucks
nothing is sadder than old people living on social security
if you put your life savings in an asset that routinely get cut in half you are an idiot
>What are you talking about?
He's talking about the part where you save up all this money for a time when your dick will barely work, your knees are fucked, it's almost impossible to forge deep relationships and every decade feels like a year.
heh I am 29, making 350k a year, will save 200k this year alone. you are fucking poor lol.
bitch, when you're young you can support yourself working. what else are you gonna do? not save? if you die before you are too old to need your savings then fine. but if you don't it's gg.
spending money doesn't equal living. not everyone who saves well is waiting to "live" until they're 65. the people who enjoy life are the ones smart enough to figure out no matter how much money you have at some point in the future, you won't be happy when you get there unless you enjoyed life along the way. the money won't make you happy, it's everything you did along the way getting there that will grant you meaning. the money is a cushion at the end, but you don't need it to fully enjoy life. the goal is to live a life where if you made it to retirement and had 10 mil and died the day before you could start to spend any of it, it wouldn't make any fucking difference, cause you enjoyed getting there
200k of what currency, rupees?
>herp derp enjoy life
lol Im in my 30s and Ive done everything I could ever want to do. travel the world, bang sloots, drugs, all that dumb shit. now I just want to retire and live out the rest of my days in peace, the fun meme is overrated af
>the goal is to live a life where if you made it to retirement and had 10 mil and died the day before you could start to spend any of it, it wouldn't make any fucking difference, cause you enjoyed getting there
Which OP isn't even doing. He's miserable and working in a cubicle.
so what the fuck are you complaining about? you don't have to do practically anything to "live in peace" you could do that on a part-time job you enjoy or just drifting. if you're really already "done" in your 30s you could literally become a monk and meditate for 40 years until you die you won't even need money. what the fuck's the problem?
>not everyone who saves well is waiting to "live" until they're 65
Lol did you just jump into the thread without even reading the OP? Thanks for the wall of text I'm sure it's fascinating...
MJ Demarco?
250k is a fuckton man. he could "retire" right now and invest that money. get a job he actually likes, even part time to support himself and keep his investment safe, and chill doing what he wants. come back in a decade or two and be filthy rich. what's the issue here? why are you purposely making yourself unhappy by pretending you have to play by some sort of rule?
>tfw you were not born in the timeline where 99% of today's jobs are completely automated and there is a universal basic income that allows you do to literally whatever you want
Reminder this is Elon Musk's vision
Maybe this crypto timeline won't be so bad either though...
Cats are just as shitty as op dogs are where it's at.
I'm not MJ Demarco you fool. MJ Demarco is obviously too busy to lurk here and I wouldn't give advice away for free.
>self employed
>live like I’m retired already only spend 10hours a week in office
Op I dropped out of high school at 16 to work to take care of family at 18 I started a small roofing company with some friends at 25 I got my contractor license now I only go into work to sign checks an approve bids
It’s not hard to build something on your own
maybe $250k is a lot in Uruguay or whatever dirt world country you're from, but here in America $250k is peanuts. It's not even enough buy you a house anymore. Certainly nowhere close to enough to retire on, unless you're already 75 years old.
And investing $250k won't make you rich either unless you invest in something with crypto-like gains which comes with crypt-like risk. If you put the money in your typical "safe" fund returning something like 5% a year, after 20 years you'd only have $663k. Factor in inflation 20 years worth of inflation and you've barely made anything at all.
You can buy 400k LINK right now and retire within 2 years with
Don t get a dog. My little sis let him out and got ran over . ask me how I fucking feel :,(
the problem with this mindset is that your entire goal is to escape life, not live it. "how much would i need to never do anything ever again and die in a self induced vegetative state" if that's what you want you don't need money to achieve it. if you have goals or aspirations instead, work to achieve them and you'll enjoy your life,and how much money you have in the future won't be a concern. either option reveals that obsessing over not having enough money at some point in the future is retarded and isn't what's preventing you from anything
this but unironically
> Chrome rims on your wheelchair
keked nicely, thanks
What the fuck are you doing with $250k in savings???
You should invest that shit nigga. And no, don't dump it all into crypto. Go for a mix of different things like property or index funds.
Look at getting a job which is remote working friendly so you can travel and at least get a change of scene while you continue to bank.
Long term look at having some steady source of income coming in each month. This could be putting some money aside to buy a house to live in and rent some of the rooms or it could be an online business. Really, it's up to you.
31 here. I have €100k in various investments from crypto, stocks and even forestry. Had to help out my folks as they had no retirement plan at all, which has set me back a bit but my plan there was to get them a second house, so now they can rent the old one and I'll inherit both.
$250k is a really good start though,bro. That will really start to compound, plus you will keep adding more.
It's not an overnight process, but it really does work. I did it that way, and finally pulled the trigger on retirement at age 59.
Hang in there dude, and remember to have a little fun along the way.
kek imagine being this delusional and bad at math
Nah, he'll be done with the working world in his 50's sometime. Trust me. And, he'll be enjoying life, traveling, etc. Stuff you will never do.
i'm not saying save nothing for retirement but if you sit at home pinching pennies and basically missing out on your 20s/30s just so you can be "rich" when you're old that is retarded and sad
Saving money and enjoyment aren't mutually exclusive. Some of us simply don't get off on lambos, etc.
People that talk like you will never know the satisfaction and peace of knowing they're all set financially.
You didn't mention your own old age: Shitty gvt nursing home. Ever smell one of those places? Ever see who works there?
Lol! Yeah, you'll really be enjoying that!
Inflation adjusted 99% of "jobs" are low paying. After taxes, cost of living and inflation your savings rate will be non-existent unless you work at government level of large corporation, in general. Those jobs are reserved for 55-65 year olds.
Why are anti-cat fags always subhuman?
retirement is a meme dude.
It certainly is not. But it is becoming a meme, as pension funds are now more broke than ever. All promises, gone. I can tell you my parents didnt complain retiring at nominal age of 62-63. Next generation they have lifted retirement age for 65. And my generation will retire at 70 at best. So half will be dead before retirement or hospital care lol
Watched my grandpa piss himself watching TV depressed and sad.
>Owner of a profitable business, 2 apartments, land.
Due to old age, his children took all that he had and his "wife" physically beat him because he married younger.
I've seen many old people in this state. Fuck trying to be a millionaire when your 70. That's some 1970's bullshit. Incredibly outdated theology will fuck you up
>t. a bunch of poor fags rationalizing the fact they have saved nothing to very little for retirement.
The government is subsidizing retirement. Max your retirement accounts, then put the rest in crypto and weed stocks. You'll be rich in July. This really isn't hard.