How do I quench the spicy heat of these badboys?

How do I quench the spicy heat of these badboys?


i touched my dick after eating those.

wew. just wew.

When i first tasted these i thought they were a bit too spicy for me, but after trying them with mayo i really enjoy them. Dulls the heat and gives a great, creamy finish.

I think you have to be a nigger mexican for the heat of these bad boys to not overwhelm your superior genetics.

Had to down an entire glass a milk, mouth and fingers still hurt for like an hour

I tried once tried these on a dare from these rugged buff Chicano bros I went to community college with, and the burning sensation was like eating a literal spoonful of lava.
I tried it all
>cottage cheese
>a mug filled with Ken's Steakhouse Ranch dressing
Nothing worked.
Then this based Korean bro I knew came through with the final solution
Trust me Veeky Forums this guy was for real. He put Siracha on EVERYTHING

>a bowl of mayonnaise

Only after consuming this was the blistering heat finally quelled

I like how the doritos are wearing a party hat.

Welcome newfriend. Enjoy your stay

Jesus Christ you are retarded

First semester on board?

Please leave.

Since when is ranch spicy?

Oh I get it, you're b8ing for replies to make an epic reddit screencap.

Nice get for a crossover newfag twat

These aren't even hot. If u want hot drito I suggest you try either. Salsa, or my personal favourite: Thai chilli :)

You type like a retarded faggot so no thanks

you think that's spicy? heh nice try kid...
If you want that's really spicy, try one of these bad mother f******s
dont say I didn't warn ya...

That's it. I'm out of here. Fuck you guys and burn in Hell.

i want to get off mr bones' wild ride

Don't even think about eating this, OP. You'll have to go to the ER for a tastebudectomy.

Better watch out for this stuff. It was like a nuclear warhead's worth of heat went off in my mouth.

How so? I am not retarded and I am not a faggot.

Add extra ranch and chili powder

stay mad newfag

I tried this. It was like pouring acid down my throat.

Fuck that looks VERY SPICE! ... D: