I am from IBM

I'm inside her at IBM, just a few opinions and facts of mine to share.

A number of currency integration projects have begun here at Hyperledger, I got papers on my desk today asking for me to build mockup's for Hyperledger integration projects. I'm a kiss ass so I'm detailing what integration with Stellar would look like. Bitcoin, Ethereum and Koltin projects also need to be detailed.

Once the CL alpha launches on Cardano if it hasn't already I'll be taking my personal project time to build secure integration with Cardano.

Just telling you about my day at work really, C. M. stole all the paper cups today from the cooler, what a nigger.

How many people working in this stuff at IBM?

Crypto/smartcontract etc

how far along is IBM's supply chain ledger?

>I'm inside her at IBM

Doesnt even matter, current supply chain ledgers are already way ahead of the game and have partners

>inside her
I recognize you from your old bitcoin cash threads. I had hoped butthole cancer or a car crash had taken you from us.

Maersk will be using IBM -_-

spooky dubs man.
People all around the world are working on IBM blockchain projects, already have systems in use for dispute resolution on the fintech side of things. I can't give you the number because I'm not management, I can tell you 7 of us are working on scoping out integration projects.

I found bitcoin cash amusing and ominous.

what country you in?

So what should I go balls deep in? Any new announcements that are coming out with IBM?

Korea, working abroad.

I think the website speaks for itself, we've done marvels for dispute resolution times and trust between organizations using our system.

Cardano is pretty /g/entoo

I have a grandson who want to work in this area what should I tell him to learn technologies wise?

Bachelors, 5+ years experience, understanding of distributed systems, understanding of scaling solutions. I'd suggest he looks at IBM job postings on the internet and use them for scope.

Korea? Are you in ICX? why or why not?

And why ADA?
>muh PhD research papers

Just tell him he should learn more so he gets a job at a good company otherwise he will end at IBM.

I don't know anything about this. I don't invest nearly as much as I should.

>muh PhD research papers
I like math. Its the only project that models itself in math, then on top of that it uses haskell, which speaks like math when read.

Can you post proof faggot that your inside ibm

dark trip! please tell me your thoughts on link

you're the only biz trip that isn't full of piss

He cant cause he wants to sell bags

Ans they will be late.

It will be interesting to see how it fairs but im putting money on the decentralized solution

Corda is much better than hyperledger fyi.

the company as it stands is a joke
I actually hold some link, purely because of the 777 get, and on the off chance they get bought and scaled up

and obligatory chainlink question. Is that what you meant by CL in the OP

Is XLM set to moon?

Fabric has been chosen by developers and banks over Corda, so I don't know who's opinion that is other then yours. Swift isn't even committed to blockchain yet and by the time they do, they'll be a customer.

I don't know, but Stellar being intended to bring infrastructure to places without it will benefit in that mission because of Hyperledger.


an example of a lack of commitment.

>Cardano is pretty /g/entoo
You're right. Cardano is what I imagine happens if you take all the haskell memes on /g/ seriously

good textbook, knuth is the man

Are you reporting to the IRS people's holdings on the blockchains?

what are you working on in this process

>I'm inside her at IBM





>I'm inside her at IBM

What is this? I don't like this.

Pajeet girls love it in the ass.

How detailed.

The fuck does that mean

yes he means fucking chainlink.

Wow thanks maybe with your detective skills you can convince him to say more than 7 fucking words

Can’t you understand he is the employee of IBM and not an Asian man sitting in a sweaty hot room typing all of this? No way, he is just a normal employee of IBM with his cool employers talking about water cooler banter, haha paper cups.