Don't Stay in School

What does Veeky Forums think about this blooks song? Should normal people drop out of school?

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Yes but you have to start working somewhere.

I watched 1/3 of it. Nearly everything he mentioned he wasn't taught is a college course. Including first aid. Not that we shouldn't push a lot of shit into general education.

Promoting antiintellectualism is wrong.
Now, I know that the quality of schools is generally pretty awful in the US, but all these things he mentioned are reasonable important and you can expect people to know them, if they're taught properly.

Obviously this appeals to the idea that you study for the sake of knowing things.

How much stuff do you remember in college that you didn't study again in Universities ? 10% maybe ?

He's complaining that they didn't teach budgeting in school?

Yes they do... Its called arithmetic...

Take your income and minus your expenses.

If your number is less than zero you need to cut back on expenses, or cut into savings.

If the number is more than zero you have extra money and can spend it on something or save it for later.


That's a budget.

Based on this, I think I've figured out how we'll restructure education in America

Age 5-11 will be placed into a large school where the only objective is teaching kids not to be retards. This will help us weed out the retards. Some people just aren't going to learn because their genetics won't allow for it. Face facts.

Actual education begins at age 12, and it will have proper funding because we didn't waste money buying textbooks for toddlers.

Most of it, yes.
It's also obviously of lesser value than what you learn at university, but that's not important to what we are talking about.

He compares debatable with undebatable knowledge. The occurence of historic events is undebatable, the existence of wavelenghts are undebatable, law is not.

He should've stayed in school.

I would like to make a longer comment on this, but even if anyone would care to hear it, writing on mobile is meh.
I think he has a few valid points, and the solution might be earlier specialisation, but I remember my school time full of people who either 1) wanted to do something they did not want to put effort in or 2) had no idea what to do after school. So I don't think we could do that.
Some things we do not learn about (taxes, laws, first aid) are things you should not need a school for unless you want to understand how governance works beyond an intuitive ilevel (there is college for that)
Taxes are a part of your expenses and you will need more than math to understand which of those apply to which extent to you, especially if you want to get part of your tax money back (there is a reason people are paid for doing the taxwork of others).

>I was never taught how to vote
You tick a box

> I wasn't taught how to breathe in swim class
> Swim class must be useless
School teaches specific knowledge, not general knowledge, if you lack that, blame your parents.

70-80% easily.

pretty terrible poem

seems like a waste of meat to me

I had F's throughout whole elementary and early high school simply because I cared for different things. Now I'm a physics grad student. How do you weed out the retards again?

This is a parody, right?

Education is about learning how to think, not what to think

The school system is an indoctrination into modern PC society. Your children will go into school loving you... and when they come back, they will hate you. I've seen the cycle repeat itself enough times to know, and I can definitively state that it's what the school system eventually did to me.

>Do you think you're smarter than your parents?
>Do you think your grandparents were ignorant?
>Do you believe we're all created equal, but only a few of us deserve special privileges?

Home school your children if you really love them... sending them to school in this modern age is the equivalent to putting your parents in a "retirement community".

>Home school your children if you really love them
And they'll come out socially inept and disconnected from the rest of the world. Schools fulfill several needs, not just education(/indoctrination).

You have to strike a balance. You can't shelter them from every harmful idea, but you can try to teach them to be analytical / a skeptic.

he's fucking retarded
>"school is dumb cause it don teach me basic hooman skills"
that's why they are called "basic"
a decent person will ether learn everything he said from his parents or by himself

even now i consider most of grade and middle school a waste of my time
but that period taught me about having fun, social skills, and friendship
the people i met then are the same people i hang out with now (more or less)(atleast when i go home)

This doesn't have to be true, dude. I met a kid in college who had been home schooled his whole life, and I would have never known if he hadn't told me.

He said his parents just kept him doing sports throughout his youth, and then by the time he was a teenager he just had his own friends.

Just saying that it's entirely possible to strike a balance. I think the main problem is the type of over-protective parent that's likely to home school their child doesn't aim for balance.

most people learn "life" skills on there own. pretty basic shit

>The occurence of historic events is undebatable
Historians beg to differ.

so basically, it's a song about the regret of going to High School instead of a Vocational School?

That is a nice thought, but this isn't the 80s anymore... your plan hasn't really worked since before the 50s.

...and fuck the rest of the world.

