If you had put $1000 into these coins, you would currently have have:

>ETH: $45.8K
>XRP: $153.8K
>LTC: $54K
>NEO: $938K (LMAO)
>XLM: $207K (LMAO)
>XMR: $26K
>STRAT: $85K
>DOGE: $25K
>DGB: $158K

>there is a short combination of mouse clicks you could make RIGHT NOW to become a multimillionaire in under a year
>there is a chance that you already hold enough to become a multimillionaire in under a year

What are your excuses, and what coins are we going to be talking about next year?

Other urls found in this thread:


Here's a link to the time machine: coinmarketcap.com/historical/20170305/

>tfw only have $200K and not $5M

if you put $1000 in those coins today, 1 years time you will have $0

Uninronically this. This market is dead now.

I bought Tether 1 year ago and haven't seen a single ounce of gainz


>expecting the same gains ever later in the game
the absolute state of late adopters


PRL. Most of you niggers missed the initial moonshoot from ED to Kucoin though. Maybe x25 left till EOY

>there is a short combination of mouse clicks you could make RIGHT NOW to become a multimillionaire in under a year

No. Last year was unique. There will never be a boom like that again for a century, where you can 100x your wealth as by throwing darts at a board. Now we'll be lucky for 40-50% gains on the year.

people said this when btc hit 1k and then crashed and stayed under 1k for years after mt gox

But they were wrong then. They would be right now though. We already has mass "adoption" (protip: no one is going to adopt this shit) and a classic bubble burst in February. Every coin on cmc is overvalued by a factor of 1000 or more. It's over.

Already all in req

See you on the moon

$1000 invested in Link today will be worth minimum $200k exactly one year from now.

This is the most unconvincing thing I've ever read. It makes me want to put more fiat into crypto

bags getting heavy huh

There's literally no way to know this and your pessimism is in fact a buy signal.

is that what you tell yourself to cope with your personal failure

Saying that people will not "mass adopt" crypto is like saying people will never "mass adopt" 64-bit computing because math is too difficult for most people.

But nearly every single person in the developed world is using 64-bit computing on a daily basis without even knowing what it is, because smartphones have neatly packaged it behind a bunch of comfy interfaces for normies to use.

What if crypto/blockchain also became widespread back-end tech? Imagine that.

People will never forget both HPB and especially Banyan Network's inevitable run. You haven't even began to see the real giants in the Chinese blockchain system. The pieces are being put to place right in front of your eyes.

No, I already made money on crypto. It will still get better returns than stocks for a few years before the bubble truly collapses and cryptocurrencies lose 99% of their value, but anyone who thinks another 100x will happen for any token is deluded. It's over, face it.

It won't be, there are no real use cases for blockchain/DLT. The market is pure speculation, hype, and scamming.

I dont have a wojack to describe how stupid you are

>there is a short combination of mouse clicks you could make RIGHT NOW to become a multimillionaire in under a year
It's like a real life cheat code.

>there are no real use cases for blockchain

I've got you, buddy. Here's us.

>there are no real use cases
you were baiting decently before but now you're just trying too hard to seem like you have a mental disability.

Name one that isn't a scam.

People were saying this a year ago

JNT will be in the top 10, perhaps top 5 or even top 3.

Do you think there is any demand for a global 24/7 financial market?

Not in fake Internet money. The only point of this shit is to dump it on people for for money than you paid for it.

so what coins do i buy for one year from now?

>anyone who thinks another 100x will happen for any token is deluded. It's over, face it.

i've been hearing this for years now.


if the market doesn't shrink I would literally jizz myself into a coma if that happened

real money is also intrinsically worthless, it only has value because we agree that it does

chainlink tbfh, everything else already mooned like fuck.

5-10x by EOY possibly 20+ within 2 years

Also most anons in this thread must be redditors and newfags because crypto is going to at least a 10-20 TRILLION market cap before bursting and if you are dumb enough to be fudded out of investing now because it is "too late" then you should just stop visiting Veeky Forums and go get a wagecuck job because that is all you will ever be good for.

Then prepare yourself. If you understand what it'll do and who is behind it it is the most guarantedd moon shot of the year, and probably ever.

Give me a quick rundown on JNT

>inb4 dyor

not enough people seem to grasp this
it's a simple thought but it should revolutionize the way that you invest

i want the bogpill on JNT too

JNT = CENTRALIZED FIAT TETHER COIN WITH AUTHORITARIAN GOVERNANCE. don't believe me? Watch box mining interview with JNT team member and compare fundamentals with decentralized bitcoin structure. On top of that it's based out of Dubai .. but they're trying to play it off as a Swiss coin lmao

Already bursted, faggot

What about verge?

What projects should I invest in? I have Chainlink and RLC.


And here's the top 20 from 2014.

It's so fucking hilarious it's either this dude is a massive frothing retard, or it's FUD. It makes my day every time I see people mention this on /shillcentral/ and gives me hope every time I see it.

Basically, you'll be able to trade on-chain off-chain assets, it's the very first project that'll actually make big investors (hedge funds, banks or even central banks) earn more money thanks to blockchain technology.
JNT is just one (albeit central) piece of the equation, the token will either have its own blockchain in the future, move to another blockchain (they are currently running simulations with the NEO blockchain iirc) or become blockchain agnostic depending on what's better, it's not supposed to remain an erc20 token forever.
CryDRs are the most important part of the project and possibly the biggest innovation in the crypto-space since smart-contracts.
I'm phoneposting so that's all you'll get for now, I advise you to read the medium posts and some on their subreddit.

Also, they have Don Tapscott and Abbas Zuaiter as advisors, Da Hongfei and CZ spoke at their launch conference and they are already backed by the crown prince of Dubai and his $2.3 billion fun to pilot their project in the entire MENA region. Of the three founders, one managed more than 1.3 trillion of assets and the other several billions in one of the Saudi family funds, and the other is a blockchain genius.

Who....Who are you people? I refuse to accept you're not viral marketers there is NO WAY you people are real.

>confirmed redditor
Kys pajeet

What do you think of HPB?

I did not HODL


Quark is up 50% today

Not really, bought 10k for 1 eth. Hopefully 100k eoy

It's not based of out of Dubai, their main pffice is in Zug, Switzerland and they also have one in NYC, they have a PR office in China and in Korea and the crown prince of Dubai gave them an office in his fund building for their partnership.

This is what happens when a stupid person tries to sound intelligent.

I think it's ok but it doesn't bring anything really new to the table, it's yet another "same but better blockchain". The real moon missions of the following years will have to bring something new just like BTC was the first blockchain and ETH the first blockchain with smart contracts.
Look into Tomochain or Elastos also, both very good projects that I'd chose over HPB.

But I still think you'll make decent returns on investment if you put money into HPB, if you feel confident about it go for it.

>final tier
>Soy Grand Theory


I heard that line many times last year.
you're going to be sad when the next run starts.

I'm all in though. The crypto bubble will still get better returns than stocks until it implodes in a few years. It might grow to 1-2 trillion before it finally collapses. I'm just not deluded enough to think that returns are going to be measured in x's anymore.

Thanks for this, kind Sheikh. I'll (actually) be looking into JNT soon. Seems like a better moon shot than many other options.

Look at how the marketcap is currently calculated and ask yourself if there is anything wrong with it.

I'll give you a hint, there is, and it only takes a few million dollars to pump a coin several billion in marketcap.

like it does every year you literal retard? neck yourself

I already said above that the marketcap is artificially inflated by at a factor of ~100-1000.

And retards here think they're still "early adopters" LMAO.


>what coins are we going to be talking about next year?
OMNI. only those who know will make it.


Thanks for this post.

Made me realized how over value cryptos are and that we it still need to be in despair stage.

Don't really bother about the shill threads or the telegram, they are filled with a bunch of autists that keep spamming. The telegram can be useful if you have a question, Talal (business lead and co-founder) usually answers pretty fast.

Don’t be an idiot. Those are huge percentages but that’s because we are that early. Look at market cap. Keep in mind we are in a global market cap

if PRL fails then I'm sorry about whatever fuckshitcoin you're holding buddy.

Cause It's probably, along with IOTA, the only thing that has a future.

The rest is a sea of 1500 shitcoins that:
1. Don't need a token
2. Don't "revolutionize" anything

Remember, education is important, get a real degree in engineering, computer science, etc. then you can make good calls like the rest of us who own PRL.

bitch i bought JNT for $.50 you faggot kys

Engineer here.

Can confirm PRL a shit coin

we have maybe another 2x left over 5 years before the market collapses.

>Along with IOTA

OMG, you think you're smart but you fell for that meme?

Actually on second thought, this coin doesnt look so bad on paper

Crypto bubble will burst when everybody is in fucking crypto... not everyone is in it.

Literal beanie baby retards will sell their house for a single bitcoin before we see the mother of all bubbles burst.

Greed > government ... 2008 should've taught you that.

Expect a great depression v2.0 to come shortly after.

This, lmao at permabulls who think market will just keep going up.

This is literally the only project using hardware for blockchain acceleration and also the only project in crypto that claims to have a partnership with Union Pay China. Did you do any research?

that's what they said a few years ago. foh, you stinky nigger.

Does nobody else realize that you have to find a shitcoin that has less than 15 million market cap and isn't a complete disaster if you want to make the same kind of gains next year? I feel like I'm the only one who sees this...


Sherlocle. Which dookie coin is the question..

SO MANY, in no particular order-


God dam too many coins to keep up with honestly. Gonna go kms

Im going with telcoin. Same supply as XRP, XLM and TRX all which are valued at higher marketcaps. Tel can probably move up to a similar price eventually.

Wysker and VTR. Easy 100x each.

Verge was 2 sats... 1k last year = 2.6M now

if ELA does what the chinks say it does it will 100x even with 400m mcap

it's just everybody keeps skilling shit with more than a billion dollar market cap and it's like whyyyy..
>yea bro invest in the top 15 you can't lose!


Im sceptical honestly. Could of gotten in during ICO, 50% salty.

Dont think ill get in desu

Literally the point of this thread, if you had gone in on the top 15 you would of been a millionaire now.


you guys must hate enterprise solutions or be completely new. Literally everything could burn in value, but factom would still have about the same outlook.

MOre and more. The more time I spend on reddit the more I realize that they're all fucking dumb money bagholders. At least Veeky Forums gives us fresh shit from time to time.

nano was less than a penny in april (as far as cmc goes), imagine putting money in it, or better, imagine solving captchas to earn nano, certainly a better investment than solving captchas to shitpost on Veeky Forums

>spend 4k on a bunch of coins and held them
>now has 1k in total

>knew bitcoin in january 2010
>simply ignored it
>read about it again in december 2012, and didn't bought a single one
>thought it would end as flash games pages currency (and only)
>2014 me: "this shit will end soon, it's useless"
>2018 me: "FUCK ME"

What MCAP do you think crypto will peak at?

>tfw shilled numerous people on Quark, none of whom take me seriously anymore