What exactly are tariffs, and how well do they work? Are they a thing of the past or are they viable in today's economic system?
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They always worked until 1913 when the FED started taxing YOU instead of other countries. There's a reason why all media outlets, pundits, and political whatever's agree not to do this: Because it's a fucking awesome idea.
Trump isn't arbitrarily applying tariffs to these countries, he's doing it RECIPROCALLY. In other words, he's only holding up a mirror and applying whatever tariff is being applied to us.
Yes it's great we get to import cheap shit, but it's totally fucked that we don't get to sell anyone OUR shit, because EVERYONE TAXES THE FUCK OUT OF THE UNITED STATES.
Trump's putting an end to that shit. He's a fucking beast. Greatest president ever.
Tariff is a tax on imports. That's right: a tax on US. We will pay it. In theory, it might strengthen the corresponding domestic industry (at the expense of everyone else, of course).
However, mark my motherfucking words: there will be no tariff that will upset either China or especially Russia. He is utterly owned by Russia and partially owned by China. If there is a tariff, it will be placed on products primarily imported from our democratic allies in order to strengthen China/Russia and weaken us.
You can take that shit to the bank, motherfuckers.
>He is utterly owned by Russia and partially owned by China.
Go back to r/politics you stupid faggot. It's literally the only place you can go and be that dumb and not get called on it.
retard comparing world economy today to economy of 1913.
>>>Trump's putting an end to that shit. He's a fucking beast. Greatest president ever.
clue why retard user would compare world economy today to economy of 1913. Even GOP are not that stupid. Spit out Trump's cock user and you will find the economic landscape today would destroy amerifats if trump is allowed to pullsthis shit
Fuck trump, he said he wouldn't impose tariffs on Australian steel, then the cunt went and did it.
please fuck off lmao
These are the people giving advice on Veeky Forums
Does Australia have tariffs?
I'm starting to think the elites are actually playing 3d chess, i'm guessing it's another society that is using Trump as a catalyst of *oh noess we lost our hold on polotics and notin we can do xd* and he's just single handedly destroying everything.
We abandoned tariffs for a reason and that reason is still valid. As a whole the economy is stronger with free trade. At least that's the consensus of mainstream economists.
However, the problem is that the benefits of free trade are concentrated mostly on the wealthy, and the costs borne mostly by the working class. It is true that the gains are bigger than the costs in total but it is not shared evenly.
So logically the best course of action is to redistribute some of these gains to the working class through social programs, and some of the costs to the wealthy. But since social programs seem to be unthinkable in the US the worse alternative of tarriffs has suddenly reappeared.
It's unaashamed populism, just like the democratic movement to increase tax on corporations. There's absolutely no economic logic to it, it just appeals to the uneducated to win votes.
you either believe in free trade and capitalism or you believe in protectionism and govt manipulation, as if they don't have their hands into enough shit. Corrupt trump looking for a way to serve his kremlin masters is pushing us to communism
>Le free trade meme
Never works because the first person to impose protectionism gets an advantage
Ameriburgers are getting rammed up the ass with foreign tariffs and outsourcing of their jobs while receiving nothing in return except "cheap" low-quality products that they can't afford because there's increasingly fewer ways to make money.
Your tinfoil hat needs to be loosened up a bit
>Never works because the first person to impose protectionism gets an advantage
Nope. There is just no benefit overall to tax your citizens to import stuff from overseas.
Hahahaha. Wtf Trump is a Rice Russian now. Im now with her
Waiting for tariff on Chinese imports. Not gonna happen. Have fun with your Russian brainwashing. By the way, meet your new God.
except it does work, it is working and it's been great for the economy. just the top end of the economy, not the whole economy.
The most idiotic post of the day by far.
Must be fun to have an the intelligence of a literal monkey at best.
Chink troll bots are out today
>Trump announces tariffs on Friday
>Dow Jones opens Monday with the largest single day gains in weeks
What did the economy mean by this?
Honestly jeff sessions is the worst attorney general in history...
Actually, yep. Having corporations move their facilities in-country to bypass tarriffs has always been beneficial, but feel free to explain how Joe Sixpack in small-town Iowa benefits from losing his manufacturing job in favor of 4 slave Chinks all so he can get his Purina dog food for 75 cents less.
I'll give you a hint user, they speak Russian. And they're Russian. It's Russia, trumptards are turbo retarded
imagine thinking that man is actually your friend. Be sure to kys when Trump wins again in 2020
Yes they are. Galactic levels of stupid.
honestly Im not sure why everyone on this board is convinced they are intelligent when most people can't even comprehend the concept of tariffs and think critically about it. If this board is right about one thing its that most people here are autistic and we arent talking about prodigious autism. These stupid motherfuckers are still buying into the trump meme! lol like he will ever do anything to benefit you internet losers who cant hold a conversation with a dog in real life
>being this dumb
Well was making some convincing points but when you put it like that... just wtf... I fucking hate blomp now
Back to Moscow faggot. Your orange cheeto-lord is about to be liquidated.