But being honest, I also believe math shouldn't be mandatory past the middle school.
Math in pre-college education isn't really math. If you look closely at the math curriculum in school system and think about why such topics were picked instead of others, you'll come to a conclusion that the whole curriculum is just the bare minimum to prepare you for calculus in college. Many people argue that math is there to teach you "think". But if that was the case, the choice of topics would be completely different. There are many more useful things in math with better applications in day to day life that can teach you to "think". Compare with what they did in computer science with discrete mathematics. Anyone who took extracurricular math classes have seen those fairly basic topics, which are totally alien to math in class, which give you a better leverage over reality, but they have no use when preparing you for calculus. And most people don't get and don't even intend to get that far anyway.

>School teaches specific knowledge, not general knowledge, if you lack that, blame your parents.
Why end it here? Let's get rid of all of the school system. Blame your parents if they didn't hire you a tutor. Like in XVIII century.

School system is something that should protect you from dumb parents. And it generally does, even if it isn't perfect.
Personally I think parents by definition are horrible at rising kids. How often in a professional life such a demanding and important job, that literally a life depends on it, is given to some unqualified random people, expecting them to learn as they go? Sounds like some very poor management.
The school system should have more responsibilities and privileges over kids.

sure you do, snowflake.

>Your children will go into school loving you... and when they come back, they will hate you.
>Home school your children if you really love them

There is no more pure thing in the world, than the hate of a home schooled child towards its parents.

what if he sucked at sports?

The video is very clearly calling for reform, and he says as much in the 20 bazillion videos that follow.
When he says "don't stay in school" it's in relation to his last line when he speaks on the useless education saying "they don't stay in school", the "they" meaning sub-consequential studies.

Yes, these concepts should be included in the curriculum:

[Home Economics]
Occupational Training and Information
Banking, Loans, Stocks and Money Management


[Social Studies]
Current Events
Human/Civil Rights
Domestic Abuse

[Physical Education]
General Health
First Aid & Basic Medicine
Mental Health
Sex Ed

>Should normal people drop out of school?


It's tricky, because when observing home schooled kids and comparing them with others, you have to be aware you are not dealing with a representative sample. Kids who were home schooled are the ones that succeeded in it, because if there would be problems they'd come back to a normal school very quickly.
I think sometimes it can be effective though, like in some of the cases of kids that normally would have problems in public schools.


I thought this was a ugly girl when I saw the picture

Err I don't know what school you went to or where, but for me most of those were taught or at least electives in high school. Hell we had home ec in middle school.

The real problem is that kids just don't give a fuck. I promise you that the vast majority of what is taught in school never sticks because the kids can't be fucked to pay attention

>I don't know what school you went to or where
That's the point. The problem is, unlike math, in general the presence of those topics is illusory and depends on a whim of a teacher, or in most cases of a principal.
Speaking of principals - they change. And with a new principal comes a whole new set of policies. I applied to what would seem the best HS in my town, but it went to shit. More than half of teachers changed while I went there, it's national rank has fallen from top10 to top500 in three years, etc. OTOH my brother, which is 13 years older than me, went to a technical high school that was considered the best in the whole country, but when I applied it was total shit in the rankings. But now, some years later, it's considered good again.

>The real problem is that kids just don't give a fuck.
Ok, but we can say they don't give a fuck only if we hand them the fuck to give.

>Err I don't know what school you went to or where, but for me most of those were taught or at least electives in high school.
Same here.
Almost everything he complains about being missing ARE taught in school.

For instance he complains about not being taught how to pay taxes, but if you learn to read, write, follow instructions and do some really simple math, you can file your taxes.

> the presence of those topics is illusory and depends on a whim of a teacher, or in most cases of a principal.
>Speaking of principals - they change. And with a new principal comes a whole new set of policies.
What rathole do you live in?
Here in the U.S. any school that can't teach students enough to pass the SOL (standards of learning) tests will lose federal funding.

And we're allegedly way behind most of the civilized world.

>math shouldn't be mandatory past the middle school

That's a rickety statement. You're argument is basically saying make the math education even worse that it is today. People don't have enough imagination to connect 'abstract' high school math to real world problems. Here are two specific examples I think mathematics is important for reasons that are not just calculus.

For one, I believe everyone should be educated in statistics. Without statistics, you don't understand how to draw conclusions about data. You're completely blind in the modern world when people are presenting conclusions to you. How do you expect to make decisions based on data when you don't know how to interpret the data? You cannot do statistics without the mathematics.

