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these fucking kikes holy shit
ayyy yo can i have that wu-tang album mr. shrekli
Do you think Martin knows about the JQ?
daaaaaaamn! why?
On a stream he admitted to have 1% of his portfolio in BTC. He will make it.
>Do crime like a nigger
>Get punished
Because he messed with the Hilldawg
Love how they added in the album just to make for better headlines. Why not just have him pay an extra 2 mil, fucking cucked judge
holy shit they want to take everything from him and then lock him up
Saying mean things.
mfw all these vice/vox/huffpost articles and shit "hurr durr pharmbro must submit wutang album to federal government!!!"
This is unironically the most important part of the case. Who gets this album.
I want all these leftist judges arrested and deported for war crimes against america
To hurt him more and embarrass him publicly.
"who knows, maybe the feds will own it soon. But I have a contingency plan if that happens"
Album is probably booby trapped and will upload to Veeky Forums automatically when opened. The perfect crime
so many butt hurt cock suckers in here holy shit, dont do the crime if you cant do the time baby
Dude fucked up. Seems like he has some kind of issue where he thinks he is invincible. He behaves in a way that insults everybody so they want to punish him. I imagine even if he got significant jail time he would reflect on it, but rather get out and just talk about what bullshit it all was even though he is publicly obnoxious as fuck just for attention.
Epic style XD
Wouldnt* reflect on it.
He’s gonna serve 2 years max. He’s already writing his own version of Mein Kampf and will run for president in 2020.
>Seems like he has some kind of issue where he thinks he is invincible
He probably sent a copy to Assange and/or Kim Dotcom
Problem is the judge is an Asian Bush appointee
Hopefully he ha some bitcoin. I'll send him a few eth when he gets out to help get back in his feet.
>scam people
>get punished
So his fund lost money and he paid his investors out of pocket to cover the loss and gave profit? What's the crime here other than lying about how well his fund did to save face?
show your work please
has he ever posted here?
jeez is martin gonna khs you think
obviously. he even talked about buying this site before he went to jail.
This is why he is retarded. He probably could have gotten more leniency in this whole process but he perpetuated the negative public attention with stupid antics like doing tours of interviews where he criticized/insulted everybody who was taking part in this dispute, flaunted his wealth and disregard with dumb shit like the Wu-Tang album and the Facebook post about Hillary's hair, and general social media shenanigans. He always acts smug and relishes negative attention as confirming his superiority.
Glad he didn't or the government would own it right now.
He does now, kikes never forgive or forget if not for the holocaust they would still call us Romans as a derogatory term instead of nazi.
>he acted smug he deserves to go to jail!
good post
He built a cult following. He's way too smart; whatever bad thing he did, I guarantee people still want to work for him.
Shkreli turned lemons into lemonade.
I can't believe there are people who still believe the media when they talk about the shit he did. After everything we have seen them do, now they are telling the truth? fucking kek.
>bawwww judges are leftist for upholding the rule of law and punishing securities fraud!
lmao imagine being this deluded
Did I say that? I said his disregard caused him to get more shit than he had to. You can believe like he probably does/did that the world should conform to whatever you want it to be, but if you're a responsible adult you'll probably realize that people who could have authority over you in something like this should have their interests considered, even if they're superficial ones like respecting the process and appearing to take everyone seriously. Appearances can matter a lot in court, or anywhere. Most people don't go around shit talking their boss, for instance, and when they get shafted for a raise or ultimately fired complain "but I did my work well! He had no right to fire me!"
Unless they're socially unadjusted, anyways.
I haven't sat down to watch the 6 or so hours of it, but I hear his youtube video on how to research a pharmaceutical trial is a masterclass
there you go cucks, for all those still insisting this isnt prison planet with (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((globohomos)))))))))))))))))))))))))) running the show for what you are permitted to say and think i JUST dont know what to do for you
when will enough be enough? (RHETORICAL QUESTION BTW)
do the roasties not do it for ya?
does the importing of the dirt world to rape and pillage you and your childrens future not do it for ya?
does the politically correct thought and language control not do it for ya?
does (((((affirmative action)))))) not do it for ya?
does (((((sanctuary)))))) cities not do it for ya?
does (((((no-go)))) zones not do it for ya?
does printing pedo papers (that you depend on and they can take from you at any moment) thereby devaluing your earnings and savings not do it for ya?
you should get the point by now
Probably true, but how much he can leverage that depends on how valuable those people are. Most of them came to him to teach them how to make money, I'm not sure how he can utilize a crowd like that for anything other than an audience, and it seems doubtful that a YouTube channel or Patreon will get him back his $20mn or whatever in assets.
He could go Jordan Belfort and do public speaking on business for tens of thousands. Might at least get him back to where he was in a couple of years, but that still seems like a big opportunity cost of possible years in prison + having everything else wiped out in restitution.
Uhmmm sweetie? Can you frick off back to /pol/ please?! There’s no (((jews))) in charge. Name ONE (1) Jew that’s in a powerful position that could influence world governments. I’ll wait.
