Are there US based crypto projects?

are there US based crypto projects?

im sick of the gooks and the chinks fucking everything up

shill me some maga coins

NEBL, DRGN. Both solid projects.

Amen bro fucking gooks


Was going to say NEBL. It's the only one in the top 100 that I can think of that's worth investing in.

even if there were you should put your money in the leader



Factom is American as fuck

Bitcoin Private, the real bitcoin


This too faggot

Coin Lion and Dragonchain. All American team in America.

nano, austin texas

BAT. Privacy, freedom, and business oriented. Most american crypto


What’s your point retard? Of course they have a lordodic spine when they stick their ass out. Did you think you were smarter than everyone who likes girls asses when they poses like that because “ACKSHUALLY THEIR ASS ISNT REALLY THAT BIG ACKSHUALLY”. FUCK YOU RETARD.

Factom is the real American coin.

Sway back is the most chad posture

>t. Roastie

someone is defensive

>white knighting attention whore women you don't know on an anonymous cartoon porn imageboard
