Who /heroin/ here?
Who /heroin/ here?
>eating the forbidden fruit
>from that point on, you waste a shit ton of money on a stupid craving
narcotics are the biggest waste of money
Well then, I suppose this is *technically* cooking related
I'm intrigued. Let's have a junky story thread.
>tfw 5 years clean
I wish
Would much rather become a heroin addict for a few months, be euphoric, and die of an OD instead of just committing suicide
This has nothing to do with food and cooking.
Dude's cooking up in the pic you blind faggot.
why syringe upside down
he's blind from all of the heroin he shot into his eyes.
Melting down your heroin is not cooking.
I died once on an OD of alcohol, BAC 4.75. Legally dead for a few. The last thing I remember was chugging a 40 of steel reserve. Came out of a coma in the hospital and didn't know wtf was going on, but I felt fucking fantastic w/ whatever drugs they had me on and the hydration drip. Entire family there when woke up all sad and crying, was just focused on this hot nurse pulling the catheter out of my dick just thinking she wanted some of dat haha. got back home and passed out for like 24 hours. It was one of the worst and best experiences in my life.
>I am retarded: the post
Leave this forum
I had a catheter up my leg leg vain, would have rather had it in my dick desu.
Hey man, I'm not junkie waste. I was smart enough to stay away from hard drugs.
Who is the real retard here?
Nice senpai I just passed the 4 year mark.
Gonna wait until I'm too old to walk down stairs safely and then go full junkie. If I die before I go bankrupt, I figure I'll never have to know what withdrawal feels like. I'd never try it while young, tho
that's not heroin, it looks like meth and he's using the blunt end of the syringe to crush it up so it dissolves easier in the spoon.
Why are 9/10 IOS posters absolutely garbage
>it looks like meth
Did the trashy tattoos give it away?
goddamnit I feel like a failure
You should