Secondly, programming is one of the most important skills of the modern age and there is a certain level of mathematical reasoning required to be good at it (like counting, using logic etc.) To boot, you don't do statistics in the real world without programming.

The guy in the video reiterates that we're not taught how the economy or finance works in high school. The only way that's possible is if you learn the mathematics. So that would mean learning more math sooner. You don't necessarily need Calculus for the absolute basics for getting your feet wet but you need to know how to solve intersection lines and how linear transformations affect curves.

Then there's the fact that if you ever end up wanting to pursue something requiring mathematics, you're completely fucked. At least if you see it in high school, you'll have some knowledge stored somewhere in your head.

It's funny that STEM types will defend quadratics as "absolutely neccesary" while advocating the scrapping of everything else while arts types will defend Shakespeare as "absolutely necessary" while showing disdain for STEM. in short everyone is biased as fuck towards their own interests. This guy is not merely attacking STEM he is saying that life skills would be more useful. Therefore he is actually the one unbiased guy in this discussion.

millions of people don't know shit about statistics and do just fine. I've met so many people who can't even turn raw data into a percentage.
Programming is taught in school now
>The guy in the video reiterates that we're not taught how the economy or finance works in high school. The only way that's possible is if you learn the mathematics

True but right now kids are just taught the maths. To this day I still don't know much about mortgages and pensions. All I was taught was "1+1", nothing on how that could be applied to my daily life

>You're argument is basically saying make the math education even worse that it is today.
Then how about introducing a replacement which covers different topics, something like a discrete math(*) in CS? You could then take a regular calculus preparatory math, the replacement course, both, or at least one.

>For one, I believe everyone should be educated in statistics
I also believe statistics is important, but how about separating it from the regular course? Requirements for high school statistics is middle school math anyway.

>The only way that's possible is if you learn the mathematics
It can be taught with middle school math.

>Then there's the fact that if you ever end up wanting to pursue something requiring mathematics, you're completely fucked. At least if you see it in high school, you'll have some knowledge stored somewhere in your head.
People who don't go to technical high schools in Europe or don't take AP in US are shit engineers anyway.

(*) by that I mean cherry picked, generally useful topics from math.

>millions of people don't know shit about statistics and do just fine

Humans have spent most of their history not knowing statistics and they were fine too. You can get by flipping burgers for the rest of your life or becoming a farmer. This has nothing to do with just getting by. Would you rather a population of competent people who know how to make informed decisions? Especially in a world dominated by computers and data? Or would you rather a population of people who make decisions based on their useless intuitions and are easily influenced by campaigns that use statistics designed to make the data fit a certain conclusion (or even outright display the results in a way that hints an incorrect conclusion.) Educated people in statistics could see through this.

For example, look at climate change. If everyone was educated in statistics and looked at the data, there would be next to no debate. A side would chosen.

>Programming is taught in school now

That's a good point... I guess. Not at my high school.

>True but right now kids are just taught the maths

A lot about math needs to change. See why STEM people are screaming about its current state?

>nothing on how that could be applied to my daily life

You expect to gain any insight on how to go about daily life anywhere? The truth is, whether you are a mathematician or flipping burgers, you do virtually the same thing in daily. In your daily life you sit around and jerk off all day until you have to do your job.

I'm not sure what your stance is on my points. It sounds like you agree with me and the points you're saying are exactly what I'm hinting at. Is that correct?

You went to a shit school then. I learned pretty much ecerything the fag in the video is crying about in gradeschool.

They probably tried to teach it to him, and he was too busy fucking off on his phone.

I remember going over how mortgages work in 3 different classes throughout middle and highschool.

>Would you rather a population of competent people who know how to make informed decisions? Especially in a world dominated by computers and data? Or would you rather a population of people who make decisions based on their useless intuitions and are easily influenced by campaigns that use statistics designed to make the data fit a certain conclusion (or even outright display the results in a way that hints an incorrect conclusion.)

The ruling class doesn't want an educated populace. They want obedient workers. People who are just smart enough to run the machines, but aren't able to put together the prices of how they're getting fucked in the ass year after year by a government that threw them under the bus 50 years ago.

Where are you from?

Canada. To make things worse, I'm from a mining town way up north (if you look on a map, not really I guess but there're no other developed regions further north) in Canada where the education is complete shit compared to most Canadian high schools. So I've received the blunt end of modern day education.

apparently he didn't take US history, economics, US government, or Health in his high school. i think he's just a retard making excuses.

