I found a coin that is guaranteed to be the next ETH/NEO and it's at rock-bottom price

I found a coin that is guaranteed to be the next ETH/NEO and it's at rock-bottom price.

I'll reveal the coin but first you must dedicate your life and soul to the Holy Trinity. Come now, redeem yourself of past transgressions and join the light. God will reward you in kind.

Pledge your allegiance to Christ and await the revelation.

KYS faggot


Fortuna, right?

hey man. please tell me what it is. im suffering really bad depression, and i need enough money to move out of my house, as my parents are very abusive. I have a few nice investments, but if the coin you found is as good as you say, I'd be honored to look into it. Thanks man.


>Pledging allegiance to Christ for money
Early Christ investors is where is at


You have been corrupted by the devil. Such hatred in you.


Not a pledge. You suffer because you abandoned God.

You heard OP, pledge your allegiance to Jesus, accept Christ as your only saviour first.

OP said Holy Trinity as a clue, user. Fine, I will hold your hand and walk you through it user: the coin is TNC (TRINITY network chain). The one coin that will let NEO realize it's the Chosen One.

Donate TNC: AatnhaiNay39njrncMzsy3ZtRvggosLzWd

HPB we already know you're late to the game

how did u know? and if i accept god, will i be happy?

Matrix AI.

I thought the whole point of christianity was that it's all about securing a good afterlife making material wealth and possessions in this life irrelevant.

this is not the way to go preaching the gospel.

you don't convert people by enticing them with promises of future monetary gains.

you are a wolf in sheep clothings

What do I win OP?

This. Never involve the word of God with scamming

Thanks just dedicated 100k

I only pledge my alliegence to this man

I will tell them for free.

It is BBN

It’s unironically this