Fucking called it, you assholes

fucking called it, you assholes

called what? it had a run up this morning, where the fuck were you? now that it's dipping you're gonna let your meme lines take credit?


You're about a month and a half late faggot.

how many times are you going to post this exact same picture?

I posted during it-- no one believed me. I've posted 3 times that the dip would begin before Wednesday and lead into a red weekend and you fucktards just mocked it

You should really invest more into your education. "Meme lines?" Grow the fuck up.

RSI looks oversold. Get ready for a big bullrun, guys.

Let's see, I posted this 2 days ago. To warn you faghats, again this morning as a friendly reminder. And now to rub it in your fucking faces.


Senpai..when moon?

TK lines don't mean shit, stop thinking some arbitrary lines on the graph mean anything.

Same with the macd, you know why they both crossed down? because the fucking price went down. stop relying on lagging indicators.

this faggot actually did this the day after the week fucking started, cant wait to kek when it moons tomorrow and he offs himself

>he fell for the indicator jew

Probably in a few weeks, no more than 3. From here, we're probably looking at a red weekend, which will likely bleed into next week. Maybe even two.

From there, there's two estimations, first the likely one: where were going to revisit 8-9k, unless heavy support can be found at 10k.

If support can not be found, there's a good chance a snowball effect will occur and put us into a doomsday scenario: where we retreat to ~4k. Anything below should be regarded as heavily on sale.

Whatever happens, this will be the final bounce before the epic EOY moonshot, which if you can't tell will be more gradual over the months than in prior years, as surprise! Bitcoin is finally finding some resemblance of stability

Do you really think that this market already not dead? No more moon missions, no more volume, no more normies cash flooding in.

this shit will crash hard

Here's the funny thing, dipshit, about lagging indicators, you can stack them on top of each other and allow them to cross-reference each other. Yeah the MACD crosses as merely a "suggestion", whereas the ichimoku, crosses as sorts of a "confirmation", then you cross reference both of those results with the weekly volume and see how actually low it is, compared to say... the last 3 years. Therefore the whole thing fits together like a nice piece of pie waiting to be cut into.

It is at 57. What the fuck are you talking about lol

This dip could scare a lot of people. But it will never die. And there's still moon missions, they just aren't aligned with most expectations. They're more like test flights. Agreed on volume though, it's dropping rapidly. HOWEVER, with that said, I believe there is a metric fuck ton of people waiting on the sidelines for reentry, looking to 2x their initial.

Doesn't matter if you're a week late.

Riddle me this. Everyone (EVERYONE) is expecting a December bullrun. Literally everyone on biz, everyone on twitter, all the normies who googled BTC for the first time over Christmas.
So if everyone is waiting for a bullrun and crash, how is it going to happen? As soon as it starts to flag it will dump like crazy. No possibility of 20k+

What is this volume meme?

Uh, I wasn't? Called this 2 days ago, when the indicators confirmed. And warned it would happen before Wednesday. Because part of me hoped the latest bull run would last a few days. This week *was* the crucially epic week for bitcoin. And at the moment, it's bleeding.

I personally go for the magic 8 ball rather than meme lines.

Volume is a meme for BTC it changes on a dime.

When everyone starts agreeing on something, you need to start worrying.

and soitbegins
the greatest bull of all time

Just dump your bags, bro. There's will never have a december bullrun again.

How can you believe this chart? You are honestly telling me you believe, that today, right now, there is just as much volume that was present during December?

Go check CMC right now, tell me what the 24 hour volume number reads. Because it was 3x that number a few months ago.

100k EOY, screen cap this.


This so much. Everyone is expecting a moon mission in the space, so it actually makes sense for a hard dump to 4k to just mentall fuck even the hardest of generals

Shhshhshhshhshhhhhh user.
Stop being a faggot.

It's in the process of stabilizing right now lol. This year will be interesting, new ATHs will be reached EOY. But, it's going to be far more gradual than before.

>what is bitfinex wash trading?
Never said that volume was higher when BTC was in full bull mode but saying that the volume is dropping rapidly is an overstatement.

How can you say this when historically BTC has been manipulated by one entity called spoofy

the price is still above the 21 wma

if it hits 11k I'm selling

exchanges are wiping high levered longs ready for the bull run
all the big dogs know this

That's exactly my expectation of the reasoning for it.


you didn't need to say it, you tried to post a picture as "proof" of your argument. I will agree though. That was an overstatement on my part. It's not dropping rapidly. It's just showing some very weak signs.

pretty sure spoofy has multiplied by now, if that myth is real

why is the ichi confirmation? is it magical? it follows the price, they all follow the fucking price. stop thinking that 2 indicators doing the same thing means anything.

there's literally thousands of indicators out there that do the same shit as the macd, you can put any amount of MA's and watch for a cross over, it doesn't mean anything because it follows the price.

Trading based on lagging indicators will get you in late to the part, learn to trade the patter, the price action and the waves (doesnt have to be elliot) and you'll have better entries.

I feel for you, bro. You're completely deluded

>That's exactly my expectation of the reasoning for it
You're expecting a massive December dump too? Lol fuck

How can you say this when historically BTC has been manipulated by one entity called the BOG

look what i posted today. i put as much work into it as your shitty as your ta

it'll happen the same way it has always happened. people will sell at what they think is the top, it won't be, and it'll go higher. they'll think it's going to crash and wait to buy at the bottom, they'll buy, and bitcoin will push lower. it's the same as every cycle.

>makes 10 predictions and then claims to be right when ONE of the comes true.

BTW the trips just make us hate you and disbelieve you even more.

The only possible reason for using a name is for attention, which makes you a little bitch...


we are still up like almost 80% since the 6k.

Holy fuck, you're a moron. You called a drop during a spike you dipshit. Anyone with a brain took profits. Now it retraces. Such a failure, even for a tripfag.

Yep. This is what is known as a "Bear trap" kids.

lol okay, just wait and see. The worst of it hasn't even happened yet. The initial shock hasn't even set in yet.

Screenshotted to rub it in your face when you are wrong

A visible double top.
Double tops in the past didn't mean much for BTC but at that time we were in a bull market-
Right now theres' room for a retracement, most of the indicators confirm it.

$4k? I don't know, in the very short time we're trying to find support at the $10k range or at worst the 9000 range.
Don't see a catastrophic situation, at least for now.

That's BitMEX, a bad choice to look at since it used by more experienced traders (or noobs who think they are experienced and then go bankrupt)
What one should look at is GDAX, which shows volume has been slowly falling since the 6th.

>price crossed my poorly drawn and inaccurate trendline
>i knew it!

There is no dip. Take your pills, faggot.