Yeah, tell that to the user believing every school in their first class country passes Standards of Learning.
I still remember the one time when my teacher had read out loud the requirements for one of our classes and we all had a laugh about the unreasonable overestimated expectations impossible to fulfill in the given time frame.

I'm just exploring the idea of making math not complementary. I'm not 100% sure on it though.

btw. the google captcha has just asked me to select images with a house in them, and in one of them there's MY FUCKING HOUSE.

>I know where you live
You had better not be a fucking robot

One of the old two-word captchas I got was my last name (it's not a common name). Freaked me out.

I simply disagree with you on that one. I think core Mathematics is important for the topics surrounding them. They could just be taught a lot better. Applied math topics seems to me would be good motivation for people and as well would provide learning in other areas of life as well.

I do see your point though. One could imagine the applied math topics being mandatory with core math courses being required if you choose a STEM stream or something like that.

These sort of people who think they have some genius idea about not going to school are always idiots. Their reasoning never makes sense and intelligent, respectable people always shit on them in awe of how someone could think something so dumb. All of his reasoning is silly. You need to learn how to vote? You need to learn how to pay your taxes? If you need your hand held for something like that, then just give up now. Life is way harder than that.

Also, all of things he's talking about like taking care of your health, accounting etc, we actually were taught in high school for the most part. He's just trying to make an issue that doesn't exist.

Knowing how to pay taxes, vote, and take care of your health are all debilitating problems of the 21st century. The amount of knowledge required successfully pull of these problems is insane. Education only makes it harder to deal with these problems.

>people who think they have some genius idea about not going to school are always idiots
You are taking it to literally.

>You need to learn how to vote?
I think by "how to vote" he meant "who to pick". It's common even among educated people to have little political awareness. Heck, electorate often votes for people that have different interests from their own. Learning about political options different from your own (or what you think is yours), their values and everything that stems from them is something everyone should go through.

>Knowing how to pay taxes, vote, and take care of your health are all debilitating problems of the 21st century.

but all of that is taught to the extent necessary. Just because people are taught this shit doesn't mean they'll listen to it. Fat, unhealthy people know why they're fat and unhealthy. Once again, you're not making any sense.

>I think by "how to vote" he meant "who to pick

So.. you want schools to tell you who to vote for? You're not making any sense.

>Learning about political options different from your own (or what you think is yours), their values and everything that stems from them is something everyone should go through.

Do you expect high schools do go over these things for the possible current presidential nominees? They can't even vote yet. We do learn about the differences in political parties in school, so what could your point possibly be?

You just say things that make no sense.

So, take a political science class. At school. Problem solved!

>but all of that is taught to the extent necessary. Just because people are taught this shit doesn't mean they'll listen to it. Fat, unhealthy people know why they're fat and unhealthy. Once again, you're not making any sense.

Read into sarcasm a bit bud

Absolutely every single point this person makes is valid.
We're in dire need of estabilishment of democratic educational system based on choice and necessity.

>Knowing how to pay taxes, vote, and take care of your health are all debilitating problems of the 21st century
That's just absurd.

>The amount of knowledge required successfully pull of these problems is insane.
Nope, not even close.
You don't need to know shit to pay taxes. Even if you do your own 1040, it's really not that hard,
Just go to school, learn to read, write and do basic math.
Knowing HOW to vote is easy, and besides, they change the method every few years anyway.
But if you can't tell how to cast a vote, you're retarded.
Caring for your health is mostly common sense, and the ability to recognize your own wishful thinking.
"Gee, I can eat some particular food, and I'll lose weight?"

>Education only makes it harder to deal with these problems.
Just learn to read, then how to Google.
School can't help you much with critical thinking, but it can sure give you the simple tools to do the most with what you've got.

>Read into sarcasm a bit bud law
You can't assume everybody automatically knows you're just pretending to be retarded.

Lmao, learn to sarcasm

Or I could just not give a fuck

>Lmao, learn to sarcasm

Exterminating people like you.

>i was just pretending

Man, fucking grownups never taught me how to do my taxes.
They didn't tell me how fucked I'd be when I dropped out of high school either.

The part that rubs me raw is how he seems to think they're mutually exclusive. The quadratic equation is really basic, yet he makes it sound like it's something difficult. He says you shouldn't learn math because you have a calculator, but what good is a damned calculator if you don't know how to apply the equation?