Imagine being duped by the most obvious con-man in history.
go back to redddit fag
They're taxes on imported goods to be paid at the port of entry.
So Canada shipping cheap (subsidized by the state) steal into the country to undercut american companies would be met with a tariff to bring the price back up to normal value.
The point seems to be to threaten to crash the plane with no survivors in the beginning talks of renegotiating NAFTA. Essentially telling Canada and others to fuck off with their unfair trading practices that give them the upper hand in these trade deals.
>Joe Sixpack in small-town Iowa benefits from losing his manufacturing job in favor of 4 slave Chinks all so he can get his Purina dog food for 75 cents less
Did you notice how I said "overall". Everyone getting Purina dog food for 75c less is more important than his job.
I'm wondering if the tariff on steel imports might increase business and thus revenue for domestic companies that recycle steel?
I was thinking of this as a possibility and how it'd be an interesting way that, planned or unplanned, Trump encourages environmentally positive fhange domestically, but at a cost (as expenses for companies relying on steel have to pay more either way).
I'm well aware of that agitprop. Not sure what the point is. You're saying Russia tried to *hurt* Trump? JFC. Please read, but if not, TDLR: "Trump is on the Russian payroll" --Paul Ryan and other GOP congressman who didn't know they were being recorded.
>People that still think Mueller has anything LOL
SJW alert, get the fuck out of here beta
Just read it faggot.
spot on user. Trump has talked about this for years. He won't actually put them into place, it's all a bargaining tool. China has already said..
>we don't want trade war with US
>Will negotiate
Trump wins again
Triggered. Sure, all his buddies are getting arrested and pleading Guilty. "Nothing there". kys
Really man this whole Russia thing is getting sad.
imagine thinking he has anything on trump lol
>fuckin SJW beta males
Trump has beaten you at every turn
>MUHHH Russia
Mueller has shit, you're a fucking idiot if you think otherwise
>Trump 2020, 300+ electoral votes
>democrat party set back a decade
but yeah, keep resisting, it's working so well
Anyone else starting to get the feeling that "politics" are just one big smoke screen? Just one big horse and pony show to keep people distracted while the real shit goes on behind the curtain. There's no way an intelligent society could have let the US government get to this point.
Paul Ryan admitted the transcript was real (after they told him they had audio). You lose again.
Just shut up and read it faggot.
Nobody cares about that faggot or your pathetic politics fuck off
LOL first of all, no one has been arrested. There has been indictments of non US Russian citizens to cover for the fact they have nothing on anyone. Dude the fisa court docs show the Obama admin spied on trump and still has nothing. fucking loser
And 5 Guilty pleas. By the way, this is just how the homes took down Gotti. You'll learn eventually.
>he doesn't realize trump "fucked" his buddies royally, his buddies that he never knew before the election that were only trying to use trump for their own personal gain
Just read it.
You're not very good with Google. Manafort and Trump knew each other in the 80's. You're making this too easy, faggot. Read the WaPo transcript and get back to then.
you first
Tariffs are just ways for the government to control the economy, to pick winners and losers.
They're fine if you're a communist that want the government to control the economy, they're shit if you are a free market capitalist.
>Washington Post
>Vanity Fair
the absolute state of soy
>There's no way an intelligent society could have let the US government get to this point.
Brainwashing by subverted "neutral" institutions and beacons of authority - education/academia, all forms of old media from newsprint to television, "open" social media platforms, Netflix, a good chunk of new western video games... YouTube is home to the most absurd forms of expression, but Alex Jones and InfoWars get excluded when literally almost anything else is fine...
Marxists certainly fucked up the system after they became it. They are not the first lot to do so, nor will they be the last.
>>Washington Post
Again, Paul Ryan confirmed the WaPo trasncript dipshit. Hiding from reality is your only argument. Good luck with that.
Tax burden is based on elasticity not who you explicitly tax. WTO rules existed for quite sometime. Please dont post on a Finance board every again.
No they dont.
Only Large open economies CAN benefit (USA EU China). But they still dont because Grim Trigger Strategy.
nobody cares. Stay mad faggot
I don't understand why Putin didn't just send the whole Russian army in sombreros and have them pick cucumbers before voting. Then you'd be sucking them off like you were dying of thirst and needed Russian cum to survive.
this is an anonymous forum user, its okay to admit youre a dumb burger thats been duped by russian propaganda
Avoidance. No argument.