>socially unadjusted
>responsible adult people have authority over you
pathetic statist, there is no rule of law, the punishments are arbitrarily and cruelly divvied out (on purpose) and only non-serious crimes and law abiding citizens are ever harrassed (not in no go-zones however which have their own defacto rule of law and court) by the leviathian (state) in our modern societies (read: western)
the only rule of law, and this has always been the case, is the one set by your rulers which you must obey but which do not apply to them
who said anything about jews? i said globohomo agenda (a nice succinct term)
it encompasses more than one tribe, of which jews are just a part (albiet they have their own role just as other groups do)
do you not realize that a system is completely in place to do just what i am saying or do you think that there is no such thing taking place?
pathetic b8 m8
Securities fraud according to who? The kike prosecutor?
yea he's a 4chanfag
>implying it wasn't part of the deal with the cia that got moot a job at google
Does anyone have a copy of that vocaroo that was posted here that sounded a lot like him? I had it bookmarked but it won't load for me now. Was a really interesting recording taking about btc price discovery, bill gross, futures, etc.
The main issue is he thinks he can do what the elites do without repercussion.
This guy was slapped with a 1.3 billion judgement
Now that's a JUST
ayeah I heard that one but I don't have it saved sorry
>Be America
>Encourage capitalism as the only true path in life
>Someone gets rich using system
>Throw him in jail and take all his money
WTF America. Srsly.
Jesus 2 of the 3 prosecutors are female and almost certainly Jewish
>I'm Jewish and a woman
There is a hierarchy to America, try and upset it and you get a hammer dropped on your head.
anyone tldr what he did?
i know the price increase of drugs isn't illegal so he had to have done something else, right?
It's sad when americans try to be european.
J-left wants to criminalize successful white men
Some roastie probably got pumped and dumped then threw him under the buss saying he used her money to pay off other investors
Martin Shkreli is a political prisoner.
Madoff 2.0
>The forfeiture award is not part of any fine, penalty or restitution the judge might impose.
Literally just taking his shit.
That slant bitch. Someone needs to napalm that gook.
>Jews ruining your country just a conspiracy
Martin can do whatever the fuck he wants. Fuck everyone, he's in a position where he can piss the whole world off and does a good job at it.
Your boss has every right to fire you if he doesn't like being around you, regardless of how well you do your job. Judges are servants of the people. They have no right to take in their own opinion of you into account in matters of criminal offenses. They must uphold the law as it is written, not as they see it.
>I had it bookmarked but it won't load for me now
You should have downloaded it. Vocaroos expire, retard.
According to recent polls, ~11% of the American population hold/are sympathetic to anti-semitic view points. Same numbers that got Hman elected in the 30’s. History repeats itself. Soon..
so edgy man
That's disgusting, but it explains how our fascist in chief got elected.
Jews are the most disenfranchised group in America. They have no money because it was stolen in the Holocaust and they have no influence because we are constantly persecuted.
The only way to make up for past sins is for everyone to support a strong Israel and an end to countries like Iran, Palestine, and Russia. A stronger Israel is a stronger America.
It's incredible that most of the population has no fucking clue that a large portion of the media and JEWdicial system are dual citizens.
How many other countries let dual citizens have this much power? None.
Fugg, one of these autists must have saved it.
how the fuck is he so smart? Was he born with that ability? Sometimes I will sit down and do models exactly like he did but I cant read between the lines. It's like he has this unexhaustible supply of interest for finance and stocks that lets him read about it all day. I'm on fucking adderall and I still can't focus on this shit to save my life.
This fucking judge.
They're going to try their hardest to nail him to the wall.
His rare albums and a picasso. Nevermind the cash he has, take the things which are rare. Just salt in the wound. Free shkreli. I'll never forget that AXON short.
Yes. Other than grinding he is just high IQ. Legitimately a good role model.
Imagine being so edgy you go to jail and lose all your money for it.
I unironically trust the MSM over anything I read on this website.
fuck. what is wrong with people.
ITT: Everyone on Veeky Forums thinks they know more than a judge and jury who heard this case for months
He's what you'd be if you were more confident. He's Veeky Forums embodied.
Now that's a quality post
you have to go back
Racist capitalist fuck.
The judge browsed r/funny during recesses.
Australia has recently been on a dual citizenship purge from the government
>Throws CD and Picasso into a fire
What now?
He was running a hedge fund but instead of following his claimed investment plan he took all the money and dumped it into his drug company. It worked out and made them all a profit, but because he lied about what he was doing with their money he goes to jail and forfeits all his stuff. Not to the "victims" who lost nothing, but to uncle sam.
Im a loser and no one will listen to me WAHHHH! Global leftists are putting my scumbag security fraud over lord in jail but he promised me millions!!! World is so messed up man they're all out to get me and my white family because of my lack of success WAHHHH!
This would btfo the judges so much
Id totally do it
Even if I got extra sentencing
And with his idgaf /unapologetic attitude it would be epic
Just release it online.
>read article
>female judge
literally the only thing you need to know about this story. Rip based Albanian nigger