Yeah, teach kids how to budget and all of that good shit. Fuck, we had an entire elective dedicated to that at my highschool. But god dammit that doesn't mean you should just gut the curriculum altogether.

Are there calculators which factor polynomials? Do you tell it what field you're in and shit?

>Are there calculators which factor polynomials?
Wouldn't surprise me honestly, considering a phone with wolfram pretty much fills that niche.

I guess there are.
I mean you can do it in any calculation software, so how would a calculator be much different?

well they didn't teach me that shit either, or none else I know
still we have a job, go to uni and have a good "normal" life

nowadays you can google everything you don't know anyways

I don't know how it's in the US or wherever this guy lives in tho

Well, you could learn all of that yourself if you wanted to. What is preventing you? Does he imply that there is so much material in school that you can not learn about life at the same time?
I do not know about Americans, but here in Germany you can easily leave school after 9th class and become a Mechanic or Electrician.

Seems like some butthurt retard who fell on his face and now has to blame someone for providing him with general knowledge and not teaching him specifics he should have figured out himself.

The real issue that everyone complains about is the fact liberals have fucking ruined the education system
Like everything they touch

All the problems anyone ever complains about, started as liberal progressive agendas

In republican systems they have like vouchers to go to private schools, thats probably the only way to bandage things in these left wing times

I guess they also didn't teach him that he's white, not black.

Nice hair, faggot

The worst part is all these liberal politicians are sending their kids to conservative private schools. I don't understand what the end game of leftism is. Making the world shittier so your own kids have an easier time?

He's probably right, as morbid as it may be.

Most people are just way too fucking stupid and dumb to be in any academic setting whatsoever. If you've ever been to any public school that takes in kids at random, it really shows. Contrary to popular belief, we are not all equal. People are different as fuck - that's just a fact and there's nothing inherently wrong about it.

The best course of action is to just let them fuck off and do whatever they like rather than try putting round pegs in square holes. This is why teaching (in a public school) as a job sucks - because you'll be banging your head everyday trying to do just that. And because of that, not many good people head into teaching, which just furthers the cycle.

Schools should only really be taking in kids who really want to be there in the first place. That'll guarantee that the teachers actually get some level of respect and makes the entire learning process go much smoother. And I'm sure there are many great people who would want to consider becoming actual good teachers if they could select their own apprentices / pupils or whatever.

Sure, everyone needs some level of education, but going as far as to say that EVERYONE needs to go to college to get at least a bachelors is just fucking stupid.

>b-but what about the kids
>don't you want them to be educated, you monster!!?!?

As the old saying goes: You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.

He looks like a girl

It sucks, but the only viable option America has to maintain its status as a global force is to be able to maintain a population with at least a minimal standard of education. With the growing mechanization of the labor and manufacturing industries (that is to say, the very small portion that hasn't been outsourced yet), it is necessary that we have a well educated populace.

We can't have millions of people who can only work in the labor and manufacturing markets because their parents didn't instill within them the desire to learn.

This is stupid. I don't know where this retard is from, but where I live, laws and rights are covered in social theory classes. The rest is basic knowledge and common sense. Also, why do so many people miss the point of school education? It's not the information you are given that's most important. it's skills and tools. Math courses teach you basic logic and problem solving skills, while most of the rest gives you some semblance of background knowledge and ability to do your own damn research. That's it. This should be enough for any functioning human.
But you're free to drop out, by all means. I could use some more breathing space in the job market.

>Also, why do so many people miss the point of school education? It's not the information you are given that's most important. it's skills and tools.
Agree, but I spent a lot of goddamn time memorizing state history that I could have used to learn Calculus 4 years earlier, so there are diversions from this. And I completely agree that math & problem-solving covers the majority of shit he whined about like taxes. Also that writing assignments teach you to find information on your own.

>it's skills and tools

Nobody with a bachelor has skills or tools. They have have a negative net worth with nothing of value to sell to other people except a glorified piece of laminated toilet paper.

The required minimal standard of education in a society with decreasing labor and manufacturing industries will only rise over time.

Meanwhile, the populace as a whole is just getting more and more dumb.

They'll just pass each other by if they haven't already. Its double the futility.

The only way to reverse this is to change the culture. People have tried time and time again to make education seem cool, but it always just falls flat on its face every time. American society and education mix like oil and water - its pretty obvious by now. For every person functioning above the required level, there are a handful of people that just simply don't.

Your typical American simply doesn't give a fuck about books. And as much as people want this to change, it just doesn't seem feasible in the foreseeable future.