Not trying to argue just agitate. Literally could not care less
My fellow burgers are frighteningly stupid. Apologies.
You simply do not understand the magnitude of losing manufacturing, it affects all levels of supply and stifles cash flow. The only group it really benefits is international corporations and the politicians that took lobbying kickbacks (aka bribes) in order to facilitate said corporations.
I'm not agitated in the slightest. Faggot.
Thanks for the (you)s sweetie
it doesnt help you guys to be in denial, like, even if mueller ends up not doing shit (usa is corrupt sham afterall), im not sure what trumpfags have to gain by purposely staying out of the loop
You are delusional as all fuck, there is literally nothing, present a shred of evidence that is not hearsay or rumor
Alright I have only like 5 minutes but Ill try to write out a quick econsplainer.
So firstly and foremost Many people trump including trump don't know what a trade deficit is. It is not inherriantly bad. It is just the money spent on foreign goods by a population minus good exported in a period of time. Now "importing=bad" and "exporting=good" is a weird baseless assumption. But it is actually just a Saving equation. First the only trade balance that truly matters is total not individual. For example no matter how much you save or spend a month you have a trade deficit with your grocery store. You are not "losing money" you should continue eating, but even if you as an indivual have an insane saving rate you have a trade deficit with everyone except your employer. Now if a company in China sells steal to USA that means they at least want to buy something from someone who wants to buy something from USA in some convulated manner, or else they would literally just be giving you free steel. Which is cool I guess, but all that really is different is the time period of spending.
Now is protectionism good? Short answer: no.
Long answer it's possible. A large economy can actually shift the price such that the decrease in US demand from the tariff actually lowers the world price thus exporters are paying some of it. As a result The increase in price for Americans is less than the US government tariff revenue benefit the US. However this still sucks because the money is to government not you. It also benefits shit local firms who can now produce at local prices in this industry at the expense of better more useful internationally industry hurting your ability to export already. And this can not even hold with DWL or highly inelastic demand etc. Aditionally it falls flat when you consider the Grim Trigger strategy. That is if you stop cooperating with other countries they will resort to nash equilibrium fucking you back on trade.
this really. I'm glad I got smartphone tech support from a guy in india even though I cant afford the new phone.
theres infinitely more on the table than what ameritards/russians were crying about hilary for KEK
or do you guys only think about her when its convenient. i guess trumpfags really dont care about being hypocrites tho
>infinitely more
>of 0 evidence
>does not compute
Tell me, do you think Mexicans should get to vote in the US and be given free gibs?
It’s pretty clear now that Russia is trying to damage the US by spreading propaganda and Trump’s kid met with Russians about spreading proganda in Trump tower, and Trump’s staff have worked explicitly for the Russians and then lied about it. It’s not a conspiracy theory when the Trump family themselves are openly leaking evidence. It doesn’t matter if you like Trump or not, his election was helped in some way by Russian interference and he has actively helped Russian interests since taking office. Maybe you enjoy Putin making fun of the US by putting out a video of Russia nuking Mar-a-Lago but at least be honest about that.
I don't understand what you mean. Did you read the transcript? Paul Ryan admitted this conversation happened. They discussed Trump and Rohrabacher being on the Kremlin payroll, among other things.
The indictments.
I did have massive keks when putin posted his new webm.
t. Jill Stein voter. Go Trump fuck America
dumb americans
stop acting like russia is a fucking boogieman, you're falling for dumb cold war tier propaganda
Its literally the only play these leftist retards have. They don't even realize how they are sinking their own party. Its pretty hilarious
wait do you actually think the GOP is a better political party
i liked trumpfags better when they were in their own box of delusion, now they're batting for literal lizardmen like mcconnel and ryan
I despise both of those guys and I also don't claim GOP
Yes, they also did this. The main goal is weakening the US from within. Trump is the largest part of that but not the only part.
Flags when? It’s not a boogie man it’s just info wars. Russia started using these tactics ages ago and they were used extensively in Ukraine. The US has probably used them to some extent too but generally we’ve had enough cultural dominance to let movies, pop music, tv etc. function as pro-American propaganda without having to hire large “troll farms.” At this point, pretending that internet shilling is not real is just willful ignorance.
Time to get off the internet you retard
>responds to an argument with ad hominem
you could try presenting your own argument instead of resorting to nigger-tier logical fallacies, brainlet
t. Brainlet
>posts slate article as proof
>wah I scared of other nationalities influencing me online pls save me gubmint
>he fell for the obvious jewish tricks
Frankly, I’m fine. It’s more of an issue of them influencing the retards who also get to vote which then lowers my quality of life.
oh hilary clinton? bad woman!!
>Slam the ham
I'm glad we finally got to the root of the problem
Good counter argument.