Maybe its time to start bringing all the manufacturing jobs back and giving these people something they can actually hope to accomplish.

Sure, everyone needs some level of education, but going as far as to say that EVERYONE needs to go to college to get at least a bachelors is just fucking stupid.
He's clearly not talking about college. I am a supporter of the idea that many people would be better off taking a few years to figure out what they want from college before attending.

>As the old saying goes: You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.
This is fucking stupid. I was a whiny lazy bitch as a child, and on my own would have dropped out, but continued to be a top performer in classes from elementary to college. Nothing is a perfect solution for everyone, but you still TRY to get people educated, because lack of motivation has nothing to do with capabilities. You'd be losing a shitload of the "good" students along with the "bad" from such a naive strategy.

People should only be taught up to what they can grasped and should otherwise be introduced into the workforce or form families. We don't need any quotas or firm insistences on what that should resemble. Rank mby merit and rear accordingly.

School can't teach you everything in a finite amount of time. They focus on what kids absolutely need to function in the world. Some people can argue on what that is but schooling is just basics of math, english, science, and history.

wasn't bush the one who eplemented the retarded "no child left behind" shit? not just liberals boyo


And capabilities have nothing to do with motivation either.

Sure, the kids a genius, but if his passion is in flying kites or whatever, what are you gonna do? Lock him in a cage and make him prove P = NP?

The best we can do is present to him the option and let him decide what to do with himself. Schools do this all the time.

But no matter what we try to do, we cannot motivate him unless he agrees to motivate himself.

We already lose tons of smart people from this, and it will remain invariant in any type of system really.

education is gr8 but the American public education system is a total mess.

>Sure, the kids a genius, but if his passion is in flying kites or whatever, what are you gonna do? Lock him in a cage and make him prove P = NP?
This isn't really the same on giving up on teaching him to math and logic, which will probably be useful in his hobby of flying kites regardless.

>The best we can do is present to him the option and let him decide what to do with himself. Schools do this all the time.
I don't know what your experience is, but in Merica I was never presented with meaningful decisions until College.

>We already lose tons of smart people from this, and it will remain invariant in any type of system really.
I do agree with this. I just disagree with the earlier suggestion to give up so early. I'm not exactly recommending to beat your kids when they don't go to school, but if shit isn't working out try a different system before giving up.

I learned a majority of those things.
Id have to rewatch the video and go point by point to give a list.
But all the finances, taxes, securities, mortgages and loans, how the government works, health and preventable diseases. Those are all things I not only learned, but was taught multiple times.

I went to a median budget public school, I can assure you the children who complain about most of these things just didn't pay attention cause "it was boring.

I remember there was a girl in my personal finance class that would always talk about how boring and pointless the class was, and then later on I saw her talking about how school never taught her about taxes or how to budget a checkbook (they actually gave us a practice checkbook and a bunch of finances and expenses and had us balance it at one point).

I do agree about law and the curriculum of mathematics. But half of this video is just anti-intellectualism from a dork.

Oh also when they complain about "they never taught me how to get a job" we spent a whole month learning about how to apply, how to interview, and where to look for a job.

> So.. you want schools to tell you who to vote for? You're not making any sense.
No, you misread that or did not read on. Replace "who to pick" with "how to know who to pick so your choices reflect your interests. As written after what you quoted, even educated people lack political awareness.

> Do you expect high schools do go over these things for the possible current presidential nominees?
Is the only election you can participate in the election of the president? Think communal. The presidential election is not every year, but that does not mean it's pointless to talk about it in a year you cannot vote. Whether you are not meeting the age requirement yet or there is no election taking place is an irrelevant distinction unless you mean to say high schoolers are too intellectually underdeveloped to be taught about that.

> Just because people are taught this shit doesn't mean they'll listen to it.
Just because they are taught how to math / get a job / whatever doesn't mean they'll listen to it. But some do. What was your point?

I cannot imagine most people outside STEM use Wolfram. I have never heard of it outside STEM fields, at least. Knowing how to calculate stuff on your own ties in with understanding the meaning of terms and how to simplify them. I have gone to school with people who could not apply the commutation law and things like that.

I had almost all of that shit in high school, and all of it was available in college.

wtf? 10%? Do you have a memory disorder?

Retarded autists can't tell obvious sarcasm, think that sarcasm has anything to do with "pretending." Sarcasm =/= pretending to be retarded